Happy vs Unhappy - what do you think?

Hairy and MFAS have accused me of being an unhappy person because I call myself a bitch and have a record of poor life choices. (Hey, congrats on being assholes!)
What are you talking about? I honestly don't know where this is coming from. I don't recall ever accusing you of being an unhappy person, but even if I did, that is not a perjorative. It would have merely been an observation, an observation made with a significant amount of compassion.

I will tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a sweet girl who thought the world was fair and who thought hard work and honesty led to a good life. Then she found out that men lie and rpe, people cheat and steal, the law is not here to protect you and no one really gives a crap about anyone but themselves. She got old, sick and tired, had evil people steal her happines and wealth. When she needed her employer/job most, even this entity dumped her because she was sick. telling her to get a lawyer if she did not like it.

I got a lawyer and he taught me a few things about life, the law, fairness, and people. I do not think after my life experiences there are any people who would NOT be a bitch when needed. Most people who actually KNOW ME, call me an inspiration and a survivor! My life experiences are the same reason we have a gun in every room. Did I think at fifty that I'd be in grad school with a student loan? Fuck no. Am I trying to make the best of it? Yes. Is most of it do to choices? Some, but a lot of it was luck of the draw because my choices were good ones. Sadly, they did not lead to the desired outcome because other people fucked up. (Funny how people blessed with good fortune will pat themselves on the back, while those they see as "cursed" blame that person for their choices! That is social psych 101.) I was not one of the lucky ones. My mom always said I liked to take the long way home. Maybe she was right.
Bad things happen to good people. Misfortune sometimes befalls those who don't deserve it. The key is making the best decisions you can, putting the odds as much in your favor as possible, but even then you can't guarantee outcomes. I'm pulling for you. You have my sympathy and my best wishes. We may disagree strongly about some things, but that doesn't mean that I don't have tremendous compassion for you.

I may not be the happiest person for sure, but I'm one of the hardest working, brightest, fun-loving, and peaceful people you would meet. Complex? Yes. Brilliant? Probably. A tad jealous of those that can kick back and retire now? Absolutely. That being said, I keep pretty much to myself because I do not trust nor like most people. Why? They like to flash their success in your face and are so full of themselves they think they can tell others how to live life. I pretty much hate that. They believe that "good living" will lead to a blessed life. What they don't know is they are full of shit. Just because "it" has not happened to you or your family, don't assume that others who have have had something bad happen brought it on themselves. You have no compassion and that is why you should never sit in judgement of anyone else.

You'll probably wig out over this one, but I "judge" in the same manner that God judges, not because we DON'T have compassion, but because we DO. The kindest most compassionate thing you can do as a general rule is to tell someone the truth as you see it. Now you may say that what I'm saying is not the truth and that's fine, but that doesn't change the spirit in which I'm telling you "my" truth. A true friend will tell you the truth, even when they know that it's tough.

I've had a ringside seat to two close members of my family who have suffered tremendous tragedies in their lives through no faults of their own. So I know that bad things can happen to good people and that people's choices sometimes have nothing to do with the events they must confront in their lives.
You have been through a lot in life that no one should have to deal with. I wish you the best. I always have. I'm glad that you've found some measure of happiness in life. God bless you.

DD might be right that I have handled my "come back" poorly. I just find it hard to believe that I beat death and for what? This? A so/so relationship with someone who doesn't want to do anything I do, a job I really don't like, too much debt and now no time because I CHOOSE to go to grad school to try and do something with my life before it runs out.

Hey, when did I say you've handled your comeback poorly. Hells bells, GG, I think you're a rock star for what you've accomplished.

Somewhere there was a discussion about my dissatisfaction with my relationship and desire to be hot and horny again, for more than what I have. You said one of your husbands acted crazy after he got better. I think I'm probably acting a little crazy.

Hairy and MFAS have accused me of being an unhappy person because I call myself a bitch and have a record of poor life choices. (Hey, congrats on being assholes!)

It wasn't MFAS, it was me.

I will tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a sweet girl who thought the world was fair and who thought hard work and honesty led to a good life.

I am sorry that you believed such foolishness. Life is inherently unfair. People who don't realize that early on are setting themselves up for major disappointment.

Then she found out that men lie and rpe, people cheat and steal,

I can't believe nobody else called you out on this generalization. Not all men lie and not all men rape. Not all people cheat and not all people steal.

the law is not here to protect you and no one really gives a crap about anyone but themselves. She got old, sick and tired, had evil people steal her happines and wealth.

Everyone gets old. Everyone gets sick and everyone gets tired. This is not something that is unique to you. Nobody can steal your happiness. It is sad that you believe(d) that your happiness is/was dependent on what others did or didn't do. It gives them way too much power over you.

When she needed her employer/job most, even this entity dumped her because she was sick. telling her to get a lawyer if she did not like it.

Your employer is not there to help you. Your employer is there to pay you a wage you believe is fair for your contributions.

I got a lawyer and he taught me a few things about life, the law, fairness, and people. I do not think after my life experiences there are any people who would NOT be a bitch when needed.

There are lots of people who have probably suffered worse and are not a bitch when needed. That is a choice you make and you have created yourself a nice excuse that you think is foolproof. When I read this, it sounds like you have earned the right to be a bitch (as you claim) because of wrongs you think have come your way. As long as you don't have to take responsibility for your own behavior that is all that counts. It isn't really you, it is the disease, the drugs or somebody else.

Most people who actually KNOW ME, call me an inspiration and a survivor!

Maybe you project a different personna in real life, but I don't see inspiration when I see you post.

My life experiences are the same reason we have a gun in every room. Did I think at fifty that I'd be in grad school with a student loan? Fuck no.

You make sound like being in grad school at your age is a burden. There is nothing wrong with furthering your education.

Am I trying to make the best of it? Yes. Is most of it do to choices? Some, but a lot of it was luck of the draw because my choices were good ones.

Very few people have the self awareness to admit that they made poor choices. But, assuming that you are correct and all of your choices were good, as MFAS said, sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Sadly, they did not lead to the desired outcome because other people fucked up.

So other people are responsible for your good choices not panning out?

(Funny how people blessed with good fortune will pat themselves on the back, while those they see as "cursed" blame that person for their choices! That is social psych 101.) I was not one of the lucky ones. My mom always said I liked to take the long way home. Maybe she was right.

You may not believe this, but I am sure that there are some people out there who think you are a very lucky person. It is easy to wallow in self pity and believe that what we are going through is worse than what anyone else is going through and that nobody else can understand.

I may not be the happiest person for sure, but I'm one of the hardest working, brightest, fun-loving, and peaceful people you would meet.

Don't take this as a slight toward you, but just an observation. I find it interesting that everyone thinks they are hard working and bright. I have never met anyone who claimed to be lazy and dumb. At the same time, everyone claims to know people who they work with who are actually lazy and dumb. The numbers just don't add up. So who is right?

Complex? Yes. Brilliant? Probably. A tad jealous of those that can kick back and retire now? Absolutely.

Jealousy is a self destructive emotion that should have no place in your life.

That being said, I keep pretty much to myself because I do not trust nor like most people. Why? They like to flash their success in your face and are so full of themselves they think they can tell others how to live life.

So everyone you have met is this way and you have given up on meeting new people? I don't deny that there are people like this, but not everyone is. Maybe you should try different avenues for meeting people.

I pretty much hate that. They believe that "good living" will lead to a blessed life. What they don't know is they are full of shit. Just because "it" has not happened to you or your family, don't assume that others who have have had something bad happen brought it on themselves. You have no compassion and that is why you should never sit in judgement of anyone else.

The irony is that with your preceding statements you sat in judgement of others.

Like, MFAS I am sympathetic and empathetic to your plight. It sounds like you have endured many trials and tribulations. Unfortunately, it sounds like you have completely given up on life which is sad to hear.

I wrestled with whether or not to respond to this post and I know that others will accuse me of "flaming" or "derailing" or whatever other accusation they want to make, but I believe that if I had just come on here and said "Gee, that is so bad" that I would only be enabling what I see as destructive behavior.

Believe it or not, I do care. If I did not care, I would not take the time to point out what I believe to be behaviors that are leading to misery. I believe in being honest and I will speak the truth as I see it. Most are not comfortable with that, but it is what it is.

I truly wish you the best and hope that you can find some measure of happiness.

Hairy - I was a crab when I was sick and heavily medicated most of the time. I have no idea of those two years at all. Truly, if I bit your head off, I am sorry. Now, we can get back to arguing.

I believe in God - 100 percent. No question in my mind. It is just not the Christain God that you see in the Bible. Is there Divine Justice? Yes, but not all evil people get punished and not everyone reaps what they sow. Check out the wealthy corrupt SOBs in government or our justice system. Does the Bible offer up ways to live life and have it turn out? Yes. So do M. Scott Peck, Victor Frankl, Gandhi, Csikszentmihalyi and others. Is your idea of good living in the Old Testament? Not really. It is filled with hate, fear and horror stories with some poems. Do people that go to church seem to handle stress and life's curveballs better than those who don't? Actually, yes. But it is a group support thing and nothing more. Try not to read too much into your church going lifestyle and do not ever assume that because I don't go that I have no faith. You would be mistaken.

GG, thank you for starting this thread. I'm glad I know you and glad we came across each other in life. This is sort of like working a display and then afterwrds, the reps get together for a beer and a bull session. You meet some interesting people and you meet some people with a stick up their ass. We have all of them right here.

People who live by a code have more productive lives than people who don't. It's interesting that people would be pompous enough to judge another, hurt another even kill another because that person didn't follow their code. They invent places like hell (where you burn, right?), call them real and try to fortify their own beliefs within themselves in order to feel better about the path they're taking. Others are so threatened by the underpinnings of their own faiths here, they do things like attack people's children, make up grade school names to call people they don't agree with, etc. It's like a 5 year old calling another 5 year old a 'poo poo head' or something stupid like that. I feel good about my path, I feel good about your path and I enjoy shooting the shit with most of my peers here. There are people here I'd love to have a beer with in real life (and someday probably will) and there are people I would'nt even piss on. It's kind of like walking through a pasture, now and then you come across a pile of shit and you just have to step around it.

All in all, you know you can call me or email me anytime and you have a freind to talk to. You have many friends here and that's a vaulable thing in life. But you can't please everyone, no one can and it ain't even worth trying.
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I am so sorry, Hairy. Your story is very much like mine. Employers really suck and I pray no one has to endure what you did and what I did. Again, please accept my appology for my behavior. I was on a lot medication and often felt so damn sorry for myself I wanted to die. When I did not, I would wake up angry and pissed off at the world. I could not understand why my family would go through seven years of Hell and lose everything and then I had to lose my health, my hair, my good looks and nearly my job too.

DD might be right that I have handled my "come back" poorly. I just find it hard to believe that I beat death and for what? This? A so/so relationship with someone who doesn't want to do anything I do, a job I really don't like, too much debt and now no time because I CHOOSE to go to grad school to try and do something with my life before it runs out.

Again, I am sorry. I do not think you have shared your story before and it is horrific. There is something really wrong with America when good people get sick and employers find a way to get rid of them with no recourse. GG

Probably many of us wiould feel differently about each other if we sat down and talked. There are similarities in my story to Hairy's without the severity of the heath issues (health issues yes, cancer no). After a brief careeer in pharma after college, I built a business and was making over $200K/ yr when that was more like $500K (the late 70s/early 80s). I lost the business during that recession. With a new child, we survived the electric company and the gas company showing up to turn off the power by me painting houses or whatever I could do to make a Yankee dollar. Finally, I bought a used suit, wrote out a resume and started interviewing in pharma again. All I knew was we'd have a car and insurance and dinner on the table. The salary was $22K/yr. 26 years later, I have a dream terrtory and a dream salary. I have a good life. It doesn't correspond to the dreams I had way back when but all in all - it's good to be here.

Friends and family are everything.
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GG, thank you for starting this thread. I'm glad I know you and glad we came across each other in life. This is sort of like working a display and then afterwrds, the reps get together for a beer and a bull session. You meet some interesting people and you meet some people with a stick up their ass. We have all of them right here.

People who live by a code have more productive lives than people who don't. It's interesting that people would be pompous enough to judge another, hurt another even kill another because that person didn't follow their code. They invent places like hell (where you burn, right?), call them real and try to fortify their own beliefs within themselves in order to feel better about the path they're taking. Others are so threatened by the underpinnings of their own faiths here, they do things like attack people's children, make up grade school names to call people they don't agree with, etc. It's like a 5 year old calling another 5 year old a 'poo poo head' or something stupid like that. I feel good about my path, I feel good about your path and I enjoy shooting the shit with most of my peers here. There are people here I'd love to have a beer with in real life (and someday probably will) and there are people I would'nt even piss on. It's kind of like walking through a pasture, now and then you come across a pile of shit and you just have to step around it.

All in all, you know you can call me or email me anytime and you have a freind to talk to. You have many friends here and that's a vaulable thing in life. But you can't please everyone, no one can and it ain't even worth trying.

Way to go, Vag. Just what the board needed: More of your delusional, self-serving yimmer yammer.

And just for the record, you are the one is has repeatedly demonstrated that you are so fragile as to not have your beliefs challenged. You've even actually tried to tell people what they can and can't talk about. Hilarious!

Your code talk was especially funny. That's what I do. I live by a code. One found in the Bible. You know that book of "folk tales" that is one of the pillars of Western Civilization and just happens to be the proven best way to conduct one's personal life and to order society. Amazing coincidence that a book of "folk tales" would be that practical now isn't it? In police work they call this sort of thing a clue, but I doubt you'll ever see it.

Anyway, that's the standard by which I "judge" others and the reason I believe there is a Hell. As I've said before if there is no Hell, then there is no moral difference between Hitler and Mother Theresa. Is that the sort of moral universe you choose to believe in?

Probably many of us wiould feel differently about each other if we sat down and talked. There are similarities in my story to Hairy's without the severity of the heath issues (health issues yes, cancer no). After a brief careeer in pharma after college, I built a business and was making over $200K/ yr when that was more like $500K (the late 70s/early 80s). I lost the business during that recession. With a new child, we survived the electric company and the gas company showing up to turn off the power by me painting houses or whatever I could do to make a Yankee dollar. Finally, I bought a used suit, wrote out a resume and started interviewing in pharma again. All I knew was we'd have a car and insurance and dinner on the table. The salary was $22K/yr. 26 years later, I have a dream terrtory and a dream salary. I have a good life. It doesn't correspond to the dreams I had way back when but all in all - it's good to be here.

Friends and family are everything.

Just curious as to where you get your moral code from

Just curious as to where you get your moral code from

Raised as a Presbyterian, dated and had relationships with Atheists, Jews, Recovering Catholics, a Buddist, a Nudist a practiotioner of Candomoble and a religious Science lady.

How about you?

So you got it from The Bible. Thanks

What a reach, eclectic is a better word. I.e, the bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal - those work for me but what I do with the neighbor's wife is our own fucking business. If that's the bible, I'm down with that.

Like, MFAS I am sympathetic and empathetic to your plight. It sounds like you have endured many trials and tribulations. Unfortunately, it sounds like you have completely given up on life which is sad to hear.

I wrestled with whether or not to respond to this post and I know that others will accuse me of "flaming" or "derailing" or whatever other accusation they want to make, but I believe that if I had just come on here and said "Gee, that is so bad" that I would only be enabling what I see as destructive behavior.

Believe it or not, I do care. If I did not care, I would not take the time to point out what I believe to be behaviors that are leading to misery. I believe in being honest and I will speak the truth as I see it. Most are not comfortable with that, but it is what it is.

I truly wish you the best and hope that you can find some measure of happiness.

The question is - why are you even here? You're not in the industry, you flame it every day and put down people in it, make snide remarks about our children, why bother? Is there no chat room for whatever wonderful business you ended up in?

You sound bitter over the industry, you make long winded post rants but you know you want in because you're here every minute of the day.

I say unemployed....
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The question is - why are you even here? You're not in the industry, you flame it every day and put down people in it, make snide remarks about our children, why bother? Is there no chat room for whatever wonderful business you ended up in?

You sound bitter over the industry, you make long winded post rants but you know you want in because you're here every minute of the day.

I say unemployed....

Why do you care? Isn't really any of your business is it? You believe I am a specialty rep from Jersey isn't that what Team Mojo told you? Run with that.

Also, I am not the only person who flames the industry. Ever read what Hairy posts about it? I have never made a snide remark about your children. I merely asked you how you squared your personal life with how you raised them. But, I forgot how thenthitive you are ;)

For someone who claims to live rent free inside of my head, you sure do spend alot of time worrying about what I do and when I do it. You count posts. You speculate on my employment. You seem oddly obsessed.

But, hey, whatever gets you up in the morning.

Why do you care? Isn't really any of your business is it? You believe I am a specialty rep from Jersey isn't that what Team Mojo told you? Run with that.

Also, I am not the only person who flames the industry. Ever read what Hairy posts about it? I have never made a snide remark about your children. I merely asked you how you squared your personal life with how you raised them. But, I forgot how thenthitive you are ;)

For someone who claims to live rent free inside of my head, you sure do spend alot of time worrying about what I do and when I do it. You count posts. You speculate on my employment. You seem oddly obsessed.

But, hey, whatever gets you up in the morning.

You count 'em too Ace and when they hit 10,000 you delete 'em and start all over. I don't even know who team Mojo is and I think you're a very bitter person towards the industry that you can't get a job in. And for the snide remarks? Telling me to tell my daughter to take a lot of condoms with her to Cuba is a snide remark no matter how you slice it or dice it.

You count 'em too Ace and when they hit 10,000 you delete 'em and start all over. I don't even know who team Mojo is and I think you're a very bitter person towards the industry that you can't get a job in. And for the snide remarks? Telling me to tell my daughter to take a lot of condoms with her to Cuba is a snide remark no matter how you slice it or dice it.

'Team Mojo' is another one of Flag Avatar Guy's worn out lines that he brought over from the Poli-Board.

The Cuba comment is typical of him - He gotted BANNED on the Poli-Board for a similar remark about teenage girls pole dancing.

Living rent free in his head is the understatement of the year.

You count 'em too Ace and when they hit 10,000 you delete 'em and start all over. I don't even know who team Mojo is and I think you're a very bitter person towards the industry that you can't get a job in. And for the snide remarks? Telling me to tell my daughter to take a lot of condoms with her to Cuba is a snide remark no matter how you slice it or dice it.


So now I have gone from a specialty rep in Jersey to a guy who can't get in the industry? That is the story now?

Yeah, sure why not?

Why would you take offense to a comment about condoms? According to you it is only sex :rolleyes: