Global Blood Therapeutics

Agree! Most big pharma reps are unprepared to manage an account. I see this with some who have been hired. They're used to be told who and how to call on a doc, and are not able to see a doc without a lunch. Just are not used to selling, finding ways to access docs, etc and struggle

Wonderful, the mind of a child is.

Why are the responses so damn triggered and sensitive? I REALLY hope you are not management. I didn't mean anything of it!! Just stating what I observed on Linkedin! Idiot.

I don't think it's triggered, just irrelevant. As long as they can lead and inspire, I don't care color, gender, orientation, etc. of my manager. This looks like a great opportunity for many. That being said, GBT bases are lower than most rare disease start -ups that I've been speaking with, so that might preclude them from getting the big guns out there.

They hired managers with NO Rare Disease Experience on Hematology Experience. GBT did not meet its endpoint in the study. Novartis just submitted a BLA for their Sickle Cell Therapy. Bluebird is develop a gene therapy for sickle cell. GBT will have a difficult time being successful

They hired managers with NO Rare Disease Experience or Hematology Experience. GBT did not meet its endpoint in the study. Novartis just submitted a BLA for their Sickle Cell Therapy. Bluebird is develop a gene therapy for sickle cell. GBT will have a difficult time being successful

They hired managers with NO Rare Disease Experience or Hematology Experience. GBT did not meet its endpoint in the study. Novartis just submitted a BLA for their Sickle Cell Therapy. Bluebird is develop a gene therapy for sickle cell. GBT will have a difficult time being successful
1st to market captures patients

Agree! Most big pharma reps are unprepared to manage an account. I see this with some who have been hired. They're used to be told who and how to call on a doc, and are not able to see a doc without a lunch. Just are not used to selling, finding ways to access docs, etc and struggle
You hit the nail on the head. Big Pharma reps that have no account management experience will flounder. Big Pharma managers don't have any real idea of what it really takes to be a true Key Account Manager either. I've still heard there are some really great people working at this company though.

Like a lot of people, I started out at 22 as a primary care rep. Over the past 35 years, I have seen it time and again. Start ups like GBT don't pay the base salaries to get the best and fail. Top Biotech/Rare Disease make 190sK. Nobody starts there, they start like I did at 21K, but you have to pay for the savvy and relationships if you want to launch successfully. I've watched inferior drugs out sell superior ones. I've watched superior ones not maximize their sales potential You have to pay for hunters!

Agreed. I was very interested until I saw the base salary. If they aren’t hiring people with relationships existing , they will fail. Anyone with solid hem experience that takes that low of a salary is running from something.

How many months/years do you think this GBT position will last before it either folds or the company is acquired? Like others, this opportunity would represent a significant bump in pay for me coming from big pharma, but my current territory is enviably small and I've long been established there with safer call points socioeconomically. What percentage increase in pay would make it worthwhile for you to risk your life in the ghetto each day for a risky start-up?

How many months/years do you think this GBT position will last before it either folds or the company is acquired? Like others, this opportunity would represent a significant bump in pay for me coming from big pharma, but my current territory is enviably small and I've long been established there with safer call points socioeconomically. What percentage increase in pay would make it worthwhile for you to risk your life in the ghetto each day for a risky start-up?
They can’t ask for current salary. It’s not about % increase. Name your’s that simple. If you get an offer, the balls in your court. BUT you need to get the offer first, then you can evaluate the opportunity.

Some managers with NO hematology experience are discrediting proven talent with no hematology experience. Most in leadership team know hematology is not a definite need, however some leaders especially in large markets are requesting only people with hematology experience. The second wave of hiring is what I find most interesting, the rep salesforce size should be 45-60 MAX if you want your team to be productive and busy. Seems like their total sales force size will be 85-100. If you don’t have the key SCD treatment centers you will not have the bulk volume of business. It might be fun for a while getting hematologists that have refused to treat SCD to start treating with a new chronic therapy, but SCD patients are all over the place and typically pushed towards large urban treatment centers (Ex. Grady Memorial in Atlanta gets SCD patients from all over the metro area, and these patients have long established relationships with them, that system treats SCD with respect and understands the patient journey.) Expanding care beyond larger well established treatment centers will be key to success and maintaining the size of the salesforce. For rare disease the salesforce size and compensation is off, I think the company should be paying more money to a fewer number of reps. The drug is a standout amongst SCD competition and gene therapy sounds exciting, but managed care is NOT paying for gene therapy yet. Ask Novartis/AveXis how gene therapy is going...

Where did you hear they max out at 160 base? Base range is more like 120-140
They have been kind of cheap so far. Not impressed with the interview location. The accommodations were eh. Only allowed $50 per diem? WTH? Only $50 for taxi to airport?

If max salary is only $140 I will tell them to take this job and shove it. lol.

Nice group of managers and VPs etc but I see them being cheap and bonus? Will they even offer equity? It better be a lot of shares for that base salary.

They can’t ask for current salary. It’s not about % increase. Name your’s that simple. If you get an offer, the balls in your court. BUT you need to get the offer first, then you can evaluate the wopportunity.
They actually did ask current salary. Said they max out at 160K for higher than rep level, soo,,,,

I had phone screen with Midwest RD. I have 15 years of Hem/Onc experience, relationships galore, rare disease/orphan drug and specialty pharmacy experience. I’m currently at 140k base at a small biotech start-up. I have all of the skills for this position, but I am a white male. Didn’t jive with what they were looking for. Best of luck but I think race will play a big part in this hiring process.

I had phone screen with Midwest RD. I have 15 years of Hem/Onc experience, relationships galore, rare disease/orphan drug and specialty pharmacy experience. I’m currently at 140k base at a small biotech start-up. I have all of the skills for this position, but I am a white male. Didn’t jive with what they were looking for. Best of luck but I think race will play a big part in this hiring process.
Being a minority probably helps but not sure. I did great on the face to face a few weeks ago. Saw white people there for interview. lol