You guys really need to do your homework and not rely on smoking section banter.
The finance promotion to position at THIS company is more like a death sentence rather than a celebration.
The only positive was M.B. was a good boss to report too and was beneficial in his ability to push back.
With all the complexities it was so beneficial to move someone up within than from the outside, plus the tenure of a new hire is what, six months?
Long hours, endless work, highly complex millions of formula, links, and lines spreadsheets from India, and now a new C.F.O. in the honeymoon phase getting fed purple kool aid by the liters.
The experience is gold though, it will be much easier to find a high end position once a recruiter reads that resume.
We need to show more compassion, empathy, and humanity rather than resort to such childish behaviors.
Seems like Covid has really caused mental issues with those who were alone during the pandemic. Someone tried to start an argument with me last week in the office over something trivial. Too strong for that girlie.
Bottom line, let’s face it, the office is toxic, and hostile.
Please stop putting salt into a never ending wound.