Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Beware of a large fast pharma cat stalking Helsinn reps. The openings are going to get bigger and the white space will soon be as big as filled territories. Some reps are playing escape from "Witch Mountain" avoiding their managers meddling ways. Meanwhile back in the east, blumes of smoke fill the board room in Islin trying to keep all within in a purple haze. Promises of major co-promotes and in licensing of great products........anyone ever hear of Monofer. Oops. And then there is the bless blissfully unaware individual that is clueless that management is asking questions about the people reporting to them and how they like working for (this section is left blank intentionally for those truly unaware of how clueless you are)! You positive Helsinnites that will reply to this with the usual don't let the door hit you or enjoy your pod verbiage enjoy your time selling no AK and not being accountable. Hey your secret is safe with the rest of the purple haze crowd showing up at meetings with nothing to add but negative energy and spoonfuls of desert for management. And I leave you with a line from a Persian proverb - "He who knows not; and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him!" Don't be a fool and don't be fooled. Stay thirsty my friends!