If your happy and you know it...

How about the insecure people who are just jealous do something to better themselves? The mean lady on 3 was jumped for promotions same way. It's a Taro thing. Many undeserved promotions. But you don't bash colleagues over it. Thats disgusting. You work hard and if not promoted, leave for better opportunity where you're hard work is appreciated.
And all you're doing man is just confirming my words. When promotion is given to a not-so-qualified employee, at some point it comes back as trouble. Manager on the 3rd got undeserved promotion too? Now, read through this board and you'll see how much ***t people write on her. I doubt half of it is true, but who cares? Can't help angry people. Now there's another one in finance- same story. Former guy promoted someone just for his personal reasons, then drifted away. No wonder now all those bitter ones who didn't get promotion use every chance to unleash their anger. I've seen so much of it before. life doesn't change.

And all you're doing man is just confirming my words. When promotion is given to a not-so-qualified employee, at some point it comes back as trouble. Manager on the 3rd got undeserved promotion too? Now, read through this board and you'll see how much ***t people write on her. I doubt half of it is true, but who cares? Can't help angry people. Now there's another one in finance- same story. Former guy promoted someone just for his personal reasons, then drifted away. No wonder now all those bitter ones who didn't get promotion use every chance to unleash their anger. I've seen so much of it before. life doesn't change.
Oh yes. Poor poor sweet witch on 3

And all you're doing man is just confirming my words. When promotion is given to a not-so-qualified employee, at some point it comes back as trouble. Manager on the 3rd got undeserved promotion too? Now, read through this board and you'll see how much ***t people write on her. I doubt half of it is true, but who cares? Can't help angry people. Now there's another one in finance- same story. Former guy promoted someone just for his personal reasons, then drifted away. No wonder now all those bitter ones who didn't get promotion use every chance to unleash their anger. I've seen so much of it before. life doesn't change.
Here's the thing though, the list of previous employees is long. So you mean to say, that THEY were the problem? She can't keep a staff for a reason. She's the problem.

You guys really need to do your homework and not rely on smoking section banter.

The finance promotion to position at THIS company is more like a death sentence rather than a celebration.

The only positive was M.B. was a good boss to report too and was beneficial in his ability to push back.

With all the complexities it was so beneficial to move someone up within than from the outside, plus the tenure of a new hire is what, six months?

Long hours, endless work, highly complex millions of formula, links, and lines spreadsheets from India, and now a new C.F.O. in the honeymoon phase getting fed purple kool aid by the liters.

The experience is gold though, it will be much easier to find a high end position once a recruiter reads that resume.

We need to show more compassion, empathy, and humanity rather than resort to such childish behaviors.

Seems like Covid has really caused mental issues with those who were alone during the pandemic. Someone tried to start an argument with me last week in the office over something trivial. Too strong for that girlie.

Bottom line, let’s face it, the office is toxic, and hostile.

Please stop putting salt into a never ending wound.

You guys really need to do your homework and not rely on smoking section banter.

The finance promotion to position at THIS company is more like a death sentence rather than a celebration.

The only positive was M.B. was a good boss to report too and was beneficial in his ability to push back.

With all the complexities it was so beneficial to move someone up within than from the outside, plus the tenure of a new hire is what, six months?

Long hours, endless work, highly complex millions of formula, links, and lines spreadsheets from India, and now a new C.F.O. in the honeymoon phase getting fed purple kool aid by the liters.

The experience is gold though, it will be much easier to find a high end position once a recruiter reads that resume.

We need to show more compassion, empathy, and humanity rather than resort to such childish behaviors.

Seems like Covid has really caused mental issues with those who were alone during the pandemic. Someone tried to start an argument with me last week in the office over something trivial. Too strong for that girlie.

Bottom line, let’s face it, the office is toxic, and hostile.

Please stop putting salt into a never ending wound.
Agree to everything.
Except one thing. You shouldn't promote someone for just having nice trunk but no skills or experience for the position. It's just not smart. Don't know what kind of boss was MB but the guy was definitely missing some screws. No surprise we still see all negative results of his dumb decisions.
I like new CFO better. She's smart woman and I'm sure will put people into their right places.

ML is not a "manager on the 3rd", she is director. She has her temper but she's not b**ch. And if you strive in your position and work hard, she treats you with respect. All those who left her team unhappy were low-performance employees who just couldn't stand the pressure. Wasn't her fault. Pressure comes from the "top" and makes everybody stressed.

ML is not a "manager on the 3rd", she is director. She has her temper but she's not b**ch. And if you strive in your position and work hard, she treats you with respect. All those who left her team unhappy were low-performance employees who just couldn't stand the pressure. Wasn't her fault. Pressure comes from the "top" and makes everybody stressed.

She hired them, therefore, IT IS her fault.
She has a high turnover rate because she cannot properly screen potential new hires.

There is a high turnover rate in all departments. Definitely not the faults of managers. Blame is definitely on HR for causing this horrific work culture. To bribe employees with ice cream to fill out a survey is a mockery. I say reissue the “How am I doing now” survey.

What can HR do? They only follow the protocol. Exit interviews are read and shared with management. Once complaint if filed (if this ever happens lol), they take it to the employee's manager to act on it.
The issue is that it's usually manager him/her-self who caused problems, so instead of improving things, they retaliate against the complainer. From what I've seen so far at Taro, the most trouble-making layer of employees are mid-level managers.

ML is not a "manager on the 3rd", she is director. She has her temper but she's not b**ch. And if you strive in your position and work hard, she treats you with respect. All those who left her team unhappy were low-performance employees who just couldn't stand the pressure. Wasn't her fault. Pressure comes from the "top" and makes everybody stressed.
She clearly does not qualify for the title. If she has a temper, she needs to handle that at home or take some anger management classes. I doubt EVERY person who left the company unhappily were low performance. The list is too long. She can't lead. Maybe the pressure causes her tantrums? If that's the case, she can't handle the job. She needs to be evaluated period.

Agree your "manager on the 3rd" may be a bit of a problem. But look at the finance people, as example. read what they post to each other here and in other places. You should feel lucky to work with/ for ML.
she's a pussycat compared to others.

She clearly does not qualify for the title. If she has a temper, she needs to handle that at home or take some anger management classes. I doubt EVERY person who left the company unhappily were low performance. The list is too long. She can't lead. Maybe the pressure causes her tantrums? If that's the case, she can't handle the job. She needs to be evaluated period.
100%. It's 2020. Accepting Bully tactics is a thing of the past. Bullies have no relevance in this society. If she can't behave like an adult in the workplace, her title shouldn't matter. She needs to change her tune immediately or go bully her loved ones at home.

In environments as stressful as Taro who they really need to hire is Psychologist . If we have a separate person in HR responsible for trainings and stuff, why can't we afford behavioral professional?
Not joking. Many big companies nowadays have psychologist on site or available on the phone. It helps both managers who can't control themselves and employees who are mistreated or abused by supervisors.

In environments as stressful as Taro who they really need to hire is Psychologist . If we have a separate person in HR responsible for trainings and stuff, why can't we afford behavioral professional?
Not joking. Many big companies nowadays have psychologist on site or available on the phone. It helps both managers who can't control themselves and employees who are mistreated or abused by supervisors.

Totally am in agreement . The nurse can moonlight perhaps as a stop-gap.

Downside is we are not really getting trained in anything , so who’s to say this goes off successfully?