
keep your head down and away from the whiney bullshit you will do well and succeed.

Keep away from the toxic nonsense

Akynzeo - What does Success Look Like?
(email NJ and ask for FAQ on how to sell to Chinese Pharmacies) shhhhhhhhhh only the Moron ski knows

Don't Walk Alone
Work Hard, Play Hard (maybe, if you don't get bent over on Goals but IC plan on par 1982 Big Pharma $22K)
Taking Flight
paint the fence
build a brand, leave a legacy
be moved to tears...
Building a car as it rolls down the road
Retention $, but fired if you tell anyone Bravo Not on my Watch
This was all Luganos doing we had no idea
Don't blame your managers they knew nothing
Secret Envelopes - who got one?
Littly Willy wonka - so quiet and yet so jealous of the field...a born leader
Dumb and Dumber with their hijinks of telling Lugano what they need to be told and pointing finger at field
The pre planning to have the secret envelopes, 2 diff buses, and stories corroborated by management
Glenn the untouchable - Why? Exposed?
Dumb claiming the need to improve Communication but field directed not to speak or call MC or WM ..,or call NJ...Dissent in NJ = Clueless leadership and terrible model ....but field, Improve communication
Gang of Sp(Rectum) group running this place like a Carnival
Club Monaco wheels down jfk for Lyfebulb and symphony...tax write off...But No time for Lugano visit to KOLs????? Tesaro does this....not the champage sippers

How did Ed like the Compass when he drove it as a Rental??? Not well enough to have as own company car?? Shocking
Maybe Willy wonka will let you get a Geo if you ask him pretty please

Not on my watch
Perfect Storm for ppl to be recruited away from Helsinn in 2017...OK - Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Dallas we were told that we had a PD-1 being purchased but nothing for almost 2 years = planning to Fail

Incyte just purchased an early-stage PD-1 checkpoint now being developed at MacroGenics

Will the Field Survey be Reviewed First or will someone sell a Zicadia First?
New Dash for Cash contest

okay folks. A regional director just resigned and before the body assumed room temperature management posted for a replacement. Hmmm do you really think they want a Regional manager? I think not. Stay classy my friends!
Classy and Helsinn?
only the hotels and champagne served at meetings
Not IC plan for field
Not the culture
Not the Jeep pill box or Jethro Tull Charger

Weekly Contest....Ha ha ha ha How Desperate are you Eddy
oh, ill get right on the weekly report and get it to you - I'll be on Bus #2
How do they say it in Lugano?

How much biz you getting out of Tenn Onc?

U All have been in to see the Man w your Elevator pitch


> Does Helsinn need Territory Reviews for you all?
We know that works...Perhaps William Mann can save the day

2017 will close out without the surveymonkey field results
Interviews underway for geography’s that had resignations - these saps won’t know what hit them until Seattle and the dynamic leadership lulls them w grandiose promises of a new product and Akynzeo IV potential
How many buses will be ordered in Seattle?

Tis the season

It has been along time and to my followers I apologize. I have been talking to a lot of people recently and mostly listening so I’ve decided to compile a list of what people are thankful for after another year at or having left Helsinn. There is no order to this list just thoughts.

1. A lot of people are thankful to be set free from the tyrannical power of “Grumpy Cat”!
2. Multiple people are thankful to never have to present at another business review to people that clearly are doing a classic CYA to upper management. This tribunal is led by a vindictive slimy individual that talks fast but says nothing. According to the lucky few that have been sent to these events, it has been nothing short of a Cluster... Thus his name is the fast one.
3. The legacy people are thankful to not have another Italian door stop delivered this time of year ie. the panetone.
4. Some people are thankful that they don’t have to drive one of the worst vehicles ever produced. Not the Pacer, Gremlin or the Ford Fairmont. Oh yes the Jeep Compass. From Audi’s to the lowly Compass.
5. Some people are thankful they don’t have to go to another meeting with hall monitors watching to make sure no one escapes before 6pm at the POA.
6. Samples and vouchers....need I say more.
7. Some people are happy they don’t have kiss the ring of a crazy admin for changing their flight.
8. Some people are enjoying the updates on the ever changing payout schedules for bonuses, LTIP and 10 percent holdback.
9. Everyone is thankful to hear nothing from these empty suites over the holidays.

This list Is not all inclusive but’s just a start for others to add too.

For me I am thankful to live in a country that I can alert people to this nightmare. If you are jumping into this cesspool I wish you well. If you hear about the culture run..... Enjoy your holiday, be thankful and as always “stay thirsty my friends!”

Tis the season

It has been along time and to my followers I apologize. I have been talking to a lot of people recently and mostly listening so I’ve decided to compile a list of what people are thankful for after another year at or having left Helsinn. There is no order to this list just thoughts.

1. A lot of people are thankful to be set free from the tyrannical power of “Grumpy Cat”!
2. Multiple people are thankful to never have to present at another business review to people that clearly are doing a classic CYA to upper management. This tribunal is led by a vindictive slimy individual that talks fast but says nothing. According to the lucky few that have been sent to these events, it has been nothing short of a Cluster... Thus his name is the fast one.
3. The legacy people are thankful to not have another Italian door stop delivered this time of year ie. the panetone.
4. Some people are thankful that they don’t have to drive one of the worst vehicles ever produced. Not the Pacer, Gremlin or the Ford Fairmont. Oh yes the Jeep Compass. From Audi’s to the lowly Compass.
5. Some people are thankful they don’t have to go to another meeting with hall monitors watching to make sure no one escapes before 6pm at the POA.
6. Samples and vouchers....need I say more.
7. Some people are happy they don’t have kiss the ring of a crazy admin for changing their flight.
8. Some people are enjoying the updates on the ever changing payout schedules for bonuses, LTIP and 10 percent holdback.
9. Everyone is thankful to hear nothing from these empty suites over the holidays.

This list Is not all inclusive but’s just a start for others to add too.

For me I am thankful to live in a country that I can alert people to this nightmare. If you are jumping into this cesspool I wish you well. If you hear about the culture run..... Enjoy your holiday, be thankful and as always “stay thirsty my friends!”

This is a hateful post full of total BS !! Management works 24/7 to keep the rank & file gainfully employed.

if management did their job 2 years ago they wouldn’t have to work 24/7 to keep the rank and file employed today. Pussyfooting around with product (lack of) acquisition did you no favors. Management should be thankful the reps that remain are still there. Oncology jobs are hot and leaving is easy if a rep just doesn’t drool on themselves in an interview. Non existent coverage on your future flag bearing product did you no favors. Ah hell, just flip chart it at the next POA. It’ll be OK.