That guys a total tool. Does he still throw out the word "retarded" in every sentence? I couldn't stand it giving my sibling really was, and he knew it!! He was a black hole on our team and talked trash on everyone. A wonder he's still around. Good riddance from Canada..

The thing with Idexx is that the CEO has no clue what BS the management team is doing. The management team will say things like "if someone were to do this nobody would catch it" making reference to a shady deal. So, you have all the ethical stuff, that you are asked to ignore by management and in addition you have to deal with all the in-house sex with married employees and people sleeping there way to the top. I could write a screen play on what I know! Idexx is famous for promoting the wrong people and if the wind blows the wrong way, I may take what I know and become a whitsle blower. Be afraid, you may be who I am talking about. Next post I will give the initials of the individuals. Oh, and by the way I am working with my lawyer on this so you should take that into consideration. So tempted to give the initials and names but I will refrain until next week. Oh, and Jon Ayers if you want to call me just get involved in this post because I know where the bodies are buried so to speak. We also have a relationship because you have been in my car.

BansheeHawke where are the initials??????

DPC target payout is about $90-$95k depending on seniority. Base of $50k to start with merit bumps to over $60k, commission plan of about $9.5 - $10k quarterly, $500 car allowance, $100 for cell phone, $100 for office phone and internet. Commission plan is as simple as quarterback rating. But you can kill it if you're in the right territory, have good distribution, work your butt off, etc. Last year I grossed over $160k, year before $140k. My wife hated the company. They used to hire from the military significantly but company policy has changed. I would recommend against taking a job. Even if you're really good, you'll be back on the job market in three years.

Do you know what the LDC breakdown is? I was told base in the 50-60k range and 9k a quarter. Top reps make around 150k-170k. is this accurate? what is the norm $ for the LDC role.


I am currently in charge of a piece of software none as Cornerstone which was purchased from idexx. I can believe everything that was written here, because every time I call I am speaking to a different, person, who conveniently never knows anything about the software. This company screwed us completely and our whole medical record system is a sham because of it.

I worked for Idexx's hardware support for 1.5 years and can honestly say that place is a hell hole. No one in management knew what the hell the others were doing nor did any of the supervisors have any technical knowledge to speak of. In addition the focus of support was not on ensuring that vet's equipment worked properly, but to make the call center's numbers look good. If that meant that technicians had to juggle 4 technology inept customers simultaneously then so be it. Management would actively add stress to an already stressful environment. It was mentally toxic for me to work there.

Heed this warning, Friends don't let friends work at Idexx.

As a candidate for a position at the Westbrook HQ, can anybody speak to what it's like to work at IDEXX? This message board dates back to 2009 and is rampant with negative feedback, just curious if the low morale/mismanagement still exists???

I worked for Idexx's hardware support for 1.5 years and can honestly say that place is a hell hole. No one in management knew what the hell the others were doing nor did any of the supervisors have any technical knowledge to speak of. In addition the focus of support was not on ensuring that vet's equipment worked properly, but to make the call center's numbers look good. If that meant that technicians had to juggle 4 technology inept customers simultaneously then so be it. Management would actively add stress to an already stressful environment. It was mentally toxic for me to work there.

Heed this warning, Friends don't let friends work at Idexx.

Everything thing this person says is truth. I have been in Hardware Support for nearly two years now, and feel like I am working towards an early grave. I have also never worked for a company that has so actively tried to become less efficient. Veterans are perpetually disrespected when a new group technicians is brought in, some with absolutely 0 experience/no degree, and paid over $2000/year more, and when management is confronted about it, the veterans are told to "deal with it"

I currently work for IDEXX and have recommended that a friend interview for a position on our team. When researching the company my friend found this forum and shared it with me..... I was SHOCKED!!! It is really too bad that there are so many negative experiences from ex-employees. ...but isn't that the case with all companies? If you are no longer with the company, you were either fired and are lashing out about it or possibly you left the company because of personal reasons and/or found a different job that suited you better.
Regardless, it is a shame to see names posted here and what appears to be the same angry ex-employees ranting on every other blog. I enjoy my job, (working for IDEXX sales in Florida) and am proud of the company that I represent.
I have never been put in a position that would jeopardize my integrity nor have I ever been treated with anything but the most sincere respect.
Best of luck to allow you in your future endeavors.

Here is my experience as a customer: I purchased Cornerstone last year and paid cash, around 72,000.00 for the system, hardware, etc.. We purchased in-house labs for two clinics and transferred our lab service, about $12K a month, to Idexx. All totalled, the past year, Idexx has pocketed about $270,000.00 of my money, conservatively speaking. We have had terrible support and the hardware was corrupted from the start. They never communicate with us, when we call, a different person is our contact each time, everyone has a different solution and many times we get no response at all. Biggest mistake in my career was buying into Cornerstone and Idexx. Now, I am looking into legal remedies.

I do not work for Idexx but I do work with them, regularly, unfortunately. All because of the not so fully integrated practice management software program, Cornershit. I stumbled upon this thread looking for other practice managers/owners who hate Cornershit. I see Idexx screws not only it's customers but also it's employees. Why am I not surprised?

I have been interviewing with IDEXX and EVERYONE I have spoken to at this company LOVES their job, is passionate about their job, and has been there for a very long time. I also came across this board and brought it up to a Regional Manager and he was very straightforward. He told me that there was a ton of growth with IDEXX quickly and that it took some time to get the kinks worked out but that things are running smoothly now. They cared about their ee's so much that they sent out a questionaire to try find a way to make things better. That says a lot about a company. He told me that their biggest complaint was not having a work/life balance which stemmed from the need to restructure some internal processes. I have followed up with multiple ee's who have told me the EXACT same thing and told me that it was a bit painful for awhile but they have implemented changes that have improved things and that they are happy.


Another reorganizing in Idexx Sales. Big news zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Now they have a whole team of bigwigs taking ayear off to plan it without a single rep involved. Surprize surprize. Every new guy they bring in has to try and make an impression with Ayers. Too bad all it does is deflate the reps. All of us are in the market so let the offers roll in fast. This place is sic. The head of AUdit was on the way out cuz she was hated by her team so she hooked up ya was screwing an officer of the company. He got a director job created for her in HR. ANd she's doing the same thing there. Making everybody in HR hate her. But HR deserves her. Idexx has the worst HR I've ever seen. Totally incompetent and worthless. Nobody trusts them. But who cares? Nobody. I am not a former angry employee. I work there now.

Do you know how employees feel outside of the sales and marketing departments? I'm looking at a position as a scientist and I don't think they have to play the same numbers game (though I have heard they have been reorganizing too).