
Merck has over 130 opening. Try to find some happiness there.

They won't have you - same people bitching for months/years. Why are you still here? Simple......no one else wants you. Even those of you who has singed offers letters withdrawn from the big cat.

Shut your mouth - and return to your miserable existence. Don't forget to sulk and pout at the next sales meeting when you aren't selected for something.


How Does a glorified Admin keep their position at Home Office after wrongly accusing Helsinn Sales person of stealing an airline ticket?

Does the person who covers this fiasco up also cover up the fact that Survey Results were so negative there was not enough sugar to coat the turd?

Dude Give it up - you have no idea what your talking about - if everyone spend as much time selling as they did bitching maybe the bus fiasco wouldn’t have happened - the company is clear on who they value and who is disposable. If you dont get that messGe at last training then your blind - the more time you spend at meeting pouting the more ridiculous you look - some of us work and some of us don’t. No one will apologize for being awarded by owner for doing our jobs well.

Dude Give it up - you have no idea what your talking about - if everyone spend as much time selling as they did bitching maybe the bus fiasco wouldn’t have happened - the company is clear on who they value and who is disposable. If you dont get that messGe at last training then your blind - the more time you spend at meeting pouting the more ridiculous you look - some of us work and some of us don’t. No one will apologize for being awarded by owner for doing our jobs well.

Won't fly! You've already made it blatantly obvious that I've gotten to you

I used the Gralla reprint and lulled the lunchroom to sleep Cant wait to see my volume take off and my IC plan to kick in for the 150% of plan I'm at ....probably will get a nice bonus

okay folks. A regional director just resigned and before the body assumed room temperature management posted for a replacement. Hmmm do you really think they want a Regional manager? I think not. Stay classy my friends!