How 'bout that new law suit ladies

Vengeance: the road often traveled by disgruntled employees of toxic companies that thrive on fear, fraud, malice, oppression, inequitable conduct and non-compliance.
Like cockroaches, random acts of vengeance are the symptom. Conducive environments in which they thrive are the disease. Just ask joe.

Fight for your self interests and for whatever you believe in. Avenge as necessary. Here in irvine we call this the shiraz hurrah.

To perform shiraz hurrah like a joepro:
When scheming to advance personal wealth and power, as much as possible keep secret your misaligned or self-serving incentives. For best results you want your target audience to believe the sole agenda is to benefit not your glutinous person and family but rather the less fortunate people out there, such as sick patients, students, victims of over-regulation and other injustices related to assuring public safety, and the politically insignificant.

and so is born the intergalactic pet safety movement foundation...not for the interest of pets oddly enough but rather to market it’s own line of wonky pet products and to shield those who buy them from lawsuits.

sobering conclusion:
“The results of this study show that the current SpHb technology is not yet appropriate for widespread veterinary use.”
In fairness to rodents please refrain from sphb testing of lab rats and mice until further research can confirm the technology may be safely melted down into little plastic bongs.

sobering conclusion:
“The results of this study show that the current SpHb technology is not yet appropriate for widespread veterinary use.”
Contracted, financed and brought to you by planet joe: this week’s unconvincing reassurance of sphb’s readiness for human use, specifically pediatric trauma patients. If the question is whether Masimo tends to err on the side of patient safety or the side of corporate sales revenue growth, herein lies the answer.®-Monitoring

In 12 short months I graduated from Masimo with a 4 year degree in Obtuse Business Philandering and a masters degree in Discrete Sub-Standard Home Made Research Concoction & Execution Methodologies for Highly-Incentivised Cherry Pluckers and the Morally Crippled. As of today I'm unemployed but happier than I've been in 12 months.

In 12 short months I graduated from Masimo with a 4 year degree in Obtuse Business Philandering and a masters degree in Discrete Sub-Standard Home Made Research Concoction & Execution Methodologies for Highly-Incentivised Cherry Pluckers and the Morally Crippled. As of today I'm unemployed but happier than I've been in 12 months.
Ya! join the club bro. My decision to skedaddle from masijo before my 1.5-yr anniversary was like having the infected cyst on my back drained. At first I was too embarrassed to talk about it. But as soon as it was over I was glad I did it. Both scars are healing just fine, the one on my back from the infected cyst and the one on my soul from the infected employer.

Ya! join the club bro. My decision to skedaddle from masijo before my 1.5-yr anniversary was like having the infected cyst on my back drained. At first I was too embarrassed to talk about it. But as soon as it was over I was glad I did it. Both scars are healing just fine, the one on my back from the infected cyst and the one on my soul from the infected employer.
can i come join the fun sounds like a nightmare come true

Just checked in here after a few years and am surprised to see all the hand-wringing and angst that still permeates the page. I worked for Masimo for several years many years ago and I get it--the place is toxic. But for God's sake if you hate it so much get out and move on! See you all again in another few years, probably still having the same plaintive conversation!

Just checked in here after a few years and am surprised to see all the hand-wringing and angst that still permeates the page. I worked for Masimo for several years many years ago and I get it--the place is toxic. But for God's sake if you hate it so much get out and move on! See you all again in another few years, probably still having the same plaintive conversation!
So you're "checking in here after a few years" to insist people "move on."? Hmmm...Fee fi fo fum, I smell the frustration and hypocrisy of either a masimo manager or a masimo manager.

Just checked in here after a few years and am surprised to see all the hand-wringing and angst that still permeates the page. I worked for Masimo for several years many years ago and I get it--the place is toxic. But for God's sake if you hate it so much get out and move on! See you all again in another few years, probably still having the same plaintive conversation!

Good move getting out of here.

Just checked in here after a few years and am surprised to see all the hand-wringing and angst that still permeates the page. I worked for Masimo for several years many years ago and I get it--the place is toxic. But for God's sake if you hate it so much get out and move on! See you all again in another few years, probably still having the same plaintive conversation!
Speaking of parting wisdom, be sure to invite a sufficiently beefy confidentiality bonus for yourself. A bountiful supply of inside scoop thirsty vultures await you on the other side. What you know as wrongdoing is best for masi left unknown and they know that. Happy trails compadre.