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I am pro-life

No, it’s not a little different. It’s either my body, my choice in EVERY circumstance or it’s not. Furthermore you’re scientifically wrong on both situations.
How am I wrong? Have you seen many outbreaks of polio lately? Small pox? Vaccinating the masses eradicated those horrible diseases. Why is measles coming back? Because derps like you choose to listen to brilliant thinkers like Jenny McCarthy instead of vaccinating their kids. Yeah, tell me I’m wrong again.

How am I wrong? Have you seen many outbreaks of polio lately? Small pox? Vaccinating the masses eradicated those horrible diseases. Why is measles coming back? Because derps like you choose to listen to brilliant thinkers like Jenny McCarthy instead of vaccinating their kids. Yeah, tell me I’m wrong again.
With an effective vaccine, if you’ve been vaccinated, your essentially bulletproof.
we have effective vaccines for polio and small pox. We do the for Covid. And there is a HUGE difference in mortality risk and serious long term affects with those diseases vs Covid. There is also a huge difference in the average age at which those diseases kill.
Measles is coming back because of unchecked illegal immigration, not Jenny McCarthy, who at this point has at least as much credibility as Dr. Fauci seeing as he has ZERO!
So, you see you’re wrong! :D
And this is from somebody who has been vaccinated for Covid, but it was MY choice based upon MY personal factors. My vaccination decision affects nobody but ME! That is not true in abortion where a unique human person is murdered. If the mother wants to cut off her left leg, have at it, cause that IS her body! The child she carries IN her body is not! Mandates are bogus for a disease with the fatality rate of Covid and unnecessary for diseases with high fatality rates. You’re the one playing the hypocrite!
But I’ll leave you with a question. Why haven’t we mandated flu vaccinations long ago to protect others? Hmmmm?

With an effective vaccine, if you’ve been vaccinated, your essentially bulletproof.
we have effective vaccines for polio and small pox. We do the for Covid. And there is a HUGE difference in mortality risk and serious long term affects with those diseases vs Covid. There is also a huge difference in the average age at which those diseases kill.
Measles is coming back because of unchecked illegal immigration, not Jenny McCarthy, who at this point has at least as much credibility as Dr. Fauci seeing as he has ZERO!
So, you see you’re wrong! :D
And this is from somebody who has been vaccinated for Covid, but it was MY choice based upon MY personal factors. My vaccination decision affects nobody but ME! That is not true in abortion where a unique human person is murdered. If the mother wants to cut off her left leg, have at it, cause that IS her body! The child she carries IN her body is not! Mandates are bogus for a disease with the fatality rate of Covid and unnecessary for diseases with high fatality rates. You’re the one playing the hypocrite!
But I’ll leave you with a question. Why haven’t we mandated flu vaccinations long ago to protect others? Hmmmm?

Flu is a virus. Some vaccines deal with bacteria. Bacteria is way easier to deal with than virus. Ever hear of polio? Also a virus. 99%of the population is vaccinated against polio. Case closed loser.

Flu is a virus. Some vaccines deal with bacteria. Bacteria is way easier to deal with than virus. Ever hear of polio? Also a virus. 99%of the population is vaccinated against polio. Case closed loser.
Yep and you’re the loser! Everything I spoke about was a virus. I didn’t take the easy way out as you did! Next! :rolleyes:

With an effective vaccine, if you’ve been vaccinated, your essentially bulletproof.
we have effective vaccines for polio and small pox. We do the for Covid. And there is a HUGE difference in mortality risk and serious long term affects with those diseases vs Covid. There is also a huge difference in the average age at which those diseases kill.
Measles is coming back because of unchecked illegal immigration, not Jenny McCarthy, who at this point has at least as much credibility as Dr. Fauci seeing as he has ZERO!
So, you see you’re wrong! :D
And this is from somebody who has been vaccinated for Covid, but it was MY choice based upon MY personal factors. My vaccination decision affects nobody but ME! That is not true in abortion where a unique human person is murdered. If the mother wants to cut off her left leg, have at it, cause that IS her body! The child she carries IN her body is not! Mandates are bogus for a disease with the fatality rate of Covid and unnecessary for diseases with high fatality rates. You’re the one playing the hypocrite!
But I’ll leave you with a question. Why haven’t we mandated flu vaccinations long ago to protect others? Hmmmm?
The huge measles outbreak of 2019 in Brooklyn occurred because of the Orthodox Jewish communities. Lack of vaccinations in addition to travelers who brought measles back from countries like Israel and Ukraine were largely to blame. Eighty percent of measles cases in Brooklyn occurred in children and 73% of cases occurred in people who were unvaccinated. Complications in 125 cases of patients who were hospitalized included pneumonia and encephalitis.

The huge measles outbreak of 2019 in Brooklyn occurred because of the Orthodox Jewish communities. Lack of vaccinations in addition to travelers who brought measles back from countries like Israel and Ukraine were largely to blame. Eighty percent of measles cases in Brooklyn occurred in children and 73% of cases occurred in people who were unvaccinated. Complications in 125 cases of patients who were hospitalized included pneumonia and encephalitis.
Brooklyn isn’t the nation.
And by not talking about illegal immigration and focusing on a devout religious group, your bias is glaring!

But I’ll give you another chance! Please square your philosophy of life with your dad’s experience. This should be interesting!

WTF does my dad have to do with a vaccine? When he was in the Army, they lined 'em up and went down the row giving everyone their shots - every last one of them. No muss, no fuss, no pansy-assed 'Where's my civil rights?' shit.

That was the government philosophy and being an honorable soldier, he went along with it.
Case closed, Jackass. ;)