Applied Medical has a sole-source agreement with the Islamic State Health Network.
Voyant is blowing up in Qatar and UAE (no pun intended). Labiaplasty is big business over there.
LOL. Growing market potential in lysis of penis, testicular resection
It's very frustrating when we develop a superior product and when we give it to the ham-handed sales reps they can't sell it. I think this speaks volumes about who these morons are. We are revolutionizing the medical device industry with our innovation yet our reps are so terrible at their job they can't even sell superior products. Unbelievable.
With CHRISTmas coming in about a week (that’s right Said, you liberal coward who is anti Western religious beliefs), I want to see what everyone is thankful for? I’ll go 1st: I’m thankful I don’t work here anymore and got myself a job w/ real benefits and even better pay! I’m also grateful I joined a top tier medical device company with real leadership that values my opinions and isn’t living in the Stone Age with the same leadership since Reagan was president.