If your happy and you know it...

In environments as stressful as Taro who they really need to hire is Psychologist . If we have a separate person in HR responsible for trainings and stuff, why can't we afford behavioral professional?
Not joking. Many big companies nowadays have psychologist on site or available on the phone. It helps both managers who can't control themselves and employees who are mistreated or abused by supervisors.
If they hire psychologist at Taro to handle issues, all work will stop as too many people would want to see that specialist every day :) Nay...not going to work

Totally am in agreement . The nurse can moonlight perhaps as a stop-gap.

Downside is we are not really getting trained in anything , so who’s to say this goes off successfully?
I see the Taro culture hasn't changed. No organization is perfect. There's always room for growth, but people, there are normal companies out here.
Get yourself together and leave. I read the CP posts from time to time because it's entertaining. The fact that the same issues still exist is incredible.

I see the Taro culture hasn't changed. No organization is perfect. There's always room for growth, but people, there are normal companies out here.
Get yourself together and leave. I read the CP posts from time to time because it's entertaining. The fact that the same issues still exist is incredible.
Talented employees and strong leaders have already left long time ago. Those who stayed won't leave- they got used to unprofessional environment. Will be hard for such people work in companies with good healthy culture.

You guys really need to do your homework and not rely on smoking section banter.

We need to show more compassion, empathy, and humanity rather than resort to such childish behaviors.

Seems like Covid has really caused mental issues with those who were alone during the pandemic. Someone tried to start an argument with me last week in the office over something trivial. Too strong for that girlie.

Bottom line, let’s face it, the office is toxic, and hostile.

Please stop putting salt into a never ending wound.

I actually like going to the office even for just half a week. With all advantages, staying home for 3 month was not fun. One thing drives me nuts- people coming to work and being on the phone non-stop. Talking about the 3rd floor. Please be considerate of others sitting in the same area. When space is half-empty people can hear almost everything you are saying. It's annoying.

Several employees out within several weeks and during a pandemic. Job market healthy AF. Wake up Taro. More to come and you wanna talk about doing the needful. It's your employees doing the needful not the company. Still don't think something wrong?????