Horrible company to work for...

No, losers are those who are constantly blaming others for their own lack of success. Successful people have the drive and intestinal fortitude to overcome obstacles. For example, a successful rep doesn't waste his or her time on a message board. They go to the OR/Materials/Surgeon Office and tell our story and explain how Voyant will lead to better patient outcomes and in turn save their hospital money. He or she would go to every account they manage and do this. Over and over. But it seems to me that when someone tells anyone on here "no" they run to the board and cry about how the deck is stacked against them and they need someone to hold their hand to go sell.

Did I offend the ZDs that are dumbass Cum suckers? Get real none of these douches would be a DM at Medtronic let alone a VP. Congrats you are a senior manager at a loser company.

maybe you should just quit and sell cars you losers.

If things were perfect we wouldn’t have jobs, it’s called salesmanship

Salesmanship? Selling the cheapest option requires zero skill. However, convincing surgeons to use garbage definitely requires a level of cognitive dissonance that could come in handy.

Salesmanship? Selling the cheapest option requires zero skill. However, convincing surgeons to use garbage definitely requires a level of cognitive dissonance that could come in handy.

Oh and the sleazy backroom deals by Medtronic and JNJ take a level a salesmanship? Unlike those two we aren't buying surgeons. We are proving to them that with our products you will have better clinical outcomes and will we will help reduct the cost of healthcare.

Oh and the sleazy backroom deals by Medtronic and JNJ take a level a salesmanship? Unlike those two we aren't buying surgeons. We are proving to them that with our products you will have better clinical outcomes and will we will help reduct the cost of healthcare.
You make this statement like you've worked at one of these companies. You obviously have not because this is the same Kool-Aid that's been served up at Applied for years. There are no buying of surgeons, they can hardly accept a lunch anymore. Private companies can do what they want but real corporations, those that have publicly traded stock, follow guidelines to prevent legal issues. I'm sick of hearing how Applied sticks up for the little guy. This is big boy business and if you can't play at this level then go sell lemonade on the corner.

Finally!!! Someone speaks the truth!!!! Applied uses this as a ruse/cover to keep expenses down. The TRUTH is that there is something called the Advamed code of conduct that every medical device company/pharmaceutical company must abide by. Oh yeah, and the Sunshine Act, which surgeons & clinicians are well aware of & usually don’t want their names blown up, so for Applied Medical to claim they are better than everyone else is a crock of shit. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid loser manager!

What are the "better patient outcomes" that Voyant provides?

Well for starters Voyant uses breakthrough technology (Phase vs Impedance). The technology in your LigaSure is from the 1990's.

Voyant minimizes thermal spread, seals more rapidly and enhances the visualization for surgeons by reducing smoke plume.

You don't think all of that will lead to better patient outcomes? Your LigaSure was nice when it came out, but it's now antiquated. Voyant is a true new generation medical device.

Well for starters Voyant uses breakthrough technology (Phase vs Impedance). The technology in your LigaSure is from the 1990's.

Voyant minimizes thermal spread, seals more rapidly and enhances the visualization for surgeons by reducing smoke plume.

You don't think all of that will lead to better patient outcomes? Your LigaSure was nice when it came out, but it's now antiquated. Voyant is a true new generation medical device.

My friend, you can point this out until you are blue in the face, the facts are that these reps will always cry and bemoan the company. It's always someone else's fault why they aren't selling. They lack the intestinal fortitude to get out and get in the OR and put themselves in uncomfortable situations. They are terrified of adversity. They cringe and cower away from anything that challenges them.

It's much easier to make excuses on here why they aren't selling. Oh it's this or Oh it's that. Perfect example is the Maryland. Surgeons were using LigaSure prior to the Maryland, it's a perceived challenge rather than an actual obstacle. But yet tiny things like this arise and they shrink back to this board to wallow in a pity party together. There's always an excuse that just doesn't hold water when actually examined. When you disprove their point all of a sudden, "Well you're just drinking Kool-Aid." That's all they have, nothing else but a tired, lousy talking point. They will talk all tough on here, but they know that their arguments are just paper tigers.

More building being bought, not just around the home office but in Europe and Australia. But I'm sure that means nothing...I'm sure that wouldn't mean growth, oh no.

Hint: there's a lot of money been invested in R&D....just wait.

Of course not you peasant. Said is buying land to build a nuclear arsenal to support terrorists and ISIS operations around the globe. He can’t convince surgeons to voluntarily use his crap trocars and clip appliers, so he’s going to make them like a BOSS and use terrorists to do it.

Of course not you peasant. Said is buying land to build a nuclear arsenal to support terrorists and ISIS operations around the globe. He can’t convince surgeons to voluntarily use his crap trocars and clip appliers, so he’s going to make them like a BOSS and use terrorists to do it.

I am so disgusted with the blatant racism that you guys show the man who signs your paychecks. He's an immigrant who build a world renown company from the ground up. If it wasn't for this immigrant you wouldn't have a job! You guys have done nothing worthwhile in your life, and had a leg up on everyone due to the privilege you were born into. This is disgusting and CafePharma needs to do something about this racism that is being poured out on here! Everyone who attacks him hates him because he's not one of you. That's the only reason you guys get on this board. You all are racists.