If your happy and you know it...

He's been sitting on cafepharma for years and most of the dirty posts here are his work. They need to give him a boot asap.

Easy solution to all stated problems--close the Westchester offices and move the back-room finance activities to Princeton. Less noise, less payroll, less free lunch, and more efficiency. Taro is a joke. Second floor team a bigger joke.

Easy solution to all stated problems--close the Westchester offices and move the back-room finance activities to Princeton. Less noise, less payroll, less free lunch, and more efficiency. Taro is a joke. Second floor team a bigger joke.
Yeah, I like to read the Sun CP board for laughs. Moving to Princeton good move. The group is a class act. LMFAO!

Easy solution to all stated problems--close the Westchester offices and move the back-room finance activities to Princeton. Less noise, less payroll, less free lunch, and more efficiency. Taro is a joke. Second floor team a bigger joke.
Not the whole 2nd floor is a joke, don't generalize. Only Taro Finance that #ucks it all up.
But there's people from other departments on the same floor that don't cause any problem to the company.

Not the whole 2nd floor is a joke, don't generalize. Only Taro Finance that #ucks it all up.
But there's people from other departments on the same floor that don't cause any problem to the company.

Yes, agreed. Notice how the Sun customer service group on the 2nd floor don't come on the Taro/Sun boards to complain. I have communicated with them several times and they seem like nice people.

Over a dozen people have left Taro finance in the last two years. That's a 50% turnover rate that needs to be addressed. Either management is too incompetent to screen and hire the right people, or they chase the good people away with their antics.

Yes, agreed. Notice how the Sun customer service group on the 2nd floor don't come on the Taro/Sun boards to complain. I have communicated with them several times and they seem like nice people.

Over a dozen people have left Taro finance in the last two years. That's a 50% turnover rate that needs to be addressed. Either management is too incompetent to screen and hire the right people, or they chase the good people away with their antics.
Customer service does post on cafepharma and it's obvious when they do. The trouble is not just in finance. There's a department on 3rd floor that's a revolving door. Finance is also a revolving door. What do both areas have in common? HR does nothing about it. People would rather resign than try to fix things or continue speaking up because there's no support. I'll bet that most of the good employees are looking to leave. I can't imagine working under those conditions. HR doesn't take the office environment seriously, if they did they'd want to understand why they can't keep good talent in certain areas. They don't address turnover, review exit interviews or take complaints seriously. There was a small group of management bullies who had the balls to bully a VP out of a job. I was happy to see one of them become a target on this board. Well deserved.

Yes, agreed. Notice how the Sun customer service group on the 2nd floor don't come on the Taro/Sun boards to complain. I have communicated with them several times and they seem like nice people.

Over a dozen people have left Taro finance in the last two years. That's a 50% turnover rate that needs to be addressed. Either management is too incompetent to screen and hire the right people, or they chase the good people away with their antics.
You're one of the Sun customer service people.

Customer service does post on cafepharma and it's obvious when they do. The trouble is not just in finance. There's a department on 3rd floor that's a revolving door. Finance is also a revolving door. What do both areas have in common? HR does nothing about it. People would rather resign than try to fix things or continue speaking up because there's no support. I'll bet that most of the good employees are looking to leave. I can't imagine working under those conditions. HR doesn't take the office environment seriously, if they did they'd want to understand why they can't keep good talent in certain areas. They don't address turnover, review exit interviews or take complaints seriously. There was a small group of management bullies who had the balls to bully a VP out of a job. I was happy to see one of them become a target on this board. Well deserved.
100 %, they see the problems, look the other way

Not the whole 2nd floor is a joke, don't generalize. Only Taro Finance that #ucks it all up.
But there's people from other departments on the same floor that don't cause any problem to the company.
Problems on ENTIRE 2nd floor and more on 3rd. We have department that can't keep good talent. Years of nonsense and no consequences. That's one of the office issues. No consequence for toxic behavior thats spread like a cancer. Bull5hit has become normal its not questioned because questioning would mean HR would have to take action.

Problems on ENTIRE 2nd floor and more on 3rd. We have department that can't keep good talent. Years of nonsense and no consequences. That's one of the office issues. No consequence for toxic behavior thats spread like a cancer. Bull5hit has become normal its not questioned because questioning would mean HR would have to take action.

H.R. is too busy selling makeup and scheduling useless training programs

Customer service does post on cafepharma and it's obvious when they do. The trouble is not just in finance. There's a department on 3rd floor that's a revolving door. Finance is also a revolving door. What do both areas have in common? HR does nothing about it. People would rather resign than try to fix things or continue speaking up because there's no support. I'll bet that most of the good employees are looking to leave. I can't imagine working under those conditions. HR doesn't take the office environment seriously, if they did they'd want to understand why they can't keep good talent in certain areas. They don't address turnover, review exit interviews or take complaints seriously. There was a small group of management bullies who had the balls to bully a VP out of a job. I was happy to see one of them become a target on this board. Well deserved.

Everyone asked for advice/help- went to managers, HR and even this board out of desperation. All we are told is “You don’t like it? Then leave!”

HR reads these posts. Not a single person in that department even anonymously shared a message of support and/or solid feedback on how an employee can deal with toxicity in the office. And I’m not talking about the miserable chronic complainers that just look for anything to fuss about (loud phone calls, bathroom visits) every time a few days go by with no posts on this board, just to have entertainment. I’m talking about people who expressed legitimate concerns over issues of bullying, harassment, inadequate tools, etc.

“If you don’t like it, stop complaining and leave!”


Peace out. F this place.