I was Laid off but $2000 Stimulus Is Too Much

What you don't realize is that most fiscal conservatives no longer listen to Fox News, as they have been compromised along with the other corporate media channels. What you also don't know is that you have been turned into another sheeple by your favorite news channel, while not seeing what is really happening.

The tax cuts were good for the working class, like anyone who is a rep here. I made about 2600/year more in take home pay after these cuts, and that was a huge difference for our family. Spoke to many family and friends about this and everyone benefited from the cuts- and I am talking a wide range of incomes with more benefits for the lower end.
So now your economic gurus are Peter Navarro (soundly discounted by most economists) and Larry Kudlow the drug addict??? Economic advisors to your dear leader.

It’s amazing how little Obama actually accomplished during his 8 years, but how much he and his supporters take credit for in the for in the 4 years after he was out of office. His only real accomplishment was dividing us into tribes and pitting us against each other....unfortunately, that’s the one thing he actually chalks up to Trump. Oh, well. I’m sure Biden will be COMPLETELY different and it’s all sunshine and rainbows from here on out.

It’s amazing how little Obama actually accomplished during his 8 years, but how much he and his supporters take credit for in the for in the 4 years after he was out of office. His only real accomplishment was dividing us into tribes and pitting us against each other....unfortunately, that’s the one thing he actually chalks up to Trump. Oh, well. I’m sure Biden will be COMPLETELY different and it’s all sunshine and rainbows from here on out.
Well according to Forbes reporting in Feb of 2020 each of Obama’s last three years in office of job growth beat Trump’s best year of job growth in 2018 (first year of tax cut) ...or is Forbes too socialistic for your views you idiot cult member.

Cut the conservative ‘moral high ground’ BS. Trumps tax cut in 2017 added 2.3 trillion to the US debt. It did not “trickle down”. In fact 154x as much was spent by the corporate “welfare queens” on stock buybacks as was spent on worker’s bonuses and wages.
Why don’t you use your brain and donate your check to a local feed bank. Conservative, republican thought is now total hypocracy.

Of course trickle down works. What you think trickle up poverty works better? Don’t be stupid. People with non government money to spend drives the economy better than anything in history. Yes time are hard for some right now, no question but how will thinks be when so many more are hurting from a broken economy due to redistribution and socialist actions. That has never worked throughout history. Having said all of that, I agree $2000 is better for those hurting. Just cut all the pork to other countries and other nonsense projects loaded up in his bill.

Well according to Forbes reporting in Feb of 2020 each of Obama’s last three years in office of job growth beat Trump’s best year of job growth in 2018 (first year of tax cut) ...or is Forbes too socialistic for your views you idiot cult member.

Nonsense. Obama had 8 years of virtually zero % interest rates and still could not get things going. We have 8 years of college graduates that had no real job prospect some of that was caused by Bush to be fair. Why do you think they added kids to their parents insurance till they were 26. Because things were so good? Get real. As soon as trump came in they started raising interest rates and the economy still out performed expectations. How about all the economists who said the market would crash and the economy would tank if trump got elected. Nope.

Nonsense. Obama had 8 years of virtually zero % interest rates and still could not get things going. We have 8 years of college graduates that had no real job prospect some of that was caused by Bush to be fair. Why do you think they added kids to their parents insurance till they were 26. Because things were so good? Get real. As soon as trump came in they started raising interest rates and the economy still out performed expectations. How about all the economists who said the market would crash and the economy would tank if trump got elected. Nope.
Obama came to office during the previous administrations total screw ups. We almost had a Great Depression had Obama and his administration (Geitner was luckily intelligent enough as were others including Ron Klane) not bailed out the banks and Detroit. You honestly think McCain would have done that? In retrospect, McCain a decent human being but he had no clue about how to rescue the economy. We would still be crawling out of the dustbin created by Bush and his mignons in my humble opinion had Obama not done much of what he did with tarp and bailing out the miscreant banks. Probably he should have broken up the banks in retrospect. Oh, and I liked his tan suit.

Well according to Forbes reporting in Feb of 2020 each of Obama’s last three years in office of job growth beat Trump’s best year of job growth in 2018 (first year of tax cut) ...or is Forbes too socialistic for your views you idiot cult member.

Why is it when someone disagrees with you, a liberal’s first response is label them a bad person (i.e. “you idiot cult member)? Is that what #unity looks like in action?

And, even a left leaning publication like Bloomberg acknowledges Trump’s economy was better. But, if you notice, the article is under the “OPINION” heading. Someone having a difference of opinion than you do on the economy doesn’t make them a bad person. No need to fulfill that ugly liberal stereotype, is there?


Why is it when someone disagrees with you, a liberal’s first response is label them a bad person (i.e. “you idiot cult member)? Is that what #unity looks like in action?

And, even a left leaning publication like Bloomberg acknowledges Trump’s economy was better. But, if you notice, the article is under the “OPINION” heading. Someone having a difference of opinion than you do on the economy doesn’t make them a bad person. No need to fulfill that ugly liberal stereotype, is there?

Opinion is not the same as facts. Conservatives such as yourself don’t like facts cause you are brainwashed - it drives me nuts. I am an ex Republican who left the party cause I can’t embrace things like fascism and voter suppression. I believe in climate change and believe that having horrible disparities between classes will lead to our doom. And I believe churches should be taxed.

Opinion is not the same as facts. Conservatives such as yourself don’t like facts cause you are brainwashed - it drives me nuts. I am an ex Republican who left the party cause I can’t embrace things like fascism and voter suppression. I believe in climate change and believe that having horrible disparities between classes will lead to our doom. And I believe churches should be taxed.

You have no idea how I stand on any of the issues you brought forth, so I am not certain how I’m labeled as ‘brainwashed.’ All I’ve commented on is the economy - and record low unemployment coupled with record high family wealth (FACTS, by the way) results in my opinion that Trump’s economy was better than Obama’s. It’s my opinion. You aren’t a bad person (or brainwashed or a cult member or an idiot, or anything other name you hurled) for disagreeing with me.

Your positions are your OPINION; they aren’t facts. And, you might want to look up the definition of fascism, as I’m not sure you understand what it is. And, suppressing ILLEGAL votes is all that’s on the table for Republicans. You’re trying to run with that same argument that anti illegal immigration is the same as being anti-immigrant. You need new material, man.

Why single out churches, by the way? There are lots of non-profits out there, all of which benefit from the same tax advantages as a church does. But, the difference is that churches are actually out doing good in their communities. Why are you punishing that?

Obama came to office during the previous administrations total screw ups. We almost had a Great Depression had Obama and his administration (Geitner was luckily intelligent enough as were others including Ron Klane) not bailed out the banks and Detroit. You honestly think McCain would have done that? In retrospect, McCain a decent human being but he had no clue about how to rescue the economy. We would still be crawling out of the dustbin created by Bush and his mignons in my humble opinion had Obama not done much of what he did with tarp and bailing out the miscreant banks. Probably he should have broken up the banks in retrospect. Oh, and I liked his tan suit.

agree that bush damn near destroyed the economy my pushing home ownership so hard that bank gave loans to people who could not afford them and in some cases allowed 50% threshold of after tax income to qualify for a mortgage. Like obama pushing school loans for people who will never be able to get the job to pay them back and now who want to just forgive them like they never happened. And I totally agree that there is no too big to fail. They should have let that banks and GM go under. No business should be bailed out by the tax payer.
That does not change the fact that obama should have had a stronger recovery but didn’t because he was and is still clueless. Little Tim couldn’t pay his own taxes much less run treasury. To this day obama has no clue how to run an economy. Not surprising, most in the government don’t.

Sure. That must be why we had record low unemployment. I guess those millions of new jobs just came from nowhere.

If you both work here, I suggest that you two stop acting like 5th graders and start planning for your post NNI future. And, if your future plan includes hitting up ex-Novo folks at Biogen, Takeda and other medium to Big Pharma? You're in for a surprise.

agree that bush damn near destroyed the economy my pushing home ownership so hard that bank gave loans to people who could not afford them and in some cases allowed 50% threshold of after tax income to qualify for a mortgage. Like obama pushing school loans for people who will never be able to get the job to pay them back and now who want to just forgive them like they never happened. And I totally agree that there is no too big to fail. They should have let that banks and GM go under. No business should be bailed out by the tax payer.
That does not change the fact that obama should have had a stronger recovery but didn’t because he was and is still clueless. Little Tim couldn’t pay his own taxes much less run treasury. To this day obama has no clue how to run an economy. Not surprising, most in the government don’t.
Fake news you spout about Geitner. Please research what you say and don’t regurgitate conservative fake talking points. Had the banks failed we would still be crawling out of the ditch that your conservative anything goes in business attitude landed us in. Obama’s recovery was quite strong but don’t guess anyone like you would ever admit it. I will tell you who is clueless....all the Trump sycophants..Mark Meadows never graduated from college and he’s his chief of staff!!! I could go on- including the cretins on Fox like Hannity the plumber. Let’s not forget Navarro and drug addict Larry Kudlows his ‘trusty’ advisors looking to line the pockets of Wall Street while the economy gets screwed.

You have no idea how I stand on any of the issues you brought forth, so I am not certain how I’m labeled as ‘brainwashed.’ All I’ve commented on is the economy - and record low unemployment coupled with record high family wealth (FACTS, by the way) results in my opinion that Trump’s economy was better than Obama’s. It’s my opinion. You aren’t a bad person (or brainwashed or a cult member or an idiot, or anything other name you hurled) for disagreeing with me.

Your positions are your OPINION; they aren’t facts. And, you might want to look up the definition of fascism, as I’m not sure you understand what it is. And, suppressing ILLEGAL votes is all that’s on the table for Republicans. You’re trying to run with that same argument that anti illegal immigration is the same as being anti-immigrant. You need new material, man.

Why single out churches, by the way? There are lots of non-profits out there, all of which benefit from the same tax advantages as a church does. But, the difference is that churches are actually out doing good in their communities. Why are you punishing that?
Churches are the arm of the conservative republicans face it. Big churches in my area hold rallies for right wing politicians. They should be taxed. After looking at the actions of the conservative evangelicals I’ll take my chances and be non religious.

You have no idea how I stand on any of the issues you brought forth, so I am not certain how I’m labeled as ‘brainwashed.’ All I’ve commented on is the economy - and record low unemployment coupled with record high family wealth (FACTS, by the way) results in my opinion that Trump’s economy was better than Obama’s. It’s my opinion. You aren’t a bad person (or brainwashed or a cult member or an idiot, or anything other name you hurled) for disagreeing with me.

Your positions are your OPINION; they aren’t facts. And, you might want to look up the definition of fascism, as I’m not sure you understand what it is. And, suppressing ILLEGAL votes is all that’s on the table for Republicans. You’re trying to run with that same argument that anti illegal immigration is the same as being anti-immigrant. You need new material, man.

Why single out churches, by the way? There are lots of non-profits out there, all of which benefit from the same tax advantages as a church does. But, the difference is that churches are actually out doing good in their communities. Why are you punishing that?
So if the republicans want to investigate “illegal” votes, why are they only looking in states that Trump lost??? And they question only the presidential race in that state but not the races won by Republicans?? Chew on that for a bit if your mind can process that.

First, I don’t think you understand what socialism is. Second, those tax cuts resulted in those rich business owners hiring more people than ever before, which is why we had a record low unemployment. Why do you care if someone rich has more money than you do if they use that money to hire more workers? Quit being jealous.
Yeah, except every economic analysis of that corporate socialism bill proves that the money did NOT result in more jobs, it went straight into executive pay and stock buybacks (including Novo which has bought back record amounts of stock in recent years while reducing its headcount).

You have no idea how I stand on any of the issues you brought forth, so I am not certain how I’m labeled as ‘brainwashed.’ All I’ve commented on is the economy - and record low unemployment coupled with record high family wealth (FACTS, by the way) results in my opinion that Trump’s economy was better than Obama’s. It’s my opinion. You aren’t a bad person (or brainwashed or a cult member or an idiot, or anything other name you hurled) for disagreeing with me.

Your positions are your OPINION; they aren’t facts. And, you might want to look up the definition of fascism, as I’m not sure you understand what it is. And, suppressing ILLEGAL votes is all that’s on the table for Republicans. You’re trying to run with that same argument that anti illegal immigration is the same as being anti-immigrant. You need new material, man.

Why single out churches, by the way? There are lots of non-profits out there, all of which benefit from the same tax advantages as a church does. But, the difference is that churches are actually out doing good in their communities. Why are you punishing that?
I think you should look at definition of fascism. Exactly what the orange monsters mignons are inflicting right now. From the great state of Arizona and don’t fuck with my vote!!!

So if the republicans want to investigate “illegal” votes, why are they only looking in states that Trump lost??? And they question only the presidential race in that state but not the races won by Republicans?? Chew on that for a bit if your mind can process that.

Those same states are the only ones that had hundreds of thousands of votes dumped in the middle of the night, all for a single candidate. As a matter of fact, the majority of them were only presidential ballots - no vote for any other elections. That’s what they’re investigating. To me, that doesn’t seem unreasonable, as it’s an anomaly from previous elections. And, again, that’s not voter suppression - if it’s valid, it will be counted. If it’s not, then it shouldn’t be counted. Surely you agree that illegal votes shouldn’t be counted, don’t you? It seems like election integrity shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

Yeah, except every economic analysis of that corporate socialism bill proves that the money did NOT result in more jobs, it went straight into executive pay and stock buybacks (including Novo which has bought back record amounts of stock in recent years while reducing its headcount).

Yet, somehow we had record low unemployment. Must have been magic.