Horrible company to work for...

You ever consider they don't want to spread it themselves? It's pretty embarrassing that you work in this industry and don't seem to understand the basics of germ theory..........after a year of living through a pandemic.

Riddle me this, why is it the homeless aren't dying in droves? They aren't socially distanced, don't wear masks and haven't taken the genetic therapy vax, er.., covid vaccine! They seem to be doing just fine. Stop believing what your tv tells you believe, NPC.

Riddle me this, why is it the homeless aren't dying in droves? They aren't socially distanced, don't wear masks and haven't taken the genetic therapy vax, er.., covid vaccine! They seem to be doing just fine. Stop believing what your tv tells you believe, NPC.
What the fuck do you know about the homeless and their death rate by Covid? Spent time on the streets? Doubt it. Practice what you preach and save us your builshit rants, Tucker Carlson.

You ever consider they don't want to spread it themselves? It's pretty embarrassing that you work in this industry and don't seem to understand the basics of germ theory..........after a year of living through a pandemic.

The vaccine takes something that's virtually 0% and makes it virtually 0%. It's a fake "pandemic". Turn off the news sheep.

Riddle me this, why is it the homeless aren't dying in droves? They aren't socially distanced, don't wear masks and haven't taken the genetic therapy vax, er.., covid vaccine! They seem to be doing just fine. Stop believing what your tv tells you believe, NPC.

They live outside with good air circulation. You fuck.

Are you guys starting to interview now or waiting until after the retention bonuses? I don't want to miss out on getting that money, but don't want to pass up a much better job......

Home office is now asking to send in copies of Covid Vaccination cards. Thoughts?

Read this. They are banking on everyone valuing their job of selling cheap, knock-off products more they their long term health. Again, Applied's delusion thinking that they are a desired place to work. Top kek. Now, if someone calls them on this they'll probably fire you, just to be clear. But, they could be open to a lawsuit which would be hilarious. Look at CA law where you would file a lawsuit, they would be on the hook for arbitration costs if it brought to that. Imagine if say 50 reps filed suits, you'd really put a strain on Said's pocketbook.

Now all this being said, who wants to waste their time with Applied, go out and get another job that pays better, more reputable and won't break federal law by trying to twist your arm to get the Gates DNA alteration. I'm out next week!

Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT

Read this. They are banking on everyone valuing their job of selling cheap, knock-off products more they their long term health. Again, Applied's delusion thinking that they are a desired place to work. Top kek. Now, if someone calls them on this they'll probably fire you, just to be clear. But, they could be open to a lawsuit which would be hilarious. Look at CA law where you would file a lawsuit, they would be on the hook for arbitration costs if it brought to that. Imagine if say 50 reps filed suits, you'd really put a strain on Said's pocketbook.

Now all this being said, who wants to waste their time with Applied, go out and get another job that pays better, more reputable and won't break federal law by trying to twist your arm to get the Gates DNA alteration. I'm out next week!

Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT

Read this. They are banking on everyone valuing their job of selling cheap, knock-off products more they their long term health. Again, Applied's delusion thinking that they are a desired place to work. Top kek. Now, if someone calls them on this they'll probably fire you, just to be clear. But, they could be open to a lawsuit which would be hilarious. Look at CA law where you would file a lawsuit, they would be on the hook for arbitration costs if it brought to that. Imagine if say 50 reps filed suits, you'd really put a strain on Said's pocketbook.

Now all this being said, who wants to waste their time with Applied, go out and get another job that pays better, more reputable and won't break federal law by trying to twist your arm to get the Gates DNA alteration. I'm out next week!

Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT

Hospitals in my city are now requiring proof of your Covid vaccine for access to their health system. If you don’t have a vax card you can’t work in that hospital. That applies no matter what company you work for. The idiots that don’t want to get vaxxed should just consider a career in telemarketing from home where they’re not an in person nuisance to society.

I know credentials ask for immunization chart but did Applied when we got hired? The last post might have a legal stance. I’m vaxxed but Applied doesn’t need my card, and are they gonna fire all the people that don’t want to get it?

sounds like another genius idea prolly from the same idiots up top that didn’t get shot, just like Chuck Rios. So Chuck, when are you scheduled???? Get rid of his clown ass please

I know credentials ask for immunization chart but did Applied when we got hired? The last post might have a legal stance. I’m vaxxed but Applied doesn’t need my card, and are they gonna fire all the people that don’t want to get it?

sounds like another genius idea prolly from the same idiots up top that didn’t get shot, just like Chuck Rios. So Chuck, when are you scheduled???? Get rid of his clown ass please
Maybe Applied can’t ask for your vaccination records. But you know what they can ask for? Your status on credentialing agencies since they probably paid for your access via reimbursement.