
interviews last week for people all over country. They were the top candidates from what recruiter told me. These next 2 weeks are 2nd & 3rd choices.

GL in your journey and thanks for taking a vacation day lol dummies

And for those accepting, see you in the unemployment line 6 mos from now

interviews last week for people all over country. They were the top candidates from what recruiter told me. These next 2 weeks are 2nd & 3rd choices.

GL in your journey and thanks for taking a vacation day lol dummies

And for those accepting, see you in the unemployment line 6 mos from now

Not true at all. Geography based interviews. Other poster is right. This is just somebody who is trying to make everyone nervous.

?? people last week I met from Philly, FL, TX, GA, AL, CA, Midwest?? Where did you get your info? Nothing to do with geography? #clueless

Please read the post before you call someone clueless! I knew about FL and that there were others as well. The interviews are territory-based. I should not have said "geography-based." For example, all of TX was not interviewed last week. Some are being held in Dallas the week of August 4th. Some territory interviews will be on different weeks due to vacations, etc. but they are trying to complete a full territory at the same time. Some managers just came on board and so those interviews are delayed as well. Very much at the mamager's discretion how they hold the interviews.

Please read the post before you call someone clueless! I knew about FL and that there were others as well. The interviews are territory-based. I should not have said "geography-based." For example, all of TX was not interviewed last week. Some are being held in Dallas the week of August 4th. Some territory interviews will be on different weeks due to vacations, etc. but they are trying to complete a full territory at the same time. Some managers just came on board and so those interviews are delayed as well. Very much at the mamager's discretion how they hold the interviews.

Completely true statement. I know because I'm going through the process as well. Although, August 4th will be the last opportunity to interview.

Hey Gilead, Bayer, UT, Actelion, Novartis, Genentech managers,

Make sure you call all your reps today. See if their phones are turned off and how long it takes to respond. Also listen for airport noise. Good luck catching these turn coats.

This opportunity was intriguing, but didn't get a F2F. Good luck to those who do.

I feel the same way too. Disappointed not to be in Phoenix today. To the one poster whos relentlessly bashing this job, everyone knows youre trying to scare people away. I am sure you are not spending hours online to warn us about Intermune out of the kindness of your heart.

I feel the same way too. Disappointed not to be in Phoenix today. To the one poster whos relentlessly bashing this job, everyone knows youre trying to scare people away. I am sure you are not spending hours online to warn us about Intermune out of the kindness of your heart.

How is that new tinefoil hat you are wearing to keep the aliens up above from reading your mind? Can you say PARANOID!

I'm sure there are a few dumb fools who take anything on here with any type of seriousness but 99% of the people know ALL info on here in significantly opinion and very rarely fact. You are that .1% who take this site seriously. Congratulationsm you don't have a mind of your own.

How is that new tinefoil hat you are wearing to keep the aliens up above from reading your mind? Can you say PARANOID!

I'm sure there are a few dumb fools who take anything on here with any type of seriousness but 99% of the people know ALL info on here in significantly opinion and very rarely fact. You are that .1% who take this site seriously. Congratulationsm you don't have a mind of your own.

Always love it when idiots on here call people dumb yet cannot formulate a coherent sentence, can't spell and make up words. Congratulationsm on your scathing post, I'm sure you were on top of ITMN's list

You're the one taking the time to reply the "dumb" person's post on this useless and trashy site but yet you call him dumb?

The difference between you and I is I realize I am wasting my time and you really tried to get your thought across and saw it as a good thing to do.

I got my offer. I think whether they ok, good, great, all depends on what you make currently.
Mine great.
I was pretty high base so I got about 10k increase. Actually about 20K increase because I said I made 10K higher than what I actually do. Gotta look out for myself.
Im ready to roll. 1,000 RSUs ok not great. 2,000 options.
New Volvo.
Let's do this!

I got my offer. I think whether they ok, good, great, all depends on what you make currently.
Mine great.
I was pretty high base so I got about 10k increase. Actually about 20K increase because I said I made 10K higher than what I actually do. Gotta look out for myself.
Im ready to roll. 1,000 RSUs ok not great. 2,000 options.
New Volvo.
Let's do this!

Your post is BS. That is not the stock package. Also cars have not been selected. Nice try.

I got my offer. I think whether they ok, good, great, all depends on what you make currently.
Mine great.
I was pretty high base so I got about 10k increase. Actually about 20K increase because I said I made 10K higher than what I actually do. Gotta look out for myself.
Im ready to roll. 1,000 RSUs ok not great. 2,000 options.
New Volvo.
Let's do this!

Yes!! Complete B.S.!!