How 'bout that new law suit ladies

Meanwhile, quietly in DC…
Biden Decision in Apple Watch Patent Dispute Could Benefit “Megadonor” CEO Joe Kiani—a member of his own Advisory Council who makes science and technology recommendations to the White House.

“In siding with AliveCor, President Biden is keeping alive the possibility of an Apple Watch import ban, which is precisely what Kiani’s company is seeking in a separate suit.”
Sludge: Relentlessly uncovering corruption; by David Moore
FEB 24, 2023

Evidently, Joe’s premature victory lap ain’t foolin those who care to read the small print.

Judge Unwilling To Find Apple Stole Masimo Trade Secrets

By Jasmin Jackson
Law360 (February 17, 2023, 10:18 PM EST) -- U.S. District Judge James V. Selna's Feb. 7 order — unsealed Thursday — denied Masimo Corp.'s motion for partial summary judgment in its intellectual property suit accusing Apple Inc. of swiping health monitoring technology for a series of Apple Watch products. Masimo had sought to nail Apple on claims that the iPhone maker misappropriated trade secrets obtained from a former Masimo employee. But Judge Selna shot down Masimo's partial summary judgment bid, holding that he wouldn't address the issue of harm since Masimo hadn't shown summary judgment was warranted on issues of misappropriation and trade secret existence. Selna made it clear there is still a genuine dispute about whether the health monitoring techniques at issue were "generally unknown and if so, whether they derived value from their secrecy."

And gadfly Joe endures another ass trouncing by Apple.

Masimo falls as jury in Apple trade secrets case at impasse. Apple calls Masimo tech 'bits and boobs.'
Masimo sought $3.1 billion, claiming that was the amount of illegal profit Apple earned from using its technology. But jurors in federal court in Santa Ana, California, told the judge Monday they were unable to reach a consensus, Six of the seven jurors voted in favor of Apple, clearing the world’s largest tech company of any wrongdoing, according to court observers at the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

I sure hope that everyone saw the NY Post story regarding the fact that Hunter Biden has been hiding out at Joe Kiani’s vineyard in Ojai!!!
Yeah but it’s legit…because he’s enrolled in joe’s board member training program

Farewell & good riddance to Michael Cohen and Julie Shimer—two shameless joebots whose dueling track records in Level 4 fiduciary negligence and blind obedience outshine even those of their other three fellow original members.

The defendant (Masimo Corp.) provided investors with material information concerning the company’s revenue and sales for the second quarter of fiscal 2023 and expected revenue for the full-year 2023. Defendants' statements included, among other things, Masimo's ability to deliver clinically proven new products to the healthcare markets thereby supporting defendants' decision to forecast revenue of $550 million to $565 million for the quarter and increase its earnings-per-share estimates to between $3.59 per share and $3.69 per share. Defendants' statements in this regard prompted an immediate and dramatic increase in the price of Masimo's common stock. From a closing price of $167.31 per share on February 28, 2023 at the start of the Class Period, Masimo's stock price climbed to $184.97 per share the following day on March 1, 2023 on unusually high volume. Defendants provided these overwhelmingly positive statements to investors while, at the same time, disseminating materially false and misleading statements and/or concealing material adverse facts. On July 17, 2023 Masimo issued a press release announcing its second quarter 2023 earnings. Defendants announced lower than expected revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 2023 and preliminarily decreased full-year revenue estimates for both healthcare and non-healthcare segments. On this news, the price of Masimo's common stock declined dramatically. From a closing market price of $147.16 per share on July 17, 2023, Masimo's stock price fell to $117.73 per share on July 18, 2023, a decline of nearly 20% in the span of just a single day.

PTAB Denies Masimo Challenges To Apple Patents
By Ryan Lynch
November 22, 2023, 8:21 PM EST

“The Patent Trial and Appeal Board has denied two Masimo Corp. petitions for inter partes reviews of an Apple Inc. utility patent for a wearable electronic device including the Apple Watch”
Nice try Masimo!
Team hypocrite had contended that two of Apple’s patents, one for a wearable electronic device and another for a charger design, were merely rehashes of existing inventions. However, the PTAB saw things differently.
Rihem Akkouche - Dec 2023
USA Herald

That should quiet down a few of the doubters at least
Yeah okay, joe-faithful hold out. Just like your hemoglobin fraud smack down, we’ll see who laughing in the end won’t we…

“In what can only be seen as a massive defeat for Masimo, A Federal Circuit Court sided with Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions in favor of Apple. The PTAB

had previously issued decisions invalidating claims in 13 Masimo patents. The patents involved were for technology related to measuring the contents of blood – part of its overall dispute with Apple over its Watch line. Masimo had appealed the PTAB decisions with the Federal Circuit Court which, unfortunately for them, concurred with PTAB and Apple.”

Apple is only the beginning of Joe’s problems. He signed up for that anyway. The real bane of his existence is Politan. By nearly unanimous vote, The Delaware Court of Chancery, on behalf of Masimo shareholders just handed the keys over to Politan Capital Management CEO Quentin Koffey (and $18 million award to cover legal costs)—instead of Joe Kiani—to basically take over two of the five seats on Masimo’s Board of Directors. Anyone familiar with Koffey and his reputation for holding rogue CEO’s personally accountable for the dirty deeds they’ve committed, can tell you what’s in store for Kiani in the coming months. Let’s say it’s Good news for for shareholders and Masimo employees but for Joe Kiani, not so much. Game on, Politan!

The Delaware Court of Chancery grants an award of $17.8 million to Politan Capital Management and Politan Capital NY LLC for attorneys’ fees and other expenses. What is this about? Throughout 2023, Masimo was engaged in a nasty proxy battle with Politan Capital Management, an activist investment group. Politan felt Masimo had lost its way – as evidenced by the dramatic drop in value in Masimo stock after it acquired Sound United in February 2022. Politan CEO Quentin Koffey bought a 9% stake in Masimo and demanded two seats on the company’s board of directors.
Masimo fought to repel the efforts of Politan. After a long and nasty proxy battle, that included lawsuits between Politan and Masimo, investors sided with Politan and elected its two candidates for director slots on the Board. Adding insult to injury, the Delaware Court awarded Politan full restitution for its legal fees in suing Masimo.

Long gone are the days of relative anonymity so enjoyed & exploited by Outliar Joe. Between his newfound big-boy footprint w/ Sound United acquisition & the mounting offenses of fraudulent activity, for which he’s been held directly responsible, at last the clown is finally under a microscope where he belongs. Praise Jesus!