
I normally don't like the nonsense on this page but Bravo!! Well said.

We need actual help in the field and the fact that we are forbid to call anyone in NJ only shows that there is something Eddie boy is hiding.

The powers that be in Lugano will finally see the issues

Time for everyone to speak up in the upcoming nonsense

Ummm Joe you forget to mention the reasons people left Helsinn
It's not just Higher Salaries (which you can do nothing about) back to this in a minute
It's not all that Uncertainty in Aloxi

It's the Lack of Integrity by NJ leadership under your and Billy Ball command
It's the stab in the back mentality of Talk behind everyone's back that tears down any culture
It's the lack of communication you say is needed to improve yet the field is told NOT to call into anyone in NJ
It's the little circle of henchmen led by your boy below you that employs hostile tactics across the field while he is incompetent about the reality of business
It is the Good Cop Bad Cop routine

Back to Salaries Helsinn cannot compete with other companies ...Why Not:
1. Do Away w multiple POAs when content and information is nothing new
2. Do away with Opus and the Table of Champagne at POAs - it does nothing
3. Do away with the Nursery Rhyme contests and pay ppl for performance
4. Establish a Culture based on the Core Principles on the Corporate Website because they are nowhere close and everyone knows it
5. Establish Performance criteria and Career Growth criteria for ppl who want to grow with the company - there is nothing now and how is BART working?
6. Listen and Realize that Field has solutions and get your henchman away from his gestapo advisory board & on some meds that controls his anger and mood swings ...he has gone to Defcon 1 over Mute Button Snafus and ppl asking his boy bow tie hard questions at POAs
7. Bow tie - how much has he skimmed from Helsinn over some flipcharts and CCs over complete rubbish ...any movement on 90-2-1 or going after Renal, Thyroid, Prostate like I brought w u on my Exit?
8. Get rid of the idiotic Goals and Idiotic AK grid that is impossible for 90% of the Field - unless u have an Airforce Base, Large GPO Group like say in Texas
9. HUB - wow ...equate that to the Launch of NEW Coke or the Pacer car
10. Take a hard look within because u don't have a 30% Turnover due to Outside Variables and turn a Blind Eye to the Inadequacies of Nj leadership and operations

If want to discuss, you have my number
and I still will Disagree in Your assesment that I am an Outlier
Sounds like there have been plenty more of them in the past weeks

Days Of Our Lives will return next week allowing our staff to contemplate their future

Be sure to tune in next week as Interesting episodes of Pin the Tail on the Old Product; HUB HUB Who got the HUB; Champagne, Lies, and flipcharts will be coming at you from the 3 stooges in NJ

sense of panic setting in? POA for phantom product weeks away and more resignations from shutdown and next week - management running around in panicked status calls trying to calm the team meanwhile market access unavailable to work until after 10am - way to run an organization

Oh my my my where to start with this earth moving news. As I sat on my phone receiving the news of the new therapeutic that is going to shape the future of Helsinn I reflected back to a headline in the New York Times years ago. D DAY - translation "Dawn, Donuts and Disbelief!" Wholly cow! We struggle daily to lift our heads off our pillows to peddle 90/2/1 with flipper and flopper detail aids and now we enter a market with less potential than our ugly oral baby that drags us down daily. Please Helsonnites don't read anything about this class of drugs I will provide you a small glimpse into our dismal future. 3 to 4 percent of the NSCLC patients have the mutation and trust me when you engage a physician in an ALK discussion you might need to get your smelling salts out to revive them. Some of these docs haven't seen an ALK patient in years. Oh and least we forget about those pesky PD1 therapies-hmmm what would you do and their is another small company in this space. Has anyone ever heard of Pfizer. So when they show you the pie chart of the potential in training you need to have that 90/2/1 pill on board so that you don't repeat that scene in animal house with Flounder and Dean Wormer where the dean gets a projectile shot from Flounder. Now on the positive side, if you can move a small number of patients onto this therapy you might be able to move some of that 90/2/1 miracle pill. Read the PI- 95% of the 925 pts had Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain! Hellllllllloooooo!!!!!! Stay thirsty my friends!

Ok Mr Puma
I just have to enter 3 calls
Turn on MiFi
synch calls in diff city where MiFi is connected
Fill up Gas
Collect Sign In Sheets
Check in Check Out of hotel
Eat at BW3 w Time receipt in diff city
and I'm Golden
Cake Job

We waited for change but it hasn't come.
Bonus targets for the majority of the field are unachievable.
You can't claim that target pay is 45k if the average national payout is 30k.
We sent in questions and concerns but they have yet to be addressed--in fact it seems that we were asked to bring them up to the CEO ourselves because senior leadership is too scared to do it.
Salary not on par with other opportunities.
Company cars are a reminder every day that Helsinn leadership doesn't take reps needs into consideration.
The message was already sent but no definitive action has been taken.
We have shown loyalty and patience but it hasn't been rewarded.
Now we will exercise our option to go where we are appreciated and valued.
It's no longer a question of who will leave. Now it's a question of when.

Dear Management: Thanks for helping us make this decision by your inaction and disregard for the concerns of your team.

Never let a good distraction pass mismanagement by without another jab at the beleaguered sales force! The United States has an eclipse that captivated everyone in the country and our management decided to do the old sliding scale that demotivated all. When I came onboard I remember a meeting where we were told that Helsinn always payed out the bonus. Sadly what was left out of that statement was how much they are willing to pay out. Just like a good politician, our management looks us in the eye as they shove a sharp object in our back. Oh how I can't wait for next week. Another shell game on boardwalk as they try to convince us how much we are valued while they continue to underpay, under incentivize and over manage on the old 90/2/1. What obscure message are we going to leave this meeting with and who wants to listen. And now we are strapped with an ALK therapy. No pressure here from Pee Wee Herman and his minions in Iselin. As a child I always loved the circus, I had no idea I was going to be front and center in the freak show. Until next week, stay thirsty my friends!