Idorsia contract

Listen it is true and sadly these pages are true. Some maybe whining on pages. but reps and managers have lost their jobs!!
And there is an realignment coming!!

Where? Richmond? I still call bullshit. Some territories have been consolidated. Others waiting to determine backfill. Where is this 35 headcount reduction? Out of 480 you speak of 8% of the sales force. Where is the massive layoff or restructuring? Until proven otherwise - I'm calling bullshit.

just incredible.

To compare every rep against the national average - without any consideration to territory potential - is incredibly unscientific. You wouldn't expect this from a pharma company that understands probability & statistics (or should, anyway). It would be like expecting EVERY patient to respond precisely the same way to the same dose - without any adjustment for age, weight, other meds, etc...

Idorsia/ Syneos is going to end up axing a bunch of highly effective reps who were given low potential territories while at the same time paying fat bonuses and praise to a bunch of ineffectual reps who were gifted with territories primed with high prescribing DORA converts.

This is hands down the WORST contract in the industry. I feel badly for all of us. I know that so many are trying to find other opportunities because this one has been a joke from day one of training. Good luck to you everyone trying to get out of this shit show. I’m in the northeast and it’s a complete disaster up here.

20. 480 to 460. I do feel badly for the 20 that lost their jobs. But the other 97 pages of lying bullshit whining is coming from the 20 right in front of the poor reps that got axed today. The job is fine and its paying big bonuses qtr over qtr...facts.

480 to 460? We have had 2 territories collapsed in our district in the last 4 months when reps left and in addition to 1 being let go today. The district above us had several fired last week. I am willing to bet this is not isolated to my district.