Idorsia contract

It’s obvious you’re just stirring the pot but It’s not clear is why? What exactly do you get out of Upsetting people?
You must be a troubled person. I kind of feel sorry for you.

Upsetting people? For one this is cafepharma and if anybody gets upsets off this blog you are fucking weak, second if you scroll through the 105 pages you will notice most are stirring the pot. Take every post with a grain off salt. Hope this post doesnt upset you your weak ass!

Upsetting people? For one this is cafepharma and if anybody gets upsets off this blog you are fucking weak, second if you scroll through the 105 pages you will notice most are stirring the pot. Take every post with a grain off salt. Hope this post doesnt upset you your weak ass!

Not true... you and a few others seem determined to just post nonsense with the goal of upsetting people, but others are (legitimately) venting, sharing their own (pro or negative) experience, or maybe are here in contemplation of accepting a position. So, again, what exactly do you get out of posting nonsense and why aren't there a hundred other things you'd rather be doing? Again, you seem like a sad person. And for that I feel bad for you.

Not true... you and a few others seem determined to just post nonsense with the goal of upsetting people, but others are (legitimately) venting, sharing their own (pro or negative) experience, or maybe are here in contemplation of accepting a position. So, again, what exactly do you get out of posting nonsense and why aren't there a hundred other things you'd rather be doing? Again, you seem like a sad person. And for that I feel bad for you.

Not true... you and a few others seem determined to just post nonsense with the goal of upsetting people, but others are (legitimately) venting, sharing their own (pro or negative) experience, or maybe are here in contemplation of accepting a position. So, again, what exactly do you get out of posting nonsense and why aren't there a hundred other things you'd rather be doing? Again, you seem like a sad person. And for that I feel bad for you.

Your above statement isn't nonsense? Go join a lonely old lady group that collects cats and stop worrying about what ither people post. If you think I give a shit if you feel bad for me you are you have mistaken. Go fuck yourself!

Your above statement isn't nonsense? Go join a lonely old lady group that collects cats and stop worrying about what ither people post. If you think I give a shit if you feel bad for me you are you have mistaken. Go fuck yourself!

Now you're aiming your taunts at "old ladies." I hope you realize that those who read your mean postings forget them within seconds of leaving this forum. But you have to live with yourself and your anger 24/7. Clearly, you have some sort of personality disorder - please get some help. Or at least spend more time with the people you love. Maybe then you'll spend less time spreading your venom on this forum.

Your above statement isn't nonsense? Go join a lonely old lady group that collects cats and stop worrying about what ither people post. If you think I give a shit if you feel bad for me you are you have mistaken. Go fuck yourself!

Wow...take it easy! Are you well? Calm down , it's a contract job at syneos, chill!!!

This is all Syneos- NOT Idorsia. This same exact thing is happening - or has happened on other Syneos contracts. 3 months into a launch and they did the same thing they are doing now.

All synoes contracts do this? They overly hire then fire people less then one year? Is that common in all contracts or just Syneos!!???

All synoes contracts do this? They overly hire then fire people less then one year? Is that common in all contracts or just Syneos!!???
This is incorrect. It’s the client! Why do you think clients use contract sales forces? Syneos has KPI’s to meet that are established by the client. So yes, if the client is on Syneos to trim the fat and cut corners then Syneos will
Institute layoffs but remember all the directives are client driven!

All synoes contracts do this? They overly hire then fire people less then one year? Is that common in all contracts or just Syneos!!???

I have been on a few Syneos contracts that were about 50 to 100 reps in the nation. I have never seen over-hiring like this. On all those contracts that I was on, I never saw someone given a warning letter or put on a PIP. I was part of a drug launch that never really took off and no one was in trouble for the entire year we did the launch. They simply ended the contract for everyone eventually. What Idorisa is doing seems very different and wrong.

I have been on a few Syneos contracts that were about 50 to 100 reps in the nation. I have never seen over-hiring like this. On all those contracts that I was on, I never saw someone given a warning letter or put on a PIP. I was part of a drug launch that never really took off and no one was in trouble for the entire year we did the launch. They simply ended the contract for everyone eventually. What Idorisa is doing seems very different and wrong.