Home Office Here....

I agree! I don't know about you, but I'm gonna start making calls on the weekend as well! I really want to go to presidents club this next year and nothing and no one will stand in my way!!!!!!
where do you think it will be next year? Europe? Hawaii?
somewhere, in an a very off the beaten track Harley shop that slowly and quietly plays Rush in the background
what a fucking collection of giant tools...

I am dead serious. You can worry about numbers you feel you don't have but many/most reps know how to fabricate their numbers to say whatever they want. This isn't new information. A great interviewer with great numbers will be hired quickly. My sister has been bouncing this gig for years through both pharma and medical sales with great success. She interviews great and has all the right answers down with the numbers to match. None of it is accurate or truthful. She has been fired 3 times, and never had a problem getting a job with Merck, BI, Bard, or Synthes. "She's good looking but not "smoking hot."
That is sad among a number of levels

Rep positions are safe for TR except for a very few instances. There will undoubtedly be some RMs let go as part of the restructure and ADs are certainly not safe.

What a moronic post! First you say very few reps but then you say RMs and ADs (Plural) will be cut.
Hey cowgirl for every RM that is cut you would need to cut 10 reps. And for every AD that is cut you are talking minimum 100 reps and 8 RDs. So you contradict yourself.
2 ADs will be cut which means 20 RMs and 200 reps minimum.
they won't have a separate AD for CInqair. You will have one AD east and one AD West. And no the AD in the west won't be the guy currently in LA. Way too much "baggage" and his protector CC is now gone.
They are talking about the possibility of have just one AD based at Home Office and 12 RMs under them and 130 reps under the RMs.
From there they will cut more sales reps 6 months later and then again until they can phase in their direct home office telemarketers and replace the 130 reps with about 60 contract reps to help support the telemarketers
Either way you are screwed. Get cut and you are unemployable. Not get cut and your quality of life is zero due to all the travel.

If this is true, then tell us when. Will it be before the national sales meeting?

You STILL don't get it grasshopper. Asking why Teva does the things it does? Please! Oprah has a better chance of winning president than us ever understanding the decisions Teva has made to get Billions and Billions in debt.
I can only tell you what is going to happen, not the whys.
Yes there will still be a Nat'l meeting.....only 1/4 of what TR looks like now will be there.

You STILL don't get it grasshopper. Asking why Teva does the things it does? Please! Oprah has a better chance of winning president than us ever understanding the decisions Teva has made to get Billions and Billions in debt.
I can only tell you what is going to happen, not the whys.
Yes there will still be a Nat'l meeting.....only 1/4 of what TR looks like now will be there.

They are laying off 75% of TR?

woohoo glad to hear they are reducing the sales force by 75%. I’m keep my two pharma jobs and will pickup my bonus, retention bonus and servance from TR and then keep working at my new job. Management at TR are so stupid. This is working out perfectly!!!!

75% because we are combining all 3 Teva sales forces. Remaining people will sell everything migraine, respiratory, etc.

Less reps with more product responsibility and much larger territories.

All these new threads being started. You all are posers!
Just remember November 11 was the first post on THIS thread.
AND the predictions have COME TRUE!
ALL these new threads that have been started, purely conjecture!

So when do the lay offs happen?
I heard 20-25% of CNEs were getting cut, too. How are they will they determine which CNEs are cut?
My CNE has been a Godsend in my territory.