How to report a bad manager to HR

Report it to HR? Seriously? You'll be put on a fast track towards a PIP.

Former Abbott rep here. I reported my manager to HR and was assured that nobody would find out and that they would address the matter...two weeks later I received a "performance gap letter" and two months later; PIP. Don't do it!!!!!! HR is their to protect the COMPANY, they don't give a shit about you! Document everything, and then go see a lawyer. DO NOT GO TO HR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

give the bastard everything he asks for - and use that little known function on email which tells you in the email was ever opened.

I had an asshole who wanted tracker this and report back that. For about two months, I was good on that. Then I noticed, no feedback at all. Ever. Sent the same report in 5 weeks in a row - no response. Used my little function and kept all of the "message received, deleted, unopened, responses." When I was given my review - he went on a tirade, until I showed him my "file". My my, we were a bit white! Its amazing how you can get a PA changed into an AE.

again - give him/her what they want - ask what the BUSINESS reason is behind it - follow up w them on why it matters. Sometimes - you have to give a bastard what they need - manage them! Works every time. They pick on the weak. Do not be weak.

also, just do your job and see what happens. good things usually happen.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's people like you that should be in a leadership role, you know it...I know it. The company wastes talent like this everyday. You are right about picking on the weak, if you don't push back right out of the gate your career in this industry will be miserable.

So very true about being bullies. They couldn't hack managing a territory so they tried the managing people. Never works this way. System is very difficult to change. Get rid of your manager by changing positions, divisions, company or industry. Take what u learn from the situation and become a better person and know u will never treat others the way u were treated.

So very true about being bullies. They couldn't hack managing a territory so they tried the managing people. Never works this way. System is very difficult to change. Get rid of your manager by changing positions, divisions, company or industry. Take what u learn from the situation and become a better person and know u will never treat others the way u were treated.

You know, this is just BS. Some people get restless and want to do more. Others are ambitious and want to have more responsibility. Others want more money to live on. There are lots of reasons, but few, very few go into management because they "couldn't hack managing a territory". Some just get bored with the routine. I think I was one of those. After 15 years, I left the territory and finally accepted a promotional position into AP. Best decision, maybe, I ever made. It gives you an entirely different view of what is going on and why. It's a view that is almost impossible to explain, but it provides an understanding why things happen. Who would hire someone into a training or manager position because they were unable to perform and deliver results in their last position?
Put your drink down and please start to think more clearly.
So maybe until you have the opportunity to take the next step, you might consider that there are other viewpoints from other positions, that are different from yours out in the field. Points that have more background, more experience, more information than you have in your current position.

Well goodie for you. Good chance you will be amongst the dead wood that gets swept up in AP in the next layoff. I am sure you think that you are irreplacable but you will not be missed for one second. What a condescending, clueless pos you are.

HR behaves like prosecutors whenever you file a complaint and not like the employee defender they should be.

1. DO NOT FILE A COMPLAINT UNTIL YOU BUILD YOUR CASE--- YOU MUST HAVE SOLID, DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE of your complaint-email, fellow co-worker, etc or they will slam you into a corner and beat you into submission and make you out to be the bad person.
2. DOCUMENT ALL CALLS-times, person spoke to, etc. They like to "drag" things out for a long time in hopes you will get tired of waiting and circular discussions.
3. ASK THEM WHEN YOU CAN EXPECT A RESOLUTION OR CASE UPDATE_MAKE THEM GIVE YOU A DATE!!! If they don't call-call HR and state that you have not been updated on your case status as stated in prior call.
4. BE CONSISTENT IN YOUR STATEMENTS-someone may ask for for the tenth time to explain the situation/problem and try to pry for inconsistencies. They have prior case notes. If you must give a statement-state your original complaint VERBATIM.
5. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE FROM HR REP, REQUEST THAT YOUR CASE BE ESCALATED. REMEMBER-you have rights, you have valid complaints, and HR has no right to make you feel terrible about making a complaint. If they do, get a lawyer.


HR behaves like prosecutors whenever you file a complaint and not like the employee defender they should be.

1. DO NOT FILE A COMPLAINT UNTIL YOU BUILD YOUR CASE--- YOU MUST HAVE SOLID, DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE of your complaint-email, fellow co-worker, etc or they will slam you into a corner and beat you into submission and make you out to be the bad person.
2. DOCUMENT ALL CALLS-times, person spoke to, etc. They like to "drag" things out for a long time in hopes you will get tired of waiting and circular discussions.
3. ASK THEM WHEN YOU CAN EXPECT A RESOLUTION OR CASE UPDATE_MAKE THEM GIVE YOU A DATE!!! If they don't call-call HR and state that you have not been updated on your case status as stated in prior call.
4. BE CONSISTENT IN YOUR STATEMENTS-someone may ask for for the tenth time to explain the situation/problem and try to pry for inconsistencies. They have prior case notes. If you must give a statement-state your original complaint VERBATIM.
5. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE FROM HR REP, REQUEST THAT YOUR CASE BE ESCALATED. REMEMBER-you have rights, you have valid complaints, and HR has no right to make you feel terrible about making a complaint. If they do, get a lawyer.


You need need to consult with an attorney first and have all of your documentation in an outline format. Print out emails, notes, field coaching reports, conversations, and events so the attorney can review and decide if you have a case. 9 times out of 10 HR will side with the manager they are not their to protect you.

Your team will not side with you because they want to keep their jobs. Play the game, do everything he/she asks, document with emails keep copies in a file, document conversations you feel uncomfortable with and keep your eyes open for another job. Do not discuss with anyone on your team because someone will want to get on his/her good side and throw you under the bus. I have been there and most of the time you will not win. Even though he/she may be horrible they won't admit that he has done anything wrong unless it is violates, age, race, sex etc. Contact the EEOC, they will provide you with a free consult. When a manager is bad it does not matter unless his manager realizes he is horrible. If your number are decent and you are at the top use them to look for another job or transfer to another division or position within the company.

Use reverse tactics, volunteer to take on additional assignments, brown nose him to death, act as if you are his best friend and he/she will might start treating you differently. 99% of the time they won't but try a few different approaches to turn it around and use it to get away from him. It was so bad for me that every week when my numbers came in and I was #1 or #2 in the district he would come after me even worse. He told me horrible things to make me leave. I walked away from a lot of money so don't let them win. Start looking at your company site for another position.

Does anyone have suggestions for reporting a manager that bullies all of their employees and threatens their jobs for no good reason to HR? Fear of retaliation is the biggest problem here.

In the US they have not passed laws that protect against bullying and mobbing in the work place. Sad but true. Call the EEOC and set up an appointment with them to get advice on what you should do to protect yourself. Also consult a labor lawyer and they can advise you as well. Do everything he asks you to do and volunteer to do extra work. If you change tactics it might throw him off.

In the current economic climate it appears that many managers are using this approach because they can. This is their true personality which was hidden during good times. Also there are no laws that protect the employees and they know this to be the case. When people start writing letters to their state senators and flood their mail boxes complaining about Corporate America abuse then maybe laws will be passed. We are sitting back taking it so nothing is being done. Start writing and maybe we will see change. Send a few million letters through the mail to the White House and maybe they will get the message too.

Your manager will not be fired regardless of how much documentation you have. I had a manager who signed a blank QA document ahead of time because he was going on vacation. Upper management got wind of it. He was not fired. Would I get fired for falsifying data? Yep, you bet. Don't expect that he'll be fired because you have documentation.

Also, I had a manager who would sit at his desk shopping on Ebay for an hour or two every week. Isn't that a violation of company policy regarding use of a computer? If I reported it, would he get fired? I bet not. But you can sure bet he would use that against me if I did the same thing.

You know, this is just BS. Some people get restless and want to do more. Others are ambitious and want to have more responsibility. Others want more money to live on. There are lots of reasons, but few, very few go into management because they "couldn't hack managing a territory". Some just get bored with the routine. I think I was one of those. After 15 years, I left the territory and finally accepted a promotional position into AP. Best decision, maybe, I ever made. It gives you an entirely different view of what is going on and why. It's a view that is almost impossible to explain, but it provides an understanding why things happen. Who would hire someone into a training or manager position because they were unable to perform and deliver results in their last position?
Put your drink down and please start to think more clearly.
So maybe until you have the opportunity to take the next step, you might consider that there are other viewpoints from other positions, that are different from yours out in the field. Points that have more background, more experience, more information than you have in your current position.[/QUOTE

I can sure tell u got an A in Strategic Mgt.101. $100,000 in base plus profit share n solid bonuses fr 10 years working as a rep., 4 hours a day in the field. SO WHY WOULD I WANT A DM OR AP POSITION? u ate perfectly placed at the Part. I would have expected no better.

Nintenol Line 1, 2nd shift ....female Lead and Maria Montoya have a relationship, that create a big problem because they work in the same area, this relation is a secret because one of them still married and they don't want anybody to knows. Maria is always the one to run this line , she have the power to tell her girlfriend ( Lead ) what to do, only when is important people around they try to cover what they do, they always in conflict with people because they are a jealous couple, the have few Philipino girls to tell them everything that they heard around...Lead likes gossip alot, and believe everything without see for herself .....the mexican girlfriend is always jealous about other mexicans coworkers,and make them suffer for that with work , all she has to do is tell the lead what to do , and make them look like bad workers, I been working for 20 years, and I never see anything like this in any line, Lead is not a proffesional Lead, she is just a player, you can ask anybody that work in Line 1 2nd shift what they think and feel about this.....everybody is afraid to talk, and loose their job in case no one believe, we need help! help! Thank you!

OK so we have estahlshed HR is not a good option ... as with any compnay

Has anybody had experience reporting management (higher than DM or RM) to compliance for breaches of code of conduct?
eg. directing managers to breach tnder agreements, to ignore customer invoicing mistakes made in Abbotts favor and my favourite directing others to process invoices before delivery to make month end targets!
All events are documented and diarised

Who are you calling a bitch you Cock! I yelled at you for the third time because you keep on steping on my toes while I was titrating. I should have shove a pippette up your ass. Moron!

That's right, avoid HR. I had a friend who went to HR and got laid off shortly afterwards.

Many years back when I was in the lab, there was another female employee who decided to be a bitch to me. What she would do is come up to me when I was working alone in the lab and start yelling at me. After the third time of sitting there taking it from her, I went to my immediate supervisor and complained. It was her word against mine because no one saw her attacking me. Eventually it all worked its way up to the department manager. My immediate supervisor wouldn't support me because he said he didn't hear what was said, since she was doing this when we were not in front of other people. In the end, I got a lower rating on my performance review because of that bitch. So I wish I had never said anything to my supervisor and just told the bitch to fuck off.

Try to get your manager to say this crap to you in front of a few other people, that's the best approach. If you can get some others to hear it too, you might have a chance in HR or taking it to upper managment.

Do you have a spine? What kind of a sniveling coward are you? Speak directly to your DM like an adult. This is what's wrong with reps. COWARDS! Stand up for yourself!

what kind of moron are you? When a manager needs to be disciplined you speak to the guy above him. Every manager has a record. If you report that manager, he will build a record. That record will ensure he gets the punishment he deserves i.e. unemployment!

where's our spine???

where's your common sense? is what you should be asking yourself

As others have said, get it in writing, evrything. Document what is said and done to you.Also, take legal advice before you go to Personnel, they just keep to the company line. In England we have loads of managers screwing us reps and the company, waste of space all them.Mine is spending her time shouting at the reps in the team or else getting her manicures while she spends a lot of time working in her husbands business. If I could get the proof even then I wouldn't shop her unless I spoke to a lawyer first.Be careful what ever you do
Does anyone have suggestions for reporting a manager that bullies all of their employees and threatens their jobs for no good reason to HR? Fear of retaliation is the biggest problem here.

As others have said, get it in writing, evrything. Document what is said and done to you.Also, take legal advice before you go to Personnel, they just keep to the company line. In England we have loads of managers screwing us reps and the company, waste of space all them.Mine is spending her time shouting at the reps in the team or else getting her manicures while she spends a lot of time working in her husbands business. If I could get the proof even then I wouldn't shop her unless I spoke to a lawyer first.Be careful what ever you do

I thought you just report it on Cafe Pharma. True the company will pull the posts down but I have seen many a person fired whose name showed up on Cafe Pharma just a few too many times. C'mon, give it a try. It really works. I promise.

Warning: HR is not your friend. Never go there. If you do a report will be immediately generated back to the manager and regional manager. HR is there to protect management and the company from lawsuits not you. They may seem like it but they are not on your side ever.

This is exactly right! Think about it HR is employed by the company do you think they are going to go out on a limb to help you. No they will protect management. I was on a Abbott team where a rep got swore at during a meeting. She asked for everyones help on the team and we all did. HR asked all of us to discuss what happened than after we were all done HR told us our comments are going to be shared with our manager so he could defend what he did. Needless to say the manager stayed the rep moved on and after everyone was walking on egg shells because he knew what we had said about him. DON'T TRUST HR. They are there only to serve the company interest and not those of the employees.