Idorsia contract

Should have worked a bit harder in the 3 months before launch to be more successful in the 3 months after.

if you were playing by the rules and directive you were just discussing disease state and not product during that time. Disease state discussions do not translate into scripts. But perhaps you were going rogue and discussing product as we were instructed not to do.

Should have worked a bit harder in the 3 months before launch to be more successful in the 3 months after.

You are probably one of the people who thinks you be "rolled into Idorsia and become a direct rep" or this company has a strong pipeline you will get. Do a little reading and you will realize this company will have the same fate as Actelion. You my survive now but your time will come.

You are probably one of the people who thinks you be "rolled into Idorsia and become a direct rep" or this company has a strong pipeline you will get. Do a little reading and you will realize this company will have the same fate as Actelion. You my survive now but your time will come.

I am seeing some people getting smug about not having a letter. "yet". They are already picking a new round. This will just never end. Unless you have really high numbers at the top of the country, there is reason to always worry. Not worth the stress.

Half our district quit today and more to come it’s probably what Idorsia wants but we were told they were filling positions and asked if we knew anyone to refer them..haha NOT!

Were most of the reps who quit ones who had gotten the letter? I am hearing they are letting those people go in a few weeks. Why hire for territories where it's already failing? Someone on my team just got hired where there is one script. It's like walking into the lion's den!

Were most of the reps who quit ones who had gotten the letter? I am hearing they are letting those people go in a few weeks. Why hire for territories where it's already failing? Someone on my team just got hired where there is one script. It's like walking into the lion's den!

2 got letters and 3 other jobs 5
left and it’s gonna be even more miserable with boss having to be in field every day as instructed by upper management. I don’t understand any of it and which they would do the right thing and just end the whole contract.

2 got letters and 3 other jobs 5
left and it’s gonna be even more miserable with boss having to be in field every day as instructed by upper management. I don’t understand any of it and which they would do the right thing and just end the whole contract.

Jealous! I got the letter, but don't think I can land a job in time enough to avoid the firing or whatever they plan to do soon. So, I am trying to make decisions about whether to go or stay until they do it. I wish they would end the contract for those that got letters, at least. Including some managers so those left wouldn't have to endure so many ride alongs.

Whether you got a letter and being pushed out or not, it's going to be miserable here going forward.

Misery moving forward? It’s here. It’s been here. Big pharma 2.0 despite all the rhetoric. Probably 75% of the sales force is looking. Reps with 0-2 years experience, might be decent opp. Anyone else? Not so much.

Has anyone on a warning letter gotten any manager feedback as to what is the next step, except what the letter states "Meet national average in 30 days" or get fired?

Does your letter state that you must meet the national average in 30 days? Mine does not include any type of timeline. My manager acts like everything is fine, so I have stopped trusting management. But other higher ups that I know have told me that the letter is usually a "30 day you are gone" letter. I feel sick about it.

Don’t think I’ve ever been around more DSM corporate minded kool aid drinkers anywhere. It’s interesting how they make it sound like this is a great opportunity, “just think of where we’ll all be in a few years” even if we aren’t rolled over directly.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do think of where we’ll all be.

Unemployed or with another company that actually has their act together vs forced multiple dinner programs with sparse attendance, activity trackers, multiple business plans. How wonderful. This ain’t no mom and pop company. They want to appear so much larger than they really are, and sales pays the price for it.

Does your letter state that you must meet the national average in 30 days? Mine does not include any type of timeline. My manager acts like everything is fine, so I have stopped trusting management. But other higher ups that I know have told me that the letter is usually a "30 day you are gone" letter. I feel sick about it.

Not the OP but mine states show improvement in 30 days or else. My manager also acts like nothing is wrong!

It’s a real shame that we are where we are, but as my manager says (about 20 times a day) it is what it is.
Syneos oversold what can actually be delivered. This truly sucks and I’m about ready to wipe my ass with the letter and send it to my mangler, I mean manager. Good riddance.

It’s a real shame that we are where we are, but as my manager says (about 20 times a day) it is what it is.
Syneos oversold what can actually be delivered. This truly sucks and I’m about ready to wipe my ass with the letter and send it to my mangler, I mean manager. Good riddance.

It really is a shame. Syneos and Idorsia sold this “gig” as an amazing opportunity. Put us all through ridiculous interview process as if we were going into the oncology space or something highly coveted. This is a primary care position that has sucked from the beginning and just keeps getting worse every day. Good luck everyone. Get out as soon as you can because this dog and pony show isn’t going to last much longer.