Happy 2017! hang on...more layoffs coming

They never went to a national sales meeting and didn't go to SIMS either

That's strange I thought CV went to Texas in the fall. Either way, my point is that the situation appears to be fluid. These reps could have been let go in August. Why bother training them on products, start new territories and cut them loose a few months later? It was an expensive oops or it was strategic.

That's strange I thought CV went to Texas in the fall. Either way, my point is that the situation appears to be fluid. These reps could have been let go in August. Why bother training them on products, start new territories and cut them loose a few months later? It was an expensive oops or it was strategic.

Two things happened:

Brilinta was not approved for a PAD indication--so no need for a beefed up selling team to launch it.

Jardiance, the third to market SGLT2i, beat the first two, including Farxiga, in proving CV protection. This was not totally expected. It is usually not customary for the FDA to change labels based on one trial. But 2016 was not a year of customs. Not only were all those people not needed, the company is poising for Jardiance to eat our lunch dessert in the first half of the year then come get lunch and dinner by December. Expect at least a 14% decline in national market share.

Two things happened:

Brilinta was not approved for a PAD indication--so no need for a beefed up selling team to launch it.

Jardiance, the third to market SGLT2i, beat the first two, including Farxiga, in proving CV protection. This was not totally expected. It is usually not customary for the FDA to change labels based on one trial. But 2016 was not a year of customs. Not only were all those people not needed, the company is poising for Jardiance to eat our lunch dessert in the first half of the year then come get lunch and dinner by December. Expect at least a 14% decline in national market share.

Just to be clear the Brilinta news hit in around Mid to late September. The Jardiance news was in November and the layoffs announcement followed a week later. If there had been a denial by the FDA, the cuts may not have happened or would not have been nearly as deep.

There was the reference from our "HQ insider" ( while we have the posers, i think there is someone with the info who called the Dec layoffs a week before they happened) that said major strategic decisions are being made on a month by month basis...no good long term plans. So we end up with retaining and training a sales force in november, then letting them go in december.

News Flash, most will be let go rather than absorb the costs of relocating people. Only the most critical positions will be offered a paid relocation. The rest will most likely have to reapply for a job and pay their own way there. You just have to love how AZ treats long time loyal employees.

AZ never offered relo for HQ employees at Band 5 or lower. They will be told their role is being relocated, and if they want to keep their job they have to move themselves, or they can take a package. This is nothing new, a few people here and there have moved down their to keep their jobs

I just dont see any big money in the pipeline. Nothing that will cover the billions from Crestor, Nexium, Seroquel and soon losses for Symbicort as generics and competition hit it's market. We have not reduced headcount enough to reflect the losses. Plus I am thinking we are only half way to Pascal's billion dollars in cuts. There has to be major cuts in 2017.

There's very little morale left. For those that have been through numerous layoffs past 5 or so years, from a human perspective, it just weighs in. Worse than that, every teleconference, whether it be district, state, regional, area....it's like the leaders are all happy and like nothing ever happened. It would be so appreciated if,just once,they would say something to the effect of...we know AZ is terrible now, it's awful and not gonna get better soon,so you can do one of two things..find a better opp-which shouldn't be that difficult, or stay here and at least act like there's something about your job you love, at least when your manager is with you, or on a call. You'd better be all energetic, have enthusiasm to the nth degree, and praise AZ. Don't mind saying, been with AZ over 10 years, and it's unbelievable how pitiful it's become. A once ,great, even respected company is now the laugh of the big pharma organizations.

There's very little morale left. For those that have been through numerous layoffs past 5 or so years, from a human perspective, it just weighs in. Worse than that, every teleconference, whether it be district, state, regional, area....it's like the leaders are all happy and like nothing ever happened. It would be so appreciated if,just once,they would say something to the effect of...we know AZ is terrible now, it's awful and not gonna get better soon,so you can do one of two things..find a better opp-which shouldn't be that difficult, or stay here and at least act like there's something about your job you love, at least when your manager is with you, or on a call. You'd better be all energetic, have enthusiasm to the nth degree, and praise AZ. Don't mind saying, been with AZ over 10 years, and it's unbelievable how pitiful it's become. A once ,great, even respected company is now the laugh of the big pharma organizations.

Don't be so naive. As long as a leader or manager is still employed by AZ then they are going to be a cheerleader and champion. At this company, telling the truth in leadership will get you fired or demoted.
When was the last time you heard a leader ask a challenging question or defend us when the company line is misguided? Those people are all gone and what remains is a box of sameness.

Because they will happen towards the end of Q2. They gotta keep the impression of a rosy, happy place. Everyone knows different.

The band played calming music as the Titanic was sinking too. The Captain ordered it to prevent panic on deck and it worked until the ship broke in half and everyone went to the bottom including the Captain but not the owner of the Ship. He survived by taking the seat in a lifeboat intended to save women and children.
I wonder how many AZ executives will stick around that long. Many have already take to the lifeboats.

Because they will happen towards the end of Q2. They gotta keep the impression of a rosy, happy place. Everyone knows different.
For the past 2 years the axe fell in June. Serves a few purposes:

1. Allows people who earned COE to at least get the honor and the trip. Nice to put on your resume when you leave. That is a fair thing.

2. Gets at least 6 months of fear work out of people, and then another 6 mos out of those who are feeling lucky that they made it.

3. Gives them time to see if the Q1 numbers will be worth it. They get this data by May and then make decisions to toss people. We will never meet financial expectations and needs because they are way too great.