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How Long Until Novo Has to Layoff

To All,
I currently sit in management and yes we are discussing ways to streamline our business in light of the current covid 19 pandemic. We are currently projecting losses this year and in turn may be forced to reduce the workforce. This is not gloom and doom or hearsay this is just reality. Everyone needs to start prepping for the possibility myself included that jobs will be cut. I’m brushing up my resume you all should do the same.

To All,
I currently sit in management and yes we are discussing ways to streamline our business in light of the current covid 19 pandemic. We are currently projecting losses this year and in turn may be forced to reduce the workforce. This is not gloom and doom or hearsay this is just reality. Everyone needs to start prepping for the possibility myself included that jobs will be cut. I’m brushing up my resume you all should do the same.

Unless you’re a VP, you don’t know a thing. NNI quit talking to our DBM and RBD years ago because they cared about their people and would give a heads up. You’re just a windbag, probably from a competitor, trying to generate some fear. Go fish somewhere else.

To All,
I currently sit in management and yes we are discussing ways to streamline our business in light of the current covid 19 pandemic. We are currently projecting losses this year and in turn may be forced to reduce the workforce. This is not gloom and doom or hearsay this is just reality. Everyone needs to start prepping for the possibility myself included that jobs will be cut. I’m brushing up my resume you all should do the same.

With ALL that is going on in the world and pharmacy, do you really think a company is going to have even a slight interest in hiring a Novo manager? LMAO

The reality is there are 22 million people unemployed in the US to date with more expected the longer we are on lockdown. Most likely Pharma will be on lock down another month and it is questionable if we will be able to even go into offices like before. It is smart to use the time to prepare resume, develop skills or knowledge that can help in this job and the next, and do our best to stay positive and keep pushing forward. I don’t think anyone is motivated given the circumstances (regardless of the job). Uncertainty is stressful. It’s most important to stay sane right now. Be good to yourselves and each other. Put in your hours so you maintain your integrity. Even if hours are scattered all day or bleed into the weekend to fit in with other obligations. Appreciate the paycheck and don’t be pissed at Novo if you lose job. Save all you can now. It’s a reality we can’t control. Novo gives great severance. Take care if yourselves and best of luck. Complaining about every little thing only makes your stress worse and makes you sound ungrateful. How about sharing ideas for prepping for layoffs?

Unless you’re a VP, you don’t know a thing. NNI quit talking to our DBM and RBD years ago because they cared about their people and would give a heads up. You’re just a windbag, probably from a competitor, trying to generate some fear. Go fish somewhere else.
I actually am a VP thanks for asking. I’m not trying to install fear just facts. I been on calls all week discussing loss of ROI and how and when we will return to previous profitability. Many things are being discussed one of which is sales force reduction. You want to throw insults on this page towards me that’s your business. I’m saying we ALL need to be aware of what’s going on and prepare accordingly myself included.

I actually am a VP thanks for asking. I’m not trying to install fear just facts. I been on calls all week discussing loss of ROI and how and when we will return to previous profitability. Many things are being discussed one of which is sales force reduction. You want to throw insults on this page towards me that’s your business. I’m saying we ALL need to be aware of what’s going on and prepare accordingly myself included.

When you have to lie to make your point, it’s not worth making. You can move along and ‘install’ fear elsewhere.

Folks, we eliminated whole divisions, reduced the sales force and HQ positions by 25% and canceled LTI when the BioPharm division missed AB which caused our double-digit profitability growth streak to end (~9%). Does anyone think we are not going to “restructure” after having the entire US work force, outside of production, at home for what will likely be an entire quarter? And save it if your argument is going to be our stock growth. We had that when hundreds were let go and it went up some more after the cuts were announced.

As far as US Salesforce Goes, here’s
a thought....
-Cut 1 out of 3 DCS reps (33%) 3 with same bag, in these territories are a joke.
-Cut 50% of DBMs,
(12 reps instead of 9 to Manage)
-Cut Endo Force in Half.
-Shred DEs.
-HSAMs stay with metrics on Sales, no
“30,00ft discussion BS”
no HSreps needed for closed systems.

Ask for Volunteers 1st with some sort of sweetener.
There you Go...

And Yes, I’m in the field. We are Overstaffed.
So don’t bother justifying your specific role, it gets tiresome.

Cuts need to be made

When you have to lie to make your point, it’s not worth making. You can move along and ‘install’ fear elsewhere.
Love your responses. Your probably one of those reps that is a bottom feeder and is to stupid to realize everyone’s jobs are being evaluated. Keep thinking your safe and have nothing to worry about . Bet you don’t even hustle hard out there your one of those reps that like his base salary and secretly complains that he has to be held accountable to sales goals. Brush up your resume you piker cause there gonna be a long of way more qualified reps looking for jobs than you.

Love your responses. Your probably one of those reps that is a bottom feeder and is to stupid to realize everyone’s jobs are being evaluated. Keep thinking your safe and have nothing to worry about . Bet you don’t even hustle hard out there your one of those reps that like his base salary and secretly complains that he has to be held accountable to sales goals. Brush up your resume you piker cause there gonna be a long of way more qualified reps looking for jobs than you.
Lightnen up Francis.

You got it poster. AND let us also add the following to your thorough list
-get rid of HSAMS completely
--WHY do we have 6 ACLS?
--RBDS hey can only handle one region?
--trim the fat in Marketing
--trim the fat in training

As far as US Salesforce Goes, here’s
a thought....
-Cut 1 out of 3 DCS reps (33%) 3 with same bag, in these territories are a joke.
-Cut 50% of DBMs,
(12 reps instead of 9 to Manage)
-Cut Endo Force in Half.
-Shred DEs.
-HSAMs stay with metrics on Sales, no
“30,00ft discussion BS”
no HSreps needed for closed systems.

Ask for Volunteers 1st with some sort of sweetener.
There you Go...

And Yes, I’m in the field. We are Overstaffed.
So don’t bother justifying your specific role, it gets tiresome.

Cuts need to be made[/QUOTE]

You got it poster. AND let us also add the following to your thorough list
-get rid of HSAMS completely
--WHY do we have 6 ACLS?
--RBDS hey can only handle one region?
--trim the fat in Marketing
--trim the fat in training

As far as US Salesforce Goes, here’s
a thought....
-Cut 1 out of 3 DCS reps (33%) 3 with same bag, in these territories are a joke.
-Cut 50% of DBMs,
(12 reps instead of 9 to Manage)
-Cut Endo Force in Half.
-Shred DEs.
-HSAMs stay with metrics on Sales, no
“30,00ft discussion BS”
no HSreps needed for closed systems.

Ask for Volunteers 1st with some sort of sweetener.
There you Go...

And Yes, I’m in the field. We are Overstaffed.
So don’t bother justifying your specific role, it gets tiresome.

Cuts need to be made

LOL... Look at the #s, We sell a drug that’s needed! We aren’t!

We should leave a skeleton crew at the Plainsboro office after the launch of Rybelsus. And we should cut much of the sales force down if there is minimal access to offices. Doctor’s and healthcare systems can easily say they don’t want any foot traffic for the foreseeable future because of CV19. Sadly, people are just in denial about it now.