How to report a bad manager to HR

Document, Document, Document. Every encounter, argument, phone or coaching conversation . If your state allows taping of conversations go for it. If not DON'T DO IT. Talk with your colleagues. Are they experiencing the same or are you being singled out? How are your numbers? re you hitting your call avg and other metrix? If not, you don't have much to stand on. Make sure you print out every call report from polaris, every snapshot report. Most Importantly, get every field contact signed by both you and the manager. Don't accept "I will e-mail it to you and then you can sign it". Have them complete it and you both sign it before the end of your field travel day. Make sure they e-mail it to you before you leave the field. They have air cards. If the DM refuses to do that, document it in a journal. "on x date, I rode with my DM and he/she failed to give me a signed FT report at the end of the day". The more documentation you have the better. Remember, HR is not your friend and your word against your DM will not fly.

Our DM does not discuss the FT report with us. The DM goes home and puts in comments. Nothing is discussed in person. The FT report email is to review & sign 'ASAP'. The comments are negative or not facts. We want this done in person like most managers do.

Most RMs would flip out if they found out their DMs were not giving proper coaching in the field. This can't be done if a field travel report is not completed immediately following the field ride. How can the DM remember the details of what happened during the day. You could also refuse to sign the report based on the discrepancies in the report. Some managers are tougher graders than others. Some RMs want to see a percentage of PA's on reports. What ever the case, the report needs to be filled out prior to the end of the day. What makes DMs nuts is the report itself. It is so long and so involved that it takes an hour to fill it out. Most DMs want to get home at the end of the day, just like you.

I was told by a past HR manager that their job is to convince employees they don't have a right to sue, even if they actually do have grounds. I've also been told by HR that as soon as you finish speaking with them, they are on the phone to the manager telling them everything you've said. I've experienced this first hand. - good luck to you. Abbott will always side with the person in the higher position. IMO regardless of Abbott's "position" on retaliation, retaliation is rampant across Abbott.

Does anyone have suggestions for reporting a manager that bullies all of their employees and threatens their jobs for no good reason to HR? Fear of retaliation is the biggest problem here.

Your first mistake in your logic is that your conclusion that your DM is doing something wrong. HR's first take away from your report would that your manager is doing what's expected of an Abbott DM. If your whole district reported your DM, your DM will be hailed as a role model for other DM's.

Put another way, your DM had been trained to do what you describe.

I was told by a past HR manager that their job is to convince employees they don't have a right to sue, even if they actually do have grounds. I've also been told by HR that as soon as you finish speaking with them, they are on the phone to the manager telling them everything you've said. I've experienced this first hand. - good luck to you. Abbott will always side with the person in the higher position. IMO regardless of Abbott's "position" on retaliation, retaliation is rampant across Abbott.

Partially correct.

HR will never mention the word "lawyer" or comment on your rights relative to any legal action.

But the second part is absolutely correct in most instances: the first call HR makes after you get off the phone is to your DM. The only exceptions are if your complaint is for something illegal, or something that could actually put Abbott at risk of a lawsuit. These will be discussed internally first, then they call your DM.

Bottom line: HR's job is to protect Abbott, NOT you or your DM. You are both expendable. The problem for you is, that to protect Abbott, they need to protect your DM case.

That means HR will work with your DM and if needed the RM to "fix" the situation. What needs to be fixed is you.

Step one is to document and refute what ever your complaint is. Step two is to investigate you, and document each and every infraction of a company policy, procedure, or process. They will find something. Your manager's assignment is to spend time going through prior emails and notes, with the objective of documenting "coaching" and follow up's, as well as any documents that paint your manager as a great coach and DM, and you as incompetent, rash, poor judgement, immature, etc. Step three is an internal review with your DM and HR to decide what to do ... with you.

Step 4 is to present that to you. Your manager will be positioned as a the victim, basically a nice, patient person trying to help you, despite your flaws and mistakes. He may even pretend to be hurt by your unfounded accusations. You will be positioned as ungrateful, and actually lucky to not have been PIP'd or fired for your infractions. You DM will have been coached to be gracious and fatherly, while HR will be the "bad cop". For real theatrics, HR may even suggest you should be PIP'd or fired over something they found, and your loving DM will actually defend you.

All this is nicely documented.

In reality your DM is fit to be tied at your insubordination, and his RM is coaching him to get rid of the bad apple ... you. To you face all will be nice, your forgiven, etc. Behind the scenes they are watching and documenting. In fact they may be setting you up. in 3 - 6 months you'll be on a PIP, then out.

If your complaint is a serious matter, ie sexual harassment, discrimination, etc, added to the above will be an investigation into you manager. Again, the goal is to protect Abbott, so the angle is prove you not only wrong, but malicious, a malcontent, etc. If an internal review finds your manager to be guilty via a smoking gun, and there is risk to Abbott, he will be documented and fired, and you will get a free pass for 6 months to a year before they put you on a PIP. If the preponderance of evidence suggests guilt, but Abbott has deniability, he will be praised, given awards, then in 6 months quietly re-assigned. Depending on what he has done and how many times this has surfaced, in about a year or so he will be let go as part of some downsizing. You will be PIP's and fired.

So in the end you lose.

Ok, so let me tell you something that works sometimes. One thing I learned in the 27 years I was there is a lot males do not have a clue how arrogant, insensitive and stupid they sound when they open their mouths. One thing you can try is to be insensitive back to the asshole manager. It will totally throw the asshole for a loop because the asshole isn't expecting it. It's best to do this when you're in a big meeting so the asshole will be completely embarassed by your gall. Now the secret here is you have to be prepared for the perfect opportunity and you have to think like an asshole so when the time comes you can play the part of an asshole. Remember your manager has been practicing his role as an asshole for a long time so the first time you play the asshole too it's gonna feel weird.

Ok, so let me tell you something that works sometimes. One thing I learned in the 27 years I was there is a lot males do not have a clue how arrogant, insensitive and stupid they sound when they open their mouths. One thing you can try is to be insensitive back to the asshole manager. It will totally throw the asshole for a loop because the asshole isn't expecting it. It's best to do this when you're in a big meeting so the asshole will be completely embarassed by your gall. Now the secret here is you have to be prepared for the perfect opportunity and you have to think like an asshole so when the time comes you can play the part of an asshole. Remember your manager has been practicing his role as an asshole for a long time so the first time you play the asshole too it's gonna feel weird.

I would not recommend this approach to having an insensitive response to your A-hole manager. It will be treated as insubordination, and will eventually lead to a PIP. You have now made yourself a target. The PIP may not be immediate, but most likely will occur within 3-6 months.

Next time you are driving the A-hole somewhere, drive a few mph under the speed limit. I discovered this trick inflicts a lot of pain on my A-hole manager due to his type A personality. Another thing that works well is to yawn frequently during his tirade.

Next time you are driving the A-hole somewhere, drive a few mph under the speed limit. I discovered this trick inflicts a lot of pain on my A-hole manager due to his type A personality. Another thing that works well is to yawn frequently during his tirade.

Both great ideas, if your plan is to figure out a way to piss your boss off. I am not sure why that is the goal, unless you are looking forward to a short career before moving on. Not a lot of upside when your DM ranks you DFL in the district stack rankings that she sends every 6 months to the RM. I would think you would want to be at the top of the list, LIKE ME!! And how do I know? Because our DM shares it with the top two in the district. Makes us a little more competitive she thinks. I think she is right.

Ok, we've discussed some basic strategies for dealing with you A-hole manager: insesitivity, playing the A-hole, going below the speed limit, and the yawn. Now let's consider some more advanced methods. This method is called "dropping a hint". This one definitely for the guy or gal who refuses to kiss ass. Ok, so what you do is download the ringtone for "take this job and shove it". Then turn up the volume on your phone as high as it will go. Ask your partner to call you several times when you are in the prescence of the A-hole manager.

give the bastard everything he asks for - and use that little known function on email which tells you in the email was ever opened.

I had an asshole who wanted tracker this and report back that. For about two months, I was good on that. Then I noticed, no feedback at all. Ever. Sent the same report in 5 weeks in a row - no response. Used my little function and kept all of the "message received, deleted, unopened, responses." When I was given my review - he went on a tirade, until I showed him my "file". My my, we were a bit white! Its amazing how you can get a PA changed into an AE.

again - give him/her what they want - ask what the BUSINESS reason is behind it - follow up w them on why it matters. Sometimes - you have to give a bastard what they need - manage them! Works every time. They pick on the weak. Do not be weak.

also, just do your job and see what happens. good things usually happen.

No matter what just know that if you go to HR you will be fired -- your Dm may be fired as well but you will be fired --- as a DM I know this to be true. Just do what he wants you to do and keep a low profile.

In this environ there is absolutely no reason to put up with a crazy, ego driven DM.
There is a huge shitstorm brewing called major layoffs waiting in the wings. What your DM, RM etc think of you has no impact on whether you get the ax or not. Totally random selection process done by third party to avoid lawsuits.

A DM who bullies their people needs to be called out and not tolerated. If enough people have the balls to speak up they will be forced to change.
HR is not the avenue. Just go up the mgmt chain.

C'mon wake the hell up people. Do you think this is a growth industry or growth company that even remotely justifies kissing someones ass? They are merely milking these dying lipid drugs for a short while more. Do you think there are maybe a few too many reps out there? lol. Generics already eating fibrate biz. More to come next year.
Major negative press out and more to come on Niaspan as well as fibrates.
Not exactly a career enriching place to be, ya think?

give the bastard everything he asks for - and use that little known function on email which tells you in the email was ever opened.

I had an asshole who wanted tracker this and report back that. For about two months, I was good on that. Then I noticed, no feedback at all. Ever. Sent the same report in 5 weeks in a row - no response. Used my little function and kept all of the "message received, deleted, unopened, responses." When I was given my review - he went on a tirade, until I showed him my "file". My my, we were a bit white! Its amazing how you can get a PA changed into an AE.

again - give him/her what they want - ask what the BUSINESS reason is behind it - follow up w them on why it matters. Sometimes - you have to give a bastard what they need - manage them! Works every time. They pick on the weak. Do not be weak.

also, just do your job and see what happens. good things usually happen.

Hmmmmm..... Your DM sounds like he could be Ken Mangano

U really need to fear HR if u file complaint. Burden of proof is on u. Best way is on technicality such as OEC violation like expense at a big mtg that is not allowed but expensed as other that is approved, sexual harassment or discriminatiuon. Best way is to trick DM into documenting via text or email. Text is best because they might get lax in communication when not Abbott email. Trust me on this one. I had attorney working on my behalf to get my DM gone. It does make a diffetence what color skin. Sad but true. GOOD LUCK but be very strategic n careful. Tell no one who could turn on u and rat u out!