Idorsia contract

I feel sorry for the new people coming onboard. My team just got 2 teammates last week. I don't even know what to say to them. They seem so excited but took territories that only have a few scripts each. Little do they know, there is probably little chance of succeeding.

I plan to warn anyone who wants this job as well.

I seriously doubt if 3/4 of the sales force resigned simultaneously that it would get the attention of Idorsia or Syneos. Been in pharma over 12 years and sometimes you can just tell what seems promising long term vs what does not.
No indication here that this will last. Too many issues are at the or coming up to the surface.
These Finish Strong meetings will be very interesting.
Talk about coming with your poker face, smile, be engaged, positive, and with enthusiasm. Yeah, right.

Downsizing in big corporations is usually random to avoid legal issues, from what I’ve been told and seen

Does anyone know the current national average for new IC purposes?

My manager mentioned on a call national average is near 30. Funny how they are paying people based on national average but everyone is left guessing what it is.

Hi everyone, just a heads up for those of you who are looking to get out of this contract. In the Syneos employee manual, it states that PTO will only be paid out at 30%. So, if you have PTO hours on the books, be sure to take it because you won't get the $$. Also, you cannot use PTO once you give your two weeks notice. Best of luck to all of you in finding something else. Toxic, micro-managed environments are so stressful!

I would love to know how many reps are at the national average. Are we talking a lot, or just a few? The fact that they are sending out warning letters and we can't even see national numbers is bizarre to me. Also, are they going to continue sending out these letters and pick random numbers that we need to be at? It's entirely unstable.

I seriously doubt if 3/4 of the sales force resigned simultaneously that it would get the attention of Idorsia or Syneos. Been in pharma over 12 years and sometimes you can just tell what seems promising long term vs what does not.
No indication here that this will last. Too many issues are at the or coming up to the surface.
These Finish Strong meetings will be very interesting.
Talk about coming with your poker face, smile, be engaged, positive, and with enthusiasm. Yeah, right.

I don't think they will care if a bunch of people quit. But it does upset the managers and teams who now have constant ride alongs. How can managers maintain a small team or positivity by continuously hiring again? My guess is managers will eventually be eliminated, too. I know a few people who have quit already and others who plan to. It ruins teams' morale. To think otherwise is naive.

So let’s say the national average is around 25. With one week to go in the reporting, wouldn’t it be very interesting if the national average all of a sudden went up to 35? That’s typically the way that bonuses work all they have to do is move the ball a little bit further and make it be a little bit more unattainable.
Most large companies have a predetermined pool of money to work with with regards to bonuses and a specific bell curve or algorithm.
pretty much already known how many people will be at average , below average or above average.

So let’s say the national average is around 25. With one week to go in the reporting, wouldn’t it be very interesting if the national average all of a sudden went up to 35? That’s typically the way that bonuses work all they have to do is move the ball a little bit further and make it be a little bit more unattainable.
Most large companies have a predetermined pool of money to work with with regards to bonuses and a specific bell curve or algorithm.
pretty much already known how many people will be at average , below average or above average.
Not very interesting at all, Private Dic.

If you have been in pharma for anytime at all you know that when downsizings occurs it doesn’t matter where you are ranked. I was number 1 manager in the country in my division and got the call I have been downsized.
You would think with your “track record. Of success” you’d have every major pharma company rushing to hire you, yet you’re stuck in this shit hole? Interesting.

You would think with your “track record. Of success” you’d have every major pharma company rushing to hire you, yet you’re stuck in this shit hole? Interesting.

You may live with mommy and daddy but some of us have families and responsibilities, with a lot of pharma companies doing lay right now better to have a job than not. Plus if you have been around a while you know being a hero one year and getting a quota readjusted means being a zero the next year. So point is not bragging just showing there is no relationship between rank and who gets laid off.

You would think with your “track record. Of success” you’d have every major pharma company rushing to hire you, yet you’re stuck in this shit hole? Interesting.

Why are you here? Only a few people are here by choice because the industry is shrinking yearly. 99% of the people here will be gone if the opportunity arises.

And this company is not using a bell curve to look at averages...they are including all the outliers. I've seen the national rankings and they are not creating a fair average. If you aren't looking, start looking. This is a very short term, miserable contract.

Hi All, I was enjoying a sunny holiday…but I am back

Joke of the day…From the BMS board:

Is anyone else hearing about salesforce optimization of the MS team similar to what was done with Orencia? Was speaking with my DM…. Seems like that is where we are heading. Will keep my options open. The last 2 years have been disastrous.

Every board on this site is filled with the same type of crap! I invite you to read it. Makes us feel better. Is this part of some training course or just something cultural amongst SSR’s?

I missed 9 pages on this board since my holiday…read them and learned absolute nothing…great to be back!!!

Does anyone know if we have already passed Belsomra?

Every board on this site is filled with the same type of crap! I invite you to read it. Makes us feel better. Is this part of some training course or just something cultural amongst SSR’s?

I've done just that Bankpas... I've read many of the other threads. ..And while there is a lot of negativity here at CP NOTHING compares to threatening letters going out to nearly half of the sales force just 3 1/2 months into a launch. That seems pretty unprecedented. Does anyone know the actual percentages? It may be higher..

Hi All, I was enjoying a sunny holiday…but I am back

Joke of the day…From the BMS board:

Is anyone else hearing about salesforce optimization of the MS team similar to what was done with Orencia? Was speaking with my DM…. Seems like that is where we are heading. Will keep my options open. The last 2 years have been disastrous.

Every board on this site is filled with the same type of crap! I invite you to read it. Makes us feel better. Is this part of some training course or just something cultural amongst SSR’s?

I missed 9 pages on this board since my holiday…read them and learned absolute nothing…great to be back!!!

Does anyone know if we have already passed Belsomra?

Hey Buttpass, I bet you are happy being here after your last stint at Taco Bell drive thru with your Mom being the head custodian!