Happy vs Unhappy - what do you think?

  • Wonka   Apr 15, 2011 at 11:54: AM
I know you personally so I have some input. Like many pharma reps, you may have "career unhappiness", but I think overall you're happy.

It's like depression, I believe there are 2 kinds. Chemical and Situational. The antidepressants will help if you have neurotransmitter problems in your brain. If your depression is situational; lost job, lost parent, etc., they really won't do a damn thing because you don't necessarily have a neurotransmitter issue.

I've had situational depression over the lack of a real career and I changed it. Situational depression is gone.

Point is and back like I said at beginning, you have situational unhappiness, but you are a happy person overall.

Thanks, Wonka. I just don't know how I'm going to finish school (time crunch constantly)and where it will go when I'm done. This industry does take a huge toll on your emotional health. Despite having a lot of "down" time, it is one of the most stressful jobs I have had. Part of it, is the complete lack of control over sales numbers/goals and no tangible way to even feel like you accomplish anything of purpose. You have to dig to find it. Then, the primary relationship does not seem so great. It really feels like life boxed me in. You get older, it gets harder to change and harder to cope. Frankly, I agree that a lot of it is attitude but lately it is like being haunted by the road I did not choose.