If your happy and you know it...

All I’m saying is that people’s salary and benefit packages are pennies in comparison to fines and the stock price and plants failing compliance codes. His focus is on sales force, products and stakeholders. At the end of the day he has to make sure Taro’s stock prices don’t fall. He does not care about backoffice drama. In his view, he addressed employee morale when he did his cosmetic renovations and awarded Hawthorne peeps with mini mart, food trucks, and birthday parties. Things were already bad prior to pandemic. Now he has TMs, RMs, Reps, etc getting paid full generous base and benefits and M&As and products he has to re-evaluate. HE DOES NOT CARE! The world in business has never revolved the groups that cost or save the company money. It revolves around the departments that generate revenue. That is why Manager on 3 is safe. New CFO was never hired to “fix” issues in Finance. She was hired to keep stock price up and keep stakeholders happy. Whoever posted on this thread that cleaning up the place was her main agenda was grossly misleading you all.
Disagree. There's talk of a class action law suit in the works involving the nut job on 3. The new CFO has many things to accomplish. Change is inevitable

Disagree. There's talk of a class action law suit in the works involving the nut job on 3. The new CFO has many things to accomplish. Change is inevitable

No there isn’t. Existing employees are not documenting or filing formal complaints. Her staff left “quietly”, complaining only in exit interviews with little to no documentation of incidents of employee rights violations while they were working for her. A class action lawsuit based on exit interviews ain’t happening because everyone who left is apparently thriving at their new companies and don’t care to waste their time on Taro anymore. Would you if you left and put this place behind you? Only one manager on 2 needs to worry. Manager on 3 is safe. Executives leave it up to managers to deal with day to day issues and drama. “Take care of it” is the usual instruction from their Directors. VPs and up don’t even ask about this stuff in meetings. They just care about stock prices. UB planned out M&As and product portfolios that all need to be re-evaluated due to pandemic. The toxic managers that are expected to handle the drama are the ones causing it. It will years before CEO addresses the morale issue.

All I’m saying is that people’s salary and benefit packages are pennies in comparison to fines and the stock price and plants failing compliance codes. His focus is on sales force, products and stakeholders. At the end of the day he has to make sure Taro’s stock prices don’t fall. He does not care about backoffice drama. In his view, he addressed employee morale when he did his cosmetic renovations and awarded Hawthorne peeps with mini mart, food trucks, and birthday parties. Things were already bad prior to pandemic. Now he has TMs, RMs, Reps, etc getting paid full generous base and benefits and M&As and products he has to re-evaluate. HE DOES NOT CARE! The world in business has never revolved the groups that cost or save the company money. It revolves around the departments that generate revenue. That is why Manager on 3 is safe. New CFO was never hired to “fix” issues in Finance. She was hired to keep stock price up and keep stakeholders happy. Whoever posted on this thread that cleaning up the place was her main agenda was grossly misleading you all.

All true, except that Taro got rid of its sales force last year.
Sun is handling that aspect of the business now.

It’s a Catch-22 in the current economy. Commercial Real Estate in NYC/Westchester/Northern NJ definitely will take a hit. 99% of businesses will be happily waiting for leases to expire since telecommuting is the new normal in the world.

For every job title at Westchester , there are three people doing it in Princeton basically. Could easily see them sending jobs to Princeton and tearing down the building to construct a Pizza Hut or 7-11.

It’s a Catch-22 in the current economy. Commercial Real Estate in NYC/Westchester/Northern NJ definitely will take a hit. 99% of businesses will be happily waiting for leases to expire since telecommuting is the new normal in the world.

For every job title at Westchester , there are three people doing it in Princeton basically. Could easily see them sending jobs to Princeton and tearing down the building to construct a Pizza Hut or 7-11.
Yes, by the look at the Sun cafepharma board, they've got "quite" a crew at Princeton. That would be interesting to say the least. Companies in the Westchester/Stamford area have not stopped hiring. Employees have resigned during the pandemic. No one wants to lose their jobs. We all have families and responsibilities. However, anyone with talent would find another job without difficulty.

No one wants to lose their jobs. We all have families and responsibilities.
That's been key assumption of the upper managers and excuse for their nasty behavior for years. Like, people have no place to go and should be grateful for just having this job at Taro.
Their mind is still stuck somewhere in period of Great Depression, so you folks have to wait for at least 90 more yrs before changes come.

That's been key assumption of the upper managers and excuse for their nasty behavior for years. Like, people have no place to go and should be grateful for just having this job at Taro.
Their mind is still stuck somewhere in period of Great Depression, so you folks have to wait for at least 90 more yrs before changes come.
Hopefully things will change for you guys. It's unfortunate that a few bad apples are given the power to destroy a good thing. HR should hire consultants to identify the issues and help retain the good talent. Someone posted UB doesn't have the time to care. Understandably so, but if he hires help, that may make a change. They may need to offer a completely anonymous survey to go along with it. In reading all these comments, its obvious that morale is low and your managers don't help. It doesn't take that much to change that.

VPs and up don’t even ask about this stuff in meetings. They just care about stock prices. UB planned out M&As and product portfolios that all need to be re-evaluated due to pandemic. The toxic managers that are expected to handle the drama are the ones causing it.
Totally agree! Except that in some cases toxic environment is created on VP level and then goes down to managers. At least in Finance, you can see it clearly.
Employees should be given opportunity to evaluate their supervisors and HR should be able to fire jerks disregarding of their title.

That's been key assumption of the upper managers and excuse for their nasty behavior for years. Like, people have no place to go and should be grateful for just having this job at Taro.
Their mind is still stuck somewhere in period of Great Depression, so you folks have to wait for at least 90 more yrs before changes come.
Changes are coming sooner. BillyCootie is set to retire soon and heard some others are in line too. Life will become better without old bullies

I could believe FF taking credit for previous employees work. He did have quality talent. But taking credit for the work of the staff he has NOW? That would get him fired on the spot. No way, no how.
You didn't have respect to your "previous" employees and you don't respect your current ones either. No surprise. Managers like you are trouble for the department and company and need to go. The sooner DH notices that, the better.

Lol forgot about PC. New CFO has read a few select exit interviews but I believe she only plans to fire one moron on 2, who has been secretly placed on probation and monitored. Manager on 3 is too tight with UB and doesn’t report to CFO. She’s there for life. You wanna see change? File official complaints, not complain on cafepharma. The problem is that back office drama is the least of Taro/Sun’s worries. There are more pressing issues going on with sales teams, SEC, FDA, M&As and plants getting shut down. Not to mention CDC guidelines. Sales teams are still being paid at full salary. CFOs of both companies need to figure out where the money needs to come from. And that’s not easy since they are being shut out of provider offices due to pandemic. Firing managers on 2 or 3 is not on the top of their list. UB doesn’t really care about toxic culture and negativity right now. He’s counting every penny spent on “amenities” like getting rid of that old carpet, ice cream trucks, updated bathrooms, mini mart, and the cheap healthcare plans. In his eyes we are ungrateful Americans. Sorry, folks. No change coming.
The one on 3 is a miserable human. Sounds like the one on 2 is getting a taste of her own medicine.

Designed by Sun. Just take a look at their board. Bunch of gems.
Those sales guys at Sun are just as bad as Taro finance.
They have been sitting on their azzes at home for four months and they have the nerve to ask for bonuses they don't deserve. They are lucky to keep getting paid their high salaries.

Those sales guys at Sun are just as bad as Taro finance.
They have been sitting on their azzes at home for four months and they have the nerve to ask for bonuses they don't deserve. They are lucky to keep getting paid their high salaries.
I'm in Princeton office, here to let finance know they have it good. I work with handsdown the meanest people I've ever dealt with in my career.