Good luck in getting out of RC

I thought a college degree was required??? I recommended a friend last year and they said he wouldn't be considered because no degree. But that was for a DM job. Maybe that rule doesn't apply for the person responsible for the company's largest customer.

Fortunately I got out of this place but was there when this happened. Fact is there was accountability then-like real sales organizations. Not a bunch of su#* ups that don't do anything and pass the buck. Glad to hear the place is a mess.

Hated the place when I was there. The management are charlatans...pretenders. Glad I am out of RC and that pit.

Don't know when you were here but this is worst it has ever been. Lots of rules and new titles that don't do anything. As a previous poster said lots of corporate speak with no action. I'm sure the "Pats" in PO love this!

Disagree. The company got burned by a lazy DM 'ho that did the same thing at a previous job.

Well. We all know who posted this garbage. You know what's so awesome about how dishonest this statement is? All of the people who witnessed the greasy antics attempted by "management" (or what passed as management at that time) and alllll of the juicy proof against them that sadly, cannot be posted on CafePharma.

To the solid group of people who know the truth about all of the things that management tried and failed to get away with: We are all having the last laugh hm?

If you're still leaning on any of those losers for guidance: You probably struggle tying your shoes in the morning. Pathetic.

??? The past may have been rough on you but it doesn't even come close to how messed up this place is now. Double standards, inappropriate behavior swept under the rug, wasteful spending, and on and on.

??? The past may have been rough on you but it doesn't even come close to how messed up this place is now. Double standards, inappropriate behavior swept under the rug, wasteful spending, and on and on.

How about some examples, along with names instead of initials. All we read is vague bitching. This is an anonymous board. Grow a pair and truly bring issues to light.

Half of the sales force?
That's a conservative estimate. Try 75-80%. food sales? I understand paying the mortgage, but how can anyone really enjoy this job? Even if the culture were amazing, which we all know it's not.... Pet food. Mmm hm.

If you are considering a job here, you had better be beyond desperate.

Yep just made up stories. That's why half of the sales force are looking for jobs, the retail pillar is a non-factor. You keep thinking everything is ok and keep visiting this site to get your information. Better yet Do YOUR JOB and answer questions about insurance and benefits you stupid b*#•h!

I'm out doing my job every day, unlike your cowardly, unwilling to bring issues to light ass.