Good luck in getting out of RC

Because this is a site with specific parameters?

Did you ever consider that the board is called "veterinary health" and a lot of things contribute to veterinary health, including proper nutrition?
However, I am not the person going against your ideas. I am not longer with this horrible company and am on to a position with a company you would consider to be a part of this board. I like getting on here though to see that things have not changed at all. Too bad for the people still there. I hope they all come to their senses and leave.

I stated a fact. You really need to move on. You tried to be mean and ugly, but you are making an assumption. Maybe I do and maybe I don't have friends, but still, the fact remains, you are on here living in the past and not really enjoying the "great new life " you have. I wonder if your wife/husband and kids sit next to you while you are typing these little "grasps" at keeping the negativity alive, or do you slam your laptop closed when you sense they are looking over your shoulder? I am embarrassed for you, please, please enjoy all the good things you have found in your new career and leave us alone. I love it here....ANYONE?????

So, what happened to Mr ANYONE???????? Maybe he doesn't love his job anymore. Maybe the change in upper management is scaring him. Maybe he will be in trouble soon. ANYONE???ANYONE????ANYONE?????ANYONE????