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incompetent hospital brilinta sales reps


What an eye opening bad experience it has been since joining the efforts of promoting Brilinta. The sales teams lack any effort to communicate with one another other than to pretend the are doing so. Everyone's phone is ether turned off or when you call it ALWAYS goes into voice mail. The clueless sales reps have no idea what they are doing other than running around trying to look busy while trying to get into the cath lab. I had no idea things were this dysfunctional but seeing is certainly believing.

What an eye opening bad experience it has been since joining the efforts of promoting Brilinta. The sales teams lack any effort to communicate with one another other than to pretend the are doing so. Everyone's phone is ether turned off or when you call it ALWAYS goes into voice mail. The clueless sales reps have no idea what they are doing other than running around trying to look busy while trying to get into the cath lab. I had no idea things were this dysfunctional but seeing is certainly believing.

Ah, welcome grasshopper. I too really was in total shock over the lack of functionality at AZ. Are you enjoying training and being able to message effectively rather than think? Pretty soon all the wonderful things that you loved about "sales" will be out the window. Be very careful here. Teammates are the biggest backstabbers you will ever meet in your life and management is no better. The three day FVs a month are ball busters or tit crushers and you better be on brand strategy the entire time. Does not matter what you know, what you think, what objection the doctor has, who cares about the patient; you JUST DELIVERY THAT BRAND MESSAGE AND CLOSE!!! That is how it rolls here and why everyone is so miserable. Oh, and the cathlab thing. I have found that two of my team have "partnered up" and cut me right out of the picture. They make appointments a year in advance so that I cannot get in anywhere. Why, you ask? I have no idea why they cut me out, probably cause I am last to the group but the labs only want one AZ rep in every six weeks. I understand that. The clinics are closed with no samples. I am completely screwed and have never in my entire career been this unhappy with a position. I had some of my old team join here and they warned me to NOT come to AZ. I thought, "How bad could it be?" I had no fucking idea it would be the most stressful, meaningless, micromanaged job of my life and this does not count the horrible IT dept, the hours of B.S reports, the metrics and the TCs/meetings that go nowhere. God help you my friend as he is the only one that is going to hear you cry in your beer on this one. You will soon realize as I did, coming here was the worst career move of my entire life.

Ah, welcome grasshopper. I too really was in total shock over the lack of functionality at AZ. Are you enjoying training and being able to message effectively rather than think? Pretty soon all the wonderful things that you loved about "sales" will be out the window. Be very careful here. Teammates are the biggest backstabbers you will ever meet in your life and management is no better. The three day FVs a month are ball busters or tit crushers and you better be on brand strategy the entire time. Does not matter what you know, what you think, what objection the doctor has, who cares about the patient; you JUST DELIVERY THAT BRAND MESSAGE AND CLOSE!!! That is how it rolls here and why everyone is so miserable. Oh, and the cathlab thing. I have found that two of my team have "partnered up" and cut me right out of the picture. They make appointments a year in advance so that I cannot get in anywhere. Why, you ask? I have no idea why they cut me out, probably cause I am last to the group but the labs only want one AZ rep in every six weeks. I understand that. The clinics are closed with no samples. I am completely screwed and have never in my entire career been this unhappy with a position. I had some of my old team join here and they warned me to NOT come to AZ. I thought, "How bad could it be?" I had no fucking idea it would be the most stressful, meaningless, micromanaged job of my life and this does not count the horrible IT dept, the hours of B.S reports, the metrics and the TCs/meetings that go nowhere. God help you my friend as he is the only one that is going to hear you cry in your beer on this one. You will soon realize as I did, coming here was the worst career move of my entire life.

Look at it as collecting a nice paycheck while spending your time looking for another job like the rest of us. Management here is either so ignorant or totally doesn't give a shit, because you can get away with this for a long time without any repercussions. Just fake it until you find something else.

Look at it as collecting a nice paycheck while spending your time looking for another job like the rest of us. Management here is either so ignorant or totally doesn't give a shit, because you can get away with this for a long time without any repercussions. Just fake it until you find something else.
As of the 3 day FVs, do what I do and challeng your DSM or RD to take a call each day while you get a chance to observe what good looks like. As soon as I started doing this my manager arrives for lunch on day one and a long business conference and then departs for a conference call. Day 2 starts with a long breakfast and more business bullshit then a few calls and a long lunch followed by business calls on her cell phone and a early check out around 3:00 P.M. Day 3 if it happens at all, is a recap of days one and two an early lunch and off she goes headed for the next poor soul, or home. Remember that everyone, including your boss, is faking it here.

As of the 3 day FVs, do what I do and challeng your DSM or RD to take a call each day while you get a chance to observe what good looks like. As soon as I started doing this my manager arrives for lunch on day one and a long business conference and then departs for a conference call. Day 2 starts with a long breakfast and more business bullshit then a few calls and a long lunch followed by business calls on her cell phone and a early check out around 3:00 P.M. Day 3 if it happens at all, is a recap of days one and two an early lunch and off she goes headed for the next poor soul, or home. Remember that everyone, including your boss, is faking it here.

Been there, done that and my manager who maybe spent one hour with me still finds a reason to give me IN on the coaching report. Really! D-Bag did not even hear one fucking thing b/c he was on the phone in the corner all day. Obviously, you have risen to "pet!"

Look at it as collecting a nice paycheck while spending your time looking for another job like the rest of us. Management here is either so ignorant or totally doesn't give a shit, because you can get away with this for a long time without any repercussions. Just fake it until you find something else.

You cannot "fake" it with an IPad. That little electronic device is tracking you everywhere and while, your manager does not get a report, I was told by higher ups that HR certainly does and looks at them. I get sitting in the lot, going through the screens like I'm making a call and then recording it. I hate doing it but with four of us, it is such overkill out there that no doc, office or dept needs to see us twice to three times a week. I actually had to take AZ off of my resume in order to get any hits. That ought to tell you what others think of this shithole.

What an eye opening bad experience it has been since joining the efforts of promoting Brilinta. The sales teams lack any effort to communicate with one another other than to pretend the are doing so. Everyone's phone is ether turned off or when you call it ALWAYS goes into voice mail. The clueless sales reps have no idea what they are doing other than running around trying to look busy while trying to get into the cath lab. I had no idea things were this dysfunctional but seeing is certainly believing.

I do not think any of these people have ever really worked as a team. Try using text messages regarding targeting and updates on docs to get your group stimulated to talk to one another. Otherwise, you will just be tripping over each other and have no clue who just saw or spoke with which HCP. It is a mess and it hurts the entire selling or messaging process and also causes customers to often close the doors to us. You cannot use email or VM for any type of customer communication. AZ is run just like a dysfunctional primary care sales structure only with no real division of responsibility between the reps. You also have to keep in mind that we are force ranked against our own. So, that creates a very nasty competitive environment where some reps who think they are God's gift are simply not going to want to share or partner with you on anything. They kiss so much ass and play the game so well that they have risen to the top of the heap and they do not need you at all. In fact, they want you to get fired or leave, especially if you might be a threat to their manager's pet status. Now, that is a fact.

There is at least one God's gift on every team all across the country. That is followed by the two work horse reps who get to be compliance champs and the help everyone else rep. They are trying to kiss enough ass to move up to God's gift! This is quickly followed by the one, and there is one, that management has chosen to get rid of next year. It is an AZ policy that one on every team has to get fired for a manager to be truly successful. It is not about grooming people for promotions. Heck no! It is all about writing up reports to get one of your own shit canned. Why else do you think there are so many openings with AZ all the time? The fun part is management likes to do surprise FVs to see which bottom feeders they can get so scared that someone will just volunteer to leave. Ah, what a fine culture it is here.

You gotta wonder how it looks to AZ IC customers to see two reps or a rep and a manager nearly everyday inside hallways, lunchrooms and tight lab spaces. Two industry people in accounts. I know most hate managers and will even say as such. I had a lab last week say that only one person could come in the lab and only once a quarter. Many are going this route. Our days are numbered under this structure. AZ knows it and they do not care. Just saying.

Hey !

I can coach you to your strengths!!

Only cannot do what you do not believe!!

Be positive we hv a great opportunity with
AZand this product just believe!!

You a-hole. Is believing going to get me access into a lab blocked by too many counterparts? Is believing going to get me fewer field rides so that I can actually have a meaningful discussion with an HCP that may not include cruising cover to cover on brand strategy, which they do not give a shit about? Is believing going to make my counterparts any less of the backstabbing two-faced ass-kissers than they already are (fake success stories included!)? How about, No!

Do you think it makes me feel positive about my job to get some 30-year old manager who has not sold in more than a decade give me a NI even though he was on the phone all day? Do think I'm positive when I come home at 6:30 pm after heavy traffic and still have 3 hours of reports and busy work? You can take this job and shove it so far up your ass that you choke on it. How's that for positive?

What an eye opening bad experience it has been since joining the efforts of promoting Brilinta. The sales teams lack any effort to communicate with one another other than to pretend the are doing so. Everyone's phone is ether turned off or when you call it ALWAYS goes into voice mail. The clueless sales reps have no idea what they are doing other than running around trying to look busy while trying to get into the cath lab. I had no idea things were this dysfunctional but seeing is certainly believing.

Have you enjoyed HR and navigating all of our zillion websites to register yourself for every dang thing? You will also love the health assessment you really do not have to take but if you don't, AZ will charge you like 500 more per year for the same crappy benefits. We are just one big happy family here. I know you feel the love already.

Dysfunctional assumes some type of interactive environment where there is a structure that is attempting or aspiring toward functionality. At AZ, it is pretty much every man or woman for himself or herself. I hope this helps provide you clarification on what to expect in the future. Choose your friends here very wisely. You will see there are clicks of all types and then the loners. The quicker you can brown nose your way into the right circle, the better life at AZ becomes.

Do not ever bring up to management how poor the team communication. It will be all your fault and just make you look bad. Everything is great. If you do not know what your counterparts are doing, you make it up. Everything at AZ is pretty much fake except your paycheck.

My favorites are the new IDs that are calling on the same buildings as me and the CVAS rep and the DSM and the RSD and the RSM and the RDMA and the NCAM and get this - they told me that they are the strategic lynch pin. I love this place

What an eye opening bad experience it has been since joining the efforts of promoting Brilinta. The sales teams lack any effort to communicate with one another other than to pretend the are doing so. Everyone's phone is ether turned off or when you call it ALWAYS goes into voice mail. The clueless sales reps have no idea what they are doing other than running around trying to look busy while trying to get into the cath lab. I had no idea things were this dysfunctional but seeing is certainly believing.

Have you had the call metric discussion yet with your boss? They expect six F2F targeted CSTP calls per day min. Yep.

My favorites are the new IDs that are calling on the same buildings as me and the CVAS rep and the DSM and the RSD and the RSM and the RDMA and the NCAM and get this - they told me that they are the strategic lynch pin. I love this place
This is what AZ does. Customers complain that there are too many AZ sales people calling on them with the same message and product. The customer's solution is to stop seeing any of us. AZ's solution is to send in a few more sales people with different titles.
Yep, that's the ticket. If they won't see six of us then maybe they will see eight.
If they insist on sending an RSD in with me then I am making them take the sales call.
If they can't then I don't need them making my job even harder.

My God, at what point does someone, anyone, realize this is insane? I have almost nowhere to go on a daily basis because our accounts do not want to see us every month let alone every week. We are all at each other's throats just to look good on the three FVs per month. It is a very special kind of torture. I have never seen any company do two and three FVs a month as the norm. Not only is this bad for morale in the field, the customers are really hacked off. Even in scrubs a manager is still another "rep" in a critical care area. Is AZ's goal to get ALL pharma and device reps thrown out? It's working!

What an eye opening bad experience it has been since joining the efforts of promoting Brilinta. The sales teams lack any effort to communicate with one another other than to pretend the are doing so. Everyone's phone is ether turned off or when you call it ALWAYS goes into voice mail. The clueless sales reps have no idea what they are doing other than running around trying to look busy while trying to get into the cath lab. I had no idea things were this dysfunctional but seeing is certainly believing.

You do realize YOU are in competition with your mates to get access and it's first come first serve. The more one rep gains control over an account the more that person will have the access and the rest will not. Why on earth would any of us call you back? AZ created this culture, you need to deal with it.

To choose the right people for a CVAS job, AZ needs to use that personality tests that asks: would you rather stab them in the back or push them off a tall building? I think that sums up the selling environment.