Home Office Here....

Such a bad attitude.
Come on folks lets rally!!!!!!!! Think positive!
We CAN turn this thing around!

I agree! I don't know about you, but I'm gonna start making calls on the weekend as well! I really want to go to presidents club this next year and nothing and no one will stand in my way!!!!!!
where do you think it will be next year? Europe? Hawaii?

This is the absolute visual image of someone who has their head completely buried in the sand. Holy shit, I don't even know where to start. I truly hope you are smoking hot, sweetheart, because that is your only saving grace to be able to join the team at Century 21 in suburban Flint, MI or at some regional airline as a sky waitress. Holy fuck are you in for a rude awakening.

I am dead serious. You can worry about numbers you feel you don't have but many/most reps know how to fabricate their numbers to say whatever they want. This isn't new information. A great interviewer with great numbers will be hired quickly. My sister has been bouncing this gig for years through both pharma and medical sales with great success. She interviews great and has all the right answers down with the numbers to match. None of it is accurate or truthful. She has been fired 3 times, and never had a problem getting a job with Merck, BI, Bard, or Synthes. "She's good looking but not "smoking hot."