Global Blood Therapeutics

Being a minority probably helps but not sure. I did great on the face to face a few weeks ago. Saw white people there for interview. lol

Where are most with the process? Have managers at least made initial contacts? All went great with the recruiter part of interview, and getting through the process with multiple other opportunities right now, but recruiter for GBT is being non-responsive.

Moving quickly toward offers

As most if not all final f2f interviews have already been done in the past 4 weeks, but nobody has yet received any news on offers, and the start date was now pushed to Oct 2019.

Has anyone heard when offers will start to be made? Next week? Before or after Labor Day?

Any serious updates from people who have already been through their final f2f interviews will be much appreciated. Thanks

I had phone screen with Midwest RD. I have 15 years of Hem/Onc experience, relationships galore, rare disease/orphan drug and specialty pharmacy experience. I’m currently at 140k base at a small biotech start-up. I have all of the skills for this position, but I am a white male. Didn’t jive with what they were looking for. Best of luck but I think race will play a big part in this hiring process.
You sound entitled-no wonder. There may be more qualified candidates.

As most if not all final f2f interviews have already been done in the past 4 weeks, but nobody has yet received any news on offers, and the start date was now pushed to Oct 2019.

Has anyone heard when offers will start to be made? Next week? Before or after Labor Day?

Any serious updates from people who have already been through their final f2f interviews will be much appreciated. Thanks

Experiencing the same question-any updates from anyone?

How many months/years do you think this GBT position will last before it either folds or the company is acquired? Like others, this opportunity would represent a significant bump in pay for me coming from big pharma, but my current territory is enviably small and I've long been established there with safer call points socioeconomically. What percentage increase in pay would make it worthwhile for you to risk your life in the ghetto each day for a risky start-up?

How many months/years do you think this GBT position will last before it either folds or the company is acquired? Like others, this opportunity would represent a significant bump in pay for me coming from big pharma, but my current territory is enviably small and I've long been established there with safer call points socioeconomically. What percentage increase in pay would make it worthwhile for you to risk your life in the ghetto each day for a risky start-up?

How many months/years do you think this GBT position will last before it either folds or the company is acquired? Like others, this opportunity would represent a significant bump in pay for me coming from big pharma, but my current territory is enviably small and I've long been established there with safer call points socioeconomically. What percentage increase in pay would make it worthwhile for you to risk your life in the ghetto each day for a risky start-up?
Why would the company risk its economic standing hiring someone like you who has failed to earn a higher income in sales, and with your attitude? Startups need leaders. You don’t know the call points, yet you want them to grant you a significant bump in pay? Nothing you said makes sense. The stock price has been stable and ipo sound for pre-commercial stage for its peer group. Senior management is respected. Many of the centers are housed at academic medical centers. Many of the patients and the physicians who treat them likely come from a higher socioeconomic group than you do. Those who don’t need excellent medical care as well. They don’t need someone who doesn’t bring value or risk patient safety through indifference. Why not apply somewhere else that is a better fit?

Experiencing the same question-any updates from anyone?

I am also waiting for any news. It’s been a month since my final interview in person. Have not heard anything but the start date changing.

Does anyone have any news? Please share if you have any updates as many of us are on the same boat waiting.

Why would the company risk its economic standing hiring someone like you who has failed to earn a higher income in sales, and with your attitude? Startups need leaders. You don’t know the call points, yet you want them to grant you a significant bump in pay? Nothing you said makes sense. The stock price has been stable and ipo sound for pre-commercial stage for its peer group. Senior management is respected. Many of the centers are housed at academic medical centers. Many of the patients and the physicians who treat them likely come from a higher socioeconomic group than you do. Those who don’t need excellent medical care as well. They don’t need someone who doesn’t bring value or risk patient safety through indifference. Why not apply somewhere else that is a better fit?
You both should prob rethink your decision to come to GBT. This sell needs to be more than about the money. These Sickle Cell patients deserve more. As for not making more in the big pharma world as you post above.... some people don't make their decisions based on money alone. Oncology for example..... in my area/states... the access is worse than any other specialty. It's a joke. These reps get paid well and basically fake calls to meet metric. ANYBODY can do that. That is not worth the money in my book. By all means do what makes you happy but that in no way serves the patients well and in many cases doesn't serve your own soul well either. That's for damn sure.

I know CP is rarely the best resource for real information, but wish people on this website would stop giving out philosophical advice, and just stay with topic at hand.

I am sure there are many caring reps who applied to theses positions wanting to help patients, but are just looking for any news on the final interview results.

Does anyone who completed final interviews know when decisions will be made to contact the final candidates?

Real informational responses NOT philosophical advice!

I am also waiting for any news. It’s been a month since my final interview in person. Have not heard anything but the start date changing.

Does anyone have any news? Please share if you have any updates as many of us are on the same boat waiting.
Talked to the recruiter. Upper mgt was interviewing for other positions within gbt and traveling recently. Should hear something soon.

You both should prob rethink your decision to come to GBT. This sell needs to be more than about the money. These Sickle Cell patients deserve more. As for not making more in the big pharma world as you post above.... some people don't make their decisions based on money alone. Oncology for example..... in my area/states... the access is worse than any other specialty. It's a joke. These reps get paid well and basically fake calls to meet metric. ANYBODY can do that. That is not worth the money in my book. By all means do what makes you happy but that in no way serves the patients well and in many cases doesn't serve your own soul well either. That's for damn sure.

This is funny. You are a pharmaceutical sales rep, not a trauma surgeon. Hahaha get over yourself and go back to school, learn a new "lifesaving" skill, and then circle back.

Talked to the recruiter. Upper mgt was interviewing for other positions within gbt and traveling recently. Should hear something soon.

Thanks for putting up what sounds like a real update as it does take a while to interview candidates for 60+ positions within the company.

In my past experience with large hiring events, nobody will be extended an offer until all sales positions have been interviewed for, and there are still a few interviews being conducted, so there are NO offers made today.

I am sure there will be many TROLLS coming on this company page in the next couple of days bragging about offers that are not extended yet, but I can hope that real offers will be made soon, and if anyone really knows when that is to hopefully share the REAL dates.

Thanks for putting up what sounds like a real update as it does take a while to interview candidates for 60+ positions within the company.

In my past experience with large hiring events, nobody will be extended an offer until all sales positions have been interviewed for, and there are still a few interviews being conducted, so there are NO offers made today.

I am sure there will be many TROLLS coming on this company page in the next couple of days bragging about offers that are not extended yet, but I can hope that real offers will be made soon, and if anyone really knows when that is to hopefully share the REAL dates.

There were offers today, pending fda approval of course. Start October 1. Why would I make this up? Good luck to all. Pretty generous offer in equity for reps.

Thanks for putting up what sounds like a real update as it does take a while to interview candidates for 60+ positions within the company.

In my past experience with large hiring events, nobody will be extended an offer until all sales positions have been interviewed for, and there are still a few interviews being conducted, so there are NO offers made today.

I am sure there will be many TROLLS coming on this company page in the next couple of days bragging about offers that are not extended yet, but I can hope that real offers will be made soon, and if anyone really knows when that is to hopefully share the REAL dates.

If you are in good with the regional director you should hear today or tomorrow from HR. Salary is a little low but stock makes up for it.