Well, you get him the sort of therapy and counseling which shows him that he CAN change, because most motivated homosexuals CAN change. You also emphasize the healing power of Christ. You love him and you pray for him and you support him, but you NEVER accept that being "gay" is anything but either a choice or a disorder. Nothing to be ashamed of or run from, but something to be dealt with.
A person may not choose their orientation, few if any of us do, but we can control our behavior and with the proper help and prayer orientation can usually be changed. If it can't the options remain the same as for everyone under the Biblical standard. Chastity in singleness or heterosexual marriage. There are many ex-gays out there who are now happily married (real marriage, not homosexual sham marriage).
Well, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and the odds do stack in favor when social norms and family norms are inline with strong moral values. However, I do not believe there is real scientific evidence (peer reviewed and not from a Christian journal but Behavior/Psych/Social) that has ever shown homosexuality can be treated and cured by prayer and support or therapy. The last thing I read there was a very high relapse rate and few lifetime successes. Yes, there are a few well-publicized stories in the Christian literature of stunning successes.
At the very least, it is nice to hear you would not perform an exorcism or throw the kid out or have him/her institutionalized. Chastity is certainly an option but I don't know how viable or realistic. Just a heads up, there are lots of gay "marriages" that are very happy and married/faithful for life. There are also gay penguins.