Global Blood Therapeutics

If you are in good with the regional director you should hear today or tomorrow from HR. Salary is a little low but stock makes up for it.

As they are hiring for 65 rep positions to call with verbal offers, I wonder how long it will take HR to call everyone, as I am sure that HR can only make so many verbal offer calls a day, and have candidates respond promptly to accept the verbal offers?

As they are hiring for 65 rep positions to call with verbal offers, I wonder how long it will take HR to call everyone, as I am sure that HR can only make so many verbal offer calls a day, and have candidates respond promptly to accept the verbal offers?
Yeah it takes awhile. DM or RD whatever their title they should call you before HR and tell you recruiters or HR will contact you.

As they are hiring for 65 rep positions to call with verbal offers, I wonder how long it will take HR to call everyone, as I am sure that HR can only make so many verbal offer calls a day, and have candidates respond promptly to accept the verbal offers?

Did anyone new get a verbal offer phone call today? How are they deciding on who they are calling? Randomly or by region?

As they are hiring for 65 rep positions to call with verbal offers, I wonder how long it will take HR to call everyone, as I am sure that HR can only make so many verbal offer calls a day, and have candidates respond promptly to accept the verbal offers?

Does anyone know if all reps been contacted with offers by HR already? There are quite a few positions to and many of the final candidates are still waiting to be contacted. Any real insight will be great.

My God you people are so desperate and pathetic with these posts.
There’s nothing desperate or pathetic about seeking information during this process. Changing jobs can be stressful & it’s sad when we have to resort to these boards for updates when recruiters/HR/managers don’t communicate enough.

Does anyone know if all reps been contacted with offers by HR already? There are quite a few positions to and many of the final candidates are still waiting to be contacted. Any real insight will be great.
I was offered by the manager and still have not heard from hr yet. They are still contacting people and are swamped. You should have heard from the manager first though.

I was offered by the manager and still have not heard from hr yet. They are still contacting people and are swamped. You should have heard from the manager first though.

Any information you can provide would be helpful.

Is the offer is based on the fda approval that’s still pending or will they start training before the drug is approved? Can you provide salary range, bonus plan, car or car allowance? Thoughts on benefit package?

Any information you can provide would be helpful.

Is the offer is based on the fda approval that’s still pending or will they start training before the drug is approved? Can you provide salary range, bonus plan, car or car allowance? Thoughts on benefit package?
Spoke to HR yesterday. They are really going through growing pains but will get there. Base is negotiable not sure of max. Let’s say it’s in the range of posters on here earlier. Bonus is quarterly with target of $44. The equity is what makes it attractive though. Not bad offer of shares which are RSUs BTW so more valuable than straight options at this point in time. ESOP also where you can participate and get best price when purchasing going back 24 months to best price. That’s huge if you can put some salary towards it. 4 weeks vacation. Closing bt Christmas and New Years normally but with possible launch? Not sure if it will be approved time off this year. 401k not too exciting. Match of up to $5 k I think, which is not much but again it’s the equity available. Auto allowance by a third party. Can’t tell you amount at this time bc it’s based on geography.

Start date will be October 1. Typical couple weeks home study and then home office.

Spoke to HR yesterday. They are really going through growing pains but will get there. Base is negotiable not sure of max. Let’s say it’s in the range of posters on here earlier. Bonus is quarterly with target of $44. The equity is what makes it attractive though. Not bad offer of shares which are RSUs BTW so more valuable than straight options at this point in time. ESOP also where you can participate and get best price when purchasing going back 24 months to best price. That’s huge if you can put some salary towards it. 4 weeks vacation. Closing bt Christmas and New Years normally but with possible launch? Not sure if it will be approved time off this year. 401k not too exciting. Match of up to $5 k I think, which is not much but again it’s the equity available. Auto allowance by a third party. Can’t tell you amount at this time bc it’s based on geography.

Start date will be October 1. Typical couple weeks home study and then home office.

Thank you for this great information!

A few posters here are claiming every single RBD has been contacting every single candidate a while back about job offers, promising they will be getting the job before HR makes a verbal offer?

Did your RBD promise/told you that you will be getting the job a while ago before HR called you?

Just want to know the facts vs. fiction!

Thank you for this great information!

A few posters here are claiming every single RBD has been contacting every single candidate a while back about job offers, promising they will be getting the job before HR makes a verbal offer?

Did your RBD promise/told you that you will be getting the job a while ago before HR called you?

Just want to know the facts vs. fiction!
Yes manager has kept me in the loop the whole time. It probably depends on your hiring manager how they are handling it.

Yes manager has kept me in the loop the whole time. It probably depends on your hiring manager how they are handling it.

Again thank you for this great information!

Since HR is going through growing pains, and seems a bit slow, any idea how many verbal offers they are making a day, since there are 65 verbal offer phone calls to be made this could carry on for another 2 weeks?

Again thank you for this great information!

Since HR is going through growing pains, and seems a bit slow, any idea how many verbal offers they are making a day, since there are 65 verbal offer phone calls to be made this could carry on for another 2 weeks?
They also are hiring many home office positions if you look at their site. I think there is only one person in HR making offers and calls now so a lot of phone calls and leaving messages, tag you’re it type stuff going on also.

If your manager pushes them they should contact you by the end of the week?

Again thank you for this great information!

Since HR is going through growing pains, and seems a bit slow, any idea how many verbal offers they are making a day, since there are 65 verbal offer phone calls to be made this could carry on for another 2 weeks?
Background check done online before official offer.

Equity not great, only 800 shares, which at this point would be worth less than 40k. Cash signing bonuses with other companies can be higher than this. For a startup this is not a great equity offer.

Background check done online before official offer.

Oh boy!

Background checks online for 65 candidates before HR makes verbal offers?

This is going to take over 3 weeks for HR to call 65 sales candidates not including home office candidates they are hiring with verbal offers after online background checks.