If your happy and you know it...

They don't deserve it???? I'm so glad to have left Taro. Nothing changed, NOTHING. HR might need to hire help. Have some empathy. It's called HUMAN resources for reason. Have you ever seen a company with no exit interviews, hostile toxic managers allowed to bully employees, employees feeling comfortable enough to bully a company VP and each other?!!! This is not ok. This is not normal. Managers making up rules however they see fit because there's little in writing from HR. Rules which don't apply to all. You say Babysitting????
It's all part of working HR? HR is supposed to look out for the company but they're also there to not allow any bull$hit from upper management, middle management or administrative workers. I hear now in order for an employee to move to a different department they have to ask their managers permission??! Imagine that! Working for one of those toxic managers and asking if one could leave?! The retaliation!!!!
100 % Accurate

They don't deserve it???? I'm so glad to have left Taro. Nothing changed, NOTHING. HR might need to hire help. Have some empathy. It's called HUMAN resources for reason. Have you ever seen a company with no exit interviews, hostile toxic managers allowed to bully employees, employees feeling comfortable enough to bully a company VP
This was posted by current employee, and you can guess who. "bullying company VP" ?? Yes, there was a couple of VPs mentioned in this forum and both deserve it. It's not bullying, they just get back all the sh!t they were spreading around for years hiding behind their titles. One clown left- TG- but the other one is still here. Can't wait till DH throws him out.

Agree. HR did nothing in the past and seems to keep doing nothing now. I left Taro long time ago and was very specific in my exit interview mentioning names of trouble makers and things they did to employees. Nothing happened to those managers. Luckily for people, big clown left last winter, but others stayed and are still giving people hard time. Careless HR is big part of the problem.

So the Covid vaccine will be given in the Sycamore Room in Mid September I gather.

no with all the Corona deaths will bring bottom line savings and more work for all. We are the only office in the industrial park working in an office. Sad but true.

The man wants a return to normalcy? Telecommuting is the new normal sir.

So the Covid vaccine will be given in the Sycamore Room in Mid September I gather.
Yes. And since there's no FDA approved one, employees will be given experimental one.
If it works, employees will survive, if not- staff reduction was part of Taro cost savings plan anyway.
Plus, company gets paid for participating in clinical trial.
Everybody wins!!