How to report a bad manager to HR


Does anyone have suggestions for reporting a manager that bullies all of their employees and threatens their jobs for no good reason to HR? Fear of retaliation is the biggest problem here.

Do you have a spine? What kind of a sniveling coward are you? Speak directly to your DM like an adult. This is what's wrong with reps. COWARDS! Stand up for yourself!

Best way is to get support from team, good luck on that, everyone is out for themselves so if you are getting harrassed, etc teammates look at that as a good thing, with you gone, more security....Try to get something on the DM, I mean in a legal way, document things, speak up, bring it to the table, however, last guy I know who did this was Pipped out....

Document, Document, Document. Every encounter, argument, phone or coaching conversation . If your state allows taping of conversations go for it. If not DON'T DO IT. Talk with your colleagues. Are they experiencing the same or are you being singled out? How are your numbers? re you hitting your call avg and other metrix? If not, you don't have much to stand on. Make sure you print out every call report from polaris, every snapshot report. Most Importantly, get every field contact signed by both you and the manager. Don't accept "I will e-mail it to you and then you can sign it". Have them complete it and you both sign it before the end of your field travel day. Make sure they e-mail it to you before you leave the field. They have air cards. If the DM refuses to do that, document it in a journal. "on x date, I rode with my DM and he/she failed to give me a signed FT report at the end of the day". The more documentation you have the better. Remember, HR is not your friend and your word against your DM will not fly.

I got rid of my bad manager by leaving Abbott. It was the ultimate revenge because they aren't hiring a replacement. Try to relieve your stress. It helped me a great deal to know so many other people are in bad manager situations. You aren't alone.

Does anyone have suggestions for reporting a manager that bullies all of their employees and threatens their jobs for no good reason to HR? Fear of retaliation is the biggest problem here.

Warning: HR is not your friend. Never go there. If you do a report will be immediately generated back to the manager and regional manager. HR is there to protect management and the company from lawsuits not you. They may seem like it but they are not on your side ever.

Don't do a thing - you have to just live with it. Once you open that can of worms - Abbott HR will investigate you both and believe me - if Abbott wants to find something on you - they will. More than likely you will be the one that gets fired. It's like when one rep tries to rat out another rep - HR looks into the both of them. I really can't stand reps that don't mind their business - like the back stabber in CT with Renal (we all know who I am talking about). Some people just don't have anything else better to do than make other peoples lives miserable. You just have to smile and take it and wait until they decide to move on - or you do.

That's right, avoid HR. I had a friend who went to HR and got laid off shortly afterwards.

Many years back when I was in the lab, there was another female employee who decided to be a bitch to me. What she would do is come up to me when I was working alone in the lab and start yelling at me. After the third time of sitting there taking it from her, I went to my immediate supervisor and complained. It was her word against mine because no one saw her attacking me. Eventually it all worked its way up to the department manager. My immediate supervisor wouldn't support me because he said he didn't hear what was said, since she was doing this when we were not in front of other people. In the end, I got a lower rating on my performance review because of that bitch. So I wish I had never said anything to my supervisor and just told the bitch to fuck off.

Try to get your manager to say this crap to you in front of a few other people, that's the best approach. If you can get some others to hear it too, you might have a chance in HR or taking it to upper managment.

How long have you been around OP? Have you not seen and heard other instances of 'Bad Managers' and how they are reprimanded? The sad part is that the company loses more due to the 'criminal minds' and poor management skills of those people. They lose respect, motivation, productivity and great individuals, all due to their incestuous management. So, if you think HR will help you, please give them a call. No one at this company has the balls to stand up for the employee. Why ruin a good gig and bring attention to a franchise run by inept and unqualified managers that don't know the definition of 'management or motivation or respect and loyalty.' Until this company admits that things need to change in the way management scares and threatens individuals to death, they will continue to be portrayed as lacking maturity and much, much more. It's Gestapo tactics around here.

The BEST way to get rid of a bad manager is to file a complaint they are not spending FULL days with you in the field and are falsyfying their field travel documents. I know of 2 managers who were asked to resign or be fired by the company. The one never worked with reps and the other worked half days or had lunch meetings with the reps and said they were field days. Managers have to fill out a monthly "proposed" schedule and then their "actual" schedule as the month progressed. If they submit a field report that is falsified this is as bad as a falsified sample documentation!!

Good luck!!

Don't bother with HR. They almost always side with management and make you look like the bad guy.
My advice, besides documenting everything, including any and all conversations you have with your manager, talk with a Labor Relations attorney. They will usually give you sound advice, and if you retain a lawyer, and things start becoming unbearable for you, have your attorney communicate with HR/your manager. That will really shake them up, especially if your case is rock solid for abuse, discrimination, harrassment etc.

I called HR on my manager once for being abusive and blackmailing reps, among many other things. 2 others on my team reported him too. It did not go well. I would never call HR again. Manager got full report of who called and what was said, which shocked me. The other 2 reps quit because it was so awful afterward. The manager and I eventually learned to work together. For me, it was a decision to put up with it or get a new job. Eventually, I got a new manager. Abbott sadly will not back you up here. Accept it or find a new job.

I can tell you all from experience hr people dont care. Complaints are made and never validated. Its very pathetic ! Rep rights? There are none. Its put up or shut up. We all are dispensable. Its disgusting that Abbott continues to employee such horrible managers that feel that by threatening they get sales results. Does anyone look at these peoples history? Competencies are being used now very subjectivley to screw over individuals. I could rant and rave but just in case i am not going to write anymore becuase they are watching.