Idorsia contract

My post wasn't to shame anyone. It's normal for my team. The lowest performers are in the top 40%. I can't wrap my head around the 'why'... That's all. I'm not judging. My team is entirely made up of rockstars. We all sing "different genre's" - one way isn't the only way to get business. We all have our own style. But all of us are seeing results. 0 to 5 is hard to imagine. Get a script yourself and refill it. There is 4 TRx right there...

Dunno. Our district's collective experience with this has been fan fucking tastic. Not busting your balls at all. Switch it up - do something different. All the best. My you and your team get some of this sauce we got going on. For real.

Plus when we were at the launch meeting our team knew we were head and shoulders superior to the other reps there. Not to down anybody but our team knew that we would leading the rankings at this point and we also knew we would all be taking the president's club trip together. Just stating a fact because again our district is fan fucking tastic.

My post wasn't to shame anyone. It's normal for my team. The lowest performers are in the top 40%. I can't wrap my head around the 'why'... That's all. I'm not judging. My team is entirely made up of rockstars. We all sing "different genre's" - one way isn't the only way to get business. We all have our own style. But all of us are seeing results. 0 to 5 is hard to imagine. Get a script yourself and refill it. There is 4 TRx right there...

Dunno. Our district's collective experience with this has been fan fucking tastic. Not busting your balls at all. Switch it up - do something different. All the best. My you and your team get some of this sauce we got going on. For real.
F*ck these losers. Top 10% here.

Plus when we were at the launch meeting our team knew we were head and shoulders superior to the other reps there. Not to down anybody but our team knew that we would leading the rankings at this point and we also knew we would all be taking the president's club trip together. Just stating a fact because again our district is fan fucking tastic.

Lol. See - now you're being the typical asshole that I wouldn't want to feel badly for. So let me retract my concern for your continued employment. If you have 5 or less you fucking suck and have no excuse to be here. You deserve the letters and probably will watch me and my team spend your undeserved bonus money. And you are dead fucking weight. You expose yourself for the negative loser you are and, once again, cafe pharma is really a place for the losers to bitch.

Tick tock asshole. Your days are numbered. And clap for us when our names are announced if you last that long. Fucking dick.

Plus when we were at the launch meeting our team knew we were head and shoulders superior to the other reps there. Not to down anybody but our team knew that we would leading the rankings at this point and we also knew we would all be taking the president's club trip together. Just stating a fact because again our district is fan fucking tastic.

See. Now you are being a dick. A typical cafe pharma bitch post.
I take it back. I can't wait to spend your bonus money. If you are still undeservingly here - clap for my ass while they announce Q club. And don't cry too badly when they pick up your car. You sad underperforming pussy.

Plus when we were at the launch meeting our team knew we were head and shoulders superior to the other reps there. Not to down anybody but our team knew that we would leading the rankings at this point and we also knew we would all be taking the president's club trip together. Just stating a fact because again our district is fan fucking tastic.

See. I try to break the mold of this site not being entirely made up of losers and little bitches. And then you gotta be a dick. Hope they use those letters to let you losers go sooner than later. Then the real pros can get your area moving too. Bitch.

See. I try to break the mold of this site not being entirely made up of losers and little bitches. And then you gotta be a dick. Hope they use those letters to let you losers go sooner than later. Then the real pros can get your area moving too. Bitch.

So you being the high profile pharmaceutical rep that chooses to be at a contract company making in the 80's and not taking your over the top skills to a real specialty position and make 150k to 200k. Wow, you are the whip cream on a pile of shit. Maybe one day Idorsia will promote you to the fry guy while the rest of us look to leave as fast as we can.

See. I try to break the mold of this site not being entirely made up of losers and little bitches. And then you gotta be a dick. Hope they use those letters to let you losers go sooner than later. Then the real pros can get your area moving too. Bitch.

It is laughable to think that you so highly praise the reputation/pay at this contract company. I am so glad that you have gotten out of enterprise rent a car and maybe you will be able to move out of your parents basement soon.

See. I try to break the mold of this site not being entirely made up of losers and little bitches. And then you gotta be a dick. Hope they use those letters to let you losers go sooner than later. Then the real pros can get your area moving too. Bitch.

I like how CP blocks responses to this high profile pharmaceutical rep above that is working at the K-Mart of the pharmaceutical world.

People! Yikes. We wouldn’t talk like this is real life! If you’re being successful…awesome! Be humble. Ask how you can help a coworker. If you need help, as a lot of the country does, keep your head up, keep putting in the work, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

People! Yikes. We wouldn’t talk like this is real life! If you’re being successful…awesome! Be humble. Ask how you can help a coworker. If you need help, as a lot of the country does, keep your head up, keep putting in the work, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Anyone can get a bad territory. I don't know many people who have had a perfect record their entire pharma career. What's with the nastiness? My whole team is struggling and we are at the bottom of the country. The drug is just not wanted in our market for a few reasons beyond our control. Sometimes you have a drug that is top in your market with great access and insurance, sometimes you don't. It doesn't mean someone is a bad rep suddenly.

It is laughable to think that you so highly praise the reputation/pay at this contract company. I am so glad that you have gotten out of enterprise rent a car and maybe you will be able to move out of your parents basement soon.

Suggesting that the next time you get an audience w/ a psychiatrist instead of discussing Quviviq you instead ask for a referral so you can get treatment for your hostility and self-esteem issues. Nobody likes a bully.

Backing it up a few spots...
How are some blowing it out and others getting warning letters? Take luck out of it. It's not luck.
What is 75 pages of wrong: the drug? VitaCare? marketing? MC access? on site access? DBMs?
What can be fixed?

Anyone can get a bad territory. I don't know many people who have had a perfect record their entire pharma career. What's with the nastiness? My whole team is struggling and we are at the bottom of the country. The drug is just not wanted in our market for a few reasons beyond our control. Sometimes you have a drug that is top in your market with great access and insurance, sometimes you don't. It doesn't mean someone is a bad rep suddenly.

VitaCare levels the field for access/insurance. Why the strong uptake in spots? Do you feel the people at the top have done anything different or how is their market different than what you've experienced?

VitaCare levels the field for access/insurance. Why the strong uptake in spots? Do you feel the people at the top have done anything different or how is their market different than what you've experienced?

What do you do if you are 60% and above with Medicaid/Medicare in your area? They should not have hired in smaller markets where commercial insurance is a small %. But they are correcting that mistake.

Backing it up a few spots...
How are some blowing it out and others getting warning letters? Take luck out of it. It's not luck.
What is 75 pages of wrong: the drug? VitaCare? marketing? MC access? on site access? DBMs?
What can be fixed?

Sally was on our district call recently and said she saw no differences between top and bottom performers in selling styles, access, relationships, etc. She said the only difference is that the top performers had one big writer. I say that's luck.

VitaCare levels the field for access/insurance. Why the strong uptake in spots? Do you feel the people at the top have done anything different or how is their market different than what you've experienced?

We are having problems having Vitacare even contact patients in our area and/or pushing the script through. Also, we have way too many reps and not enough opportunity for each to be successful. Maybe a few dozen providers in each territory are valid or accessible of the 150 list.