How to report a bad manager to HR

Does anyone have suggestions for reporting a manager that bullies all of their employees and threatens their jobs for no good reason to HR? Fear of retaliation is the biggest problem here.

There is no point. The DM will make your life a living hell if you go directly to him and HR couldn't care less about bad DM's cause they only care about saving their pissy little jobs. DM's who are bullies are insecure little twits....either find a new job or suck it up when the bullying happens --bullies are just in schools.

It's also bad apartment management where it seems they do just about anything to keep their jobs even if it means to lie and cause harm or to otherwise lie about innocent tenements in the underlying process of false calls and reports that happen all over, 'America from landlords that stuff the child protection service with children that should not be there not one!
Where is our secret police are they hugging the fed and kissing the CIA?

OK so we have estahlshed HR is not a good option ... as with any compnay

Has anybody had experience reporting management (higher than DM or RM) to compliance for breaches of code of conduct?
eg. directing managers to breach tnder agreements, to ignore customer invoicing mistakes made in Abbotts favor and my favourite directing others to process invoices before delivery to make month end targets!
All events are documented and diarised

I have documentation of exactly the events mentioned above - invoices emails and delivery all point to the country manager (outside US)

Who do I send it to at Abbott Park, I want to stay anonymous as I dont trust the local HR management or compliance

Hmmmmm..... Your DM sounds like he could be Ken Mangano

Oh - No, No, No! Come On - You Know This Sounds Just Like Denyse Neimerow.
One Sorry, Pathetic Excuse, for a DM.

Never works full days with the Reps, ever! Talk about Falsification Of Reports!

Rock On, Live One, None of This Matters - Just Maintain Your Integrity!

Peace :)

Let the world know about your boss, by submitting a report to Bad Boss Reports. It's like the Ripoff Report, only it's about bosses. The more people who speak out against a bad boss, the better. It is never a good idea to let things bottle-up. HR is almost never your ally.