Going to be a blood bath tomorrow for GI division

Re: Going to be a blood bath tomorrow for GI division
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you only knew the percentage who interviewed for this from shire but didn't get hired because of the Novartis connection.... Scary.
Whaah I didn't get an offer because the other guy knew the VP from Novartis whaah. Newsflash, you didn't get an offer because the other guy was better than you.

Not saying wahhhh dude. I got an offer. I'm saying most spots were already filled when shire people inquired.

No superstars out the door so far mediocre talent at best

Do you all really want to discuss talent? Let's discuss the LACK in the West led by BH and the 3 idiot amigos that he hired. Does that guy in southern Cal even speak English? What an ahole, failing pclub winners during role play. Heard he'll be canned in next few weeks anyway.

And by the way, one of your responsibilities as leaders is to develop talent. Any complaints of talent is a direct reflection of your abilities as leaders. So shut up bob and Co.

Re: Going to be a blood bath tomorrow for GI division
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you only knew the percentage who interviewed for this from shire but didn't get hired because of the Novartis connection.... Scary.
Whaah I didn't get an offer because the other guy knew the VP from Novartis whaah. Newsflash, you didn't get an offer because the other guy was better than you.

Not saying wahhhh dude. I got an offer. I'm saying most spots were already filled when shire people inquired.

Worst kept secret at Shire that IW was poaching talent if reps didn't get an interview cause spots were filled it's their own damn fault for not paying attention. Since the GIBU is a world class sales force people didn't get offers because the other rep was just better

Call it what u want negative nancy: who gives two $&@?! If they call on 5 primary care docs if they are making 100k + base. Keep being bitter with your scare tactics. It's not working.J

The same could be said for p club. Kissing ass has gotten quite a few people spots. Anyone with semi decent analytic skills can see that there is no way some people made the top spots based on #s.

So about 33% of the current FSTs are PClub winners huh, tell me again how much tuckus you have to kiss to become a FST again!!!

WOW, Someone is bitter about not being asked to be a FST. I am not a FST but I know many of them are solid. Actually, 8 FST current/past(maybe few more i am missing) have been P-Club winners. I would disagree that all are kissin ruckus. The two TOP Reps in the country were FSTs, doubt they got there by "kissin ruckus"

Ladies, ladies, ladies....
Who gives a shit who leaves from GI? Even the best are a mere drop in the bucket to the overall bottom line! GI doesnt shape the future of this company. No one, at any level, is overly concerned with who leaves. I have no doubt there are extremely talented people in that BU, maybe some of Shire's best saleseople, but life WILL go on no matter who decides they want to be here or not. Get on with your lives!

Ladies, ladies, ladies....
Who gives a shit who leaves from GI? Even the best are a mere drop in the bucket to the overall bottom line! GI doesnt shape the future of this company. No one, at any level, is overly concerned with who leaves. I have no doubt there are extremely talented people in that BU, maybe some of Shire's best saleseople, but life WILL go on no matter who decides they want to be here or not. Get on with your lives!


Ladies, ladies, ladies....
Who gives a shit who leaves from GI? Even the best are a mere drop in the bucket to the overall bottom line! GI doesnt shape the future of this company. No one, at any level, is overly concerned with who leaves. I have no doubt there are extremely talented people in that BU, maybe some of Shire's best saleseople, but life WILL go on no matter who decides they want to be here or not. Get on with your lives!

Right top level at BU were so unconcerned with departures that's why they spent the last two months asking us who was leaving and what were we doing. It finally took people walking out the door for leadership to ask what they could do to make us happy. Day late and 15,000 dollars short.

Yeah how unprofessional can you be? Zd's calling reps asking if they were leaving. Ed's asking on a weekly basis, using scare tactics, sicking their ass kissing snitching reps to get dirt on their friends. Then you have the fact that some reps are calling management to rat out other reps. Seriously guys? Back door deals with people to give them raises at the poa to 15 people across the country then you tell them to keep it a secret. Not to mention badgering the people who are going. If we're all so replaceable then why did you handle this so horribly the past six months. Instead of wasting all your energy to find out who is leaving, try to find out why they are leaving. Shire was a great place, it's still decent but mgmt needs to wake up.

There are alot of people who stayed and now want to get out of here because reps where given money to stay. This place is a mess and the people who didn't want to leave are getting SCREWED!

Right back door deals to keep reps to stay? So you didn't get an Ironwood offer or a raise from Shire, take a look in the mirror maybe the problem is right in front of you.