Just remember that in each area it must be balanced by age and level for legal reasons and each VP is given a dollar target. They then start identifying specific individuals (or groups of individuals) who they feel they can survive without. After identifying these people with HR and IT they must then identify another (innocent) person who offsets the target on age and level. For instance as a rough example if a 55 year old PG40 is targeted then a 25 year old PG24 will need to be also identified for age & level balance. In my CVM severance letter it lists the ages and titles of everyone in my group laid off without names. They want everyone targeted off the books by 12/31 latest so they may start the next year and quarter without the laid off people in the budget. I was given until 12/27 but it looks like some on here will be employed only four more weeks before their official last day of employment and severance begins.
How do they pick the targets, well that part is very subjective unless entire departments or groups are let go. They do have access to your laptop activity data from IT. Also when you sign your severance letter to receive more than four weeks severance pay, you also sign away your right to sue the company. That’s all I know based on my CVM situation.