Global Blood Therapeutics

Anyone know anything about this company?

The CEO shoots his mouth off about about every political issue, making everyone cringe. Their lead drug, for Sickle Cell, will be crushed if Vertex’ CRISPR-technology product works as well as announced:

The CEO’s continuing political rallies are enough to stay away. He presents his opinions as fact most people have learned just to shut up and say nothing, because expressing discomfort with his sermons will get you fired.

Pass all the way. The manager doesn’t care about her people and she is sleeping with the boss. Gilead Big Pharma 1000%

Well, Ted Love is displaying his TRUE “COLORS” at last. He has three color obsessions: WHITE (which he hates), Black (which he fires anybody that isn’t) and Green (which he will betray everything for). His commitment to diversity ends at diver$ity and he can line his pockets and finally retire.

Y’all are about to be Pf*cked. Been through that with Upjohn, Wyeth, etc. Those are are the mergEEs always lose in the end. If the merger goes through, you will all be gone very quickly. Pfizer doesn’t take prisoners. And Ted sold you down the river. They will find a way to screw him too—and just desserts for that old racist.

The CEO shoots his mouth off about about every political issue, making everyone cringe. Their lead drug, for Sickle Cell, will be crushed if Vertex’ CRISPR-technology product works as well as announced:

The CEO’s continuing political rallies are enough to stay away. He presents his opinions as fact most people have learned just to shut up and say nothing, because expressing discomfort with his sermons will get you fired.

The CEO shoots his mouth off about about every political issue, making everyone cringe. Their lead drug, for Sickle Cell, will be crushed if Vertex’ CRISPR-technology product works as well as announced:

The CEO’s continuing political rallies are enough to stay away. He presents his opinions as fact most people have learned just to shut up and say nothing, because expressing discomfort with his sermons will get you fired.

It's actually a great company. Yeah, Ted should just be quiet and be CEO. Just like they said LeBron should be quiet and play ball. Unfortunately the ones at the receiving end of injustice can't afford to be quiet. I love that he engages in conversations around equity and injustice. About time someone with power did. Sorry it upsets your life lol

Well, Ted Love is displaying his TRUE “COLORS” at last. He has three color obsessions: WHITE (which he hates), Black (which he fires anybody that isn’t) and Green (which he will betray everything for). His commitment to diversity ends at diver$ity and he can line his pockets and finally retire.

Y’all are about to be Pf*cked. Been through that with Upjohn, Wyeth, etc. Those are are the mergEEs always lose in the end. If the merger goes through, you will all be gone very quickly. Pfizer doesn’t take prisoners. And Ted sold you down the river. They will find a way to screw him too—and just desserts for that old racist.

So sorry you are butt hurt about Ted speaking up against racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Must be nice to be able to just avoid all those topics since they don't affect your life. The rest of us will not be quiet about these issues until they're addressed.

It's called Capitalism. Whoever makes the purchase gets to decide how they run their company.

So sorry you are butt hurt about Ted speaking up against racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Must be nice to be able to just avoid all those topics since they don't affect your life. The rest of us will not be quiet about these issues until they're addressed.

It's called Capitalism. Whoever makes the purchase gets to decide how they run their company.

Here is a newsflash, most of the issues you listed don’t impact about 95% of the population regardless their race, gender or sexual preference. The rest of you spend your days manufacturing grievances that really aren’t being directed at you. Most people in America have no feelings about race, sexism or homophobia. Real racists are repugnant and society pushes them out of “the village” naturally. Same with misogynists and homophobes. The truth is that you can be anyone or anything you want to be in America and people will embrace you as long as you’re not a jerk. The race card is overplayed. Major cities like Chicago, DC, Atlanta and Detroit are run entirely by African Americans and have been for decades. Those same African American leaders shriek about systemic racism in police departments they run. I don’t get it.

So, please tell me, exactly HOW many of you GBT LOOZERS made it through the merger? BWAHAHAHA…been through many, many mergers with PF*CKED before—-YOU ALWAYS LOSE….

Laughing all the way to the bank with vested stock options……Ted Love fricking SOLD YOUR SORRY A$$E$ OUT…BWAHAHHAAHAHA….

Well, Ted Love is displaying his TRUE “COLORS” at last. He has three color obsessions: WHITE (which he hates), Black (which he fires anybody that isn’t) and Green (which he will betray everything for). His commitment to diversity ends at diver$ity and he can line his pockets and finally retire.

Y’all are about to be Pf*cked. Been through that with Upjohn, Wyeth, etc. Those are are the mergEEs always lose in the end. If the merger goes through, you will all be gone very quickly. Pfizer doesn’t take prisoners. And Ted sold you down the river. They will find a way to screw him too—and just desserts for that old racist.
And you survived, HO?