Horrible company to work for...

There are ZERO big hospitals using this product. Only small hospitals that are not part of any big large IDN.

There were some very big hospitals that tried Voyant. Every single one of them dumped Voyant and at the end, they literally hate Applied medical.

I’ve been with the company for 3 years and I have the same question. This thread on the comment board has been alive for 3 years. It’s time to either shit or get off the pot. Voyant seems like a non starter. Let’s get the stapler in our docs hands!! :)))

Stapling is never coming. They have already said that we must sell Voyant before launch of stapling.

Stapling is going to be another downfall for applied.

Limited offering, no power.

The only way applied medical is going to keep on making money is by doing more conversions like in California with trocars.

When you have Dennis, Brian and Tim putting these contracts together, you might as well just stay at home and stop trying to sell.

Amazing how you can win the business, but lose it once these hacks come in and blow up the contract.

Medtronic eats these guys lunch when they hear they are trying to negotiate. They make one call and it's over. Then Applied sits there sucking their thumb.

I’ve been with the company for 3 years and I have the same question. This thread on the comment board has been alive for 3 years. It’s time to either shit or get off the pot. Voyant seems like a non starter. Let’s get the stapler in our docs hands!! :)))

So what happened to that big Voyant account at New York Columbia?

The rep made a ton of money and then quit. Can someone explain what happened? Good results, bad results?

I would like the truth because apparently they're not using it anymore.

So what happened to that big Voyant account at New York Columbia?

The rep made a ton of money and then quit. Can someone explain what happened? Good results, bad results?

I would like the truth because apparently they're not using it anymore.

Yeah I'd like to know as well. That system in the Pacific Northwest dumped Voyant too. Is there any Voyant in California?

I recently left and was close to Lenny. All of NYC was inflated all the growth was from raising prices. Dude was able to get a Voyant order since Medtronic was Fing the account. He knew the gig was up and left. The HSM even left too and is in Cali. There is no business in the city and I was told back in the day Applied had 70% of the city. They are just bleeding In Northeast.

I’ve suggested this in past but Applied is so anti bundle and yet every account entertains it. Why don’t you take them to court again or just bundle yourself.

Yeah once upon a time when Sean Mahon and Jay Rosenberg were there, they had a good amount of biz in NYC. Jay was at Cornell running their labs so I believe he may have had a say in getting into Columbia. The bottom line is Applied is a joke. Always has been, always will be.

What hospital did we lose in NorthEast? Sounds like loser reps and an even bigger idiot manager opportunity to try Voyant. I blame all of you involved. The Blind leading the Dumb tends to fail. If it was Rob I wouldn’t be surprised.

What hospital did we lose in NorthEast? Sounds like loser reps and an even bigger idiot manager opportunity to try Voyant. I blame all of you involved. The Blind leading the Dumb tends to fail. If it was Rob I wouldn’t be surprised.

Lenny was the rep. I really liked that guy. Worked hard. Got Voyant in and apparently, Medtronic shut it down.

Then upper management sat there with their thumbs up each others arses wondering what to do.

I think Rob got out at the right time. Rob is a gentleman. If you think otherwise, you don't know him.

Lenny was the rep. I really liked that guy. Worked hard. Got Voyant in and apparently, Medtronic shut it down.

Then upper management sat there with their thumbs up each others arses wondering what to do.

I think Rob got out at the right time. Rob is a gentleman. If you think otherwise, you don't know him.

Lenny worked hard and when he realized that Applied wasn't going to do anything help him out only blame him when Medtronic shut it down he left and rightfully so. He's a good lesson for everyone at Applied to learn. Not matter how hard you work and do the impossible the company will not support you. But they will be sure to cast blame all over you.

Rob is a great guy. One of the very few who are worth working for at Applied.

If you're reading this and still work for Applied, why?

Dennis and Brian should go. They blame the hard workers. When Medtronic comes in, they scatter like roaches and have zero clout and Zero relationships with any hospitals.

Columbia's screw up is completely Carpenters fault. He knows it.

It's comical to hear reps cry that senior management isn't doing their job for them. If reps would actually cultivate relationships with doctors as opposed to trying to figure out what's the best zinger to put on a troll board you would see much more success around the country.

It's comical to hear reps cry that senior management isn't doing their job for them. If reps would actually cultivate relationships with doctors as opposed to trying to figure out what's the best zinger to put on a troll board you would see much more success around the country.
Spoken like a member of "senior" management. Remind us all the last time Ted or Dennis or anyone from the vaunted "senior" level ever showed up to help anywhere. Hell, I've never even seen Ted in person. Dude is like a ghost. And in a world where our competition is waltzing their leadership into accounts to help build the relationships and secure deals, you think that the local teams can do all that? It's you guys that fail to see how the rest of the industry works and throw it back on us like what we're the ones not doing our jobs.

Dennis and Brian should go. They blame the hard workers. When Medtronic comes in, they scatter like roaches and have zero clout and Zero relationships with any hospitals.

Columbia's screw up is completely Carpenters fault. He knows it.

I left Applied for a different company a couple years ago. I don't normally chime in on these boards but I had to today- Voyant not succeeding isn't Carp's fault. It's not the DM's fault either. MDT and Ethicon run the ORs. Applied is contractually locked out. I was at the finish line for a Voyant trial with 80% of the OR Docs signatures (haha I know. Its silly now) but the docs were on board. Carp and my DM were going to close- but the bigger companies have too much power. This isn't a middle mgmt problem- this is a we have no real Sr. leadership problem. PS- Applied is a sinking ship because R&D hasn't made anything worth mentioning...BTW Lenny was a greek god and he FELL into that Voyant deal...

California is about to lose a Voyant account. The hospital is now a Medtronic house and we are starting conversion to Gen2. But we are about to get shut down soon. Nothing we can do. Applied has no power when Medtronic steams full speed ahead.

Ligasure has nano coating, Voyant has advanced algorithms. Think about it.

Come on, Man!!!