
Brutal earnings release. BH backpedaling like crazy and market didn't buy a word. Only so much you can blame on covid!
BH can shuck-and-jive with the best of ‘em, but this was embarrassing. If you doubt this, just read the transcript—painful as it is. When 90% of the call consists meaningless blather of Covid, “structural” changes and gross margins, coupled with zero discussion of top-line revenue growth, that is quite telling. And the analysts (and the street) were not buying it, nor should they.

BH can shuck-and-jive with the best of ‘em, but this was embarrassing. If you doubt this, just read the transcript—painful as it is. When 90% of the call consists meaningless blather of Covid, “structural” changes and gross margins, coupled with zero discussion of top-line revenue growth, that is quite telling. And the analysts (and the street) were not buying it, nor should they.

where’s the “but shareholders don’t give a shit” management on this one? Blame going on them soon and they know it. Love watching them backstab eachother playing kiss ass

How long are you going to hate your former boss man? For life? Come here alone to post shit? Your pastor can help you in getting you through this. Go hug your wife and let go of your hate.

Dude, you realize that posting shit on here is the entire CP business model, right?

BH is also a big boy and doesn’t need minions like you to play defense. Chin up, sport. I’m sure Q4 is all roses. Have fun!

Only a few sycophants left to defend BH. Stock price falling, market share shrinking, analysts losing patience and hope, layoffs occurring (and pending?), and nearly every employee looking for greener pastures. BH ain't dumb, so he might be able to pin all of these failures on someone else and claim success for cutting out the cause of the cancer. El bull heading to the slaughter house?

ZBH shareholders are no different than distributors or regional managers. If you lost over 10% of your business YTD due to incompetence you'd be fired. This is just how it is.

ZBH shares are down 10.7% YTD. The S&P500 is up 25% YTD. So this is when the board starts to get very angry phone calls from the large shareholders. Change is coming!

Zimmer cannot compete effectively without the complete line of products and services. The competition is eating their lunch. The culture isn’t cutting it any more. Time to invest or divest, Hanson.