Gilead forcing us to get Vax with drug that does work

Bye bye then w no severance for fraud as every Pharmacist & doc who gives vax has to turn in your name & info

Your stupid not know basic 101
Your a genius - Did they at the beginning? Did they at fair’s, concerts, etc? Could they have made a mistake? Is Gilead going to spend millions to verify everyone’s cards? Trust me, the untaxed are all around you. Your only safe space is masked, in your basement.

Your a genius - Did they at the beginning? Did they at fair’s, concerts, etc? Could they have made a mistake? Is Gilead going to spend millions to verify everyone’s cards? Trust me, the untaxed are all around you. Your only safe space is masked, in your basement.
How did you get hired.
After every shot, end of day they log into EMR type system. All vax cards are logged.
Ask ANY pharmacist, doc or clinic.
You are S for brains & deserve to be fired goober...... also criminally as its a felon to make or use fake cards.
Might as well not get vax & get another job to keep clean non fraud record.

Lol you don’t even need to take the vax. That hippie bitch ass training manager Keith Carey over at kite refuses to take it and they’re actually accommodating him so he can hire more girls to get his perv on

How did you get hired.
After every shot, end of day they log into EMR type system. All vax cards are logged.
Ask ANY pharmacist, doc or clinic.
You are S for brains & deserve to be fired goober...... also criminally as its a felon to make or use fake cards.
Might as well not get vax & get another job to keep clean non fraud record.
Catch Me if You Can!

They are doing this partly because they are forcing people to go back into the office. That's going to blow up on them. There are a lot of other companies that allow most of their people to work remote. People will go work for them. I already know people who have left or are looking. We are going to hemorrhage employees!

I got the 2 shot Pfizer 5 months ago & my antibody tests now show zero levels.
Like hell if I am taking a 3rd in 6 months.
What idiot decision for our administration to force a vax that doesnt even last 5 months... & for Gilead to enforce that is abuse & negligence

Why the mandate? But you get to decide that others get COVID, huh? You’re right! It was my choice to choose life. You’re choosing to gamble which is YOUR choice. Your choices don’t give you the right to give others COVID. Period! Btw, “the jab” was to prevent hospitalization and death. The problem is you’re only considering the choice you have with your body and you don’t give a damn about the implications of your choices for the bodies of others. It’s not just about you! Cuz you choose to risk your life doesn’t entitle you to the right to pass along COVID when you catch it. You’ve not provided ONE valid point as to why you won’t get vaccinated. Not one! Because it’s your choice doesn’t suffice as a legitimate reason. Every decision we make in life is “our” choice but life teaches us that there are consequences to our choices. Remember, when you’re about to be intubated or put on a ventilator it’s too late for the vaccine so don’t beg for it if that time comes.

AMEN! we have lived a life where vaccines have been mandated to attend school. There has been a history of people questioning science., the government and now we enter a WORLDWIDE pandemic… GLOBAL thought leader’s joined resources and made a covid vs cone out of a very thorough studied SARS/MERS vaccine. There are numerous studies showing the hospitalization rates after vaccination are 90% UNVACCINATED. immune compromised people may not have the same immunity to vaccination as others. Your system once it gets exposed has to build up memory b and t cells to fight the virus. If you are weak or obese or have an underlying condition sadly yes people continue to die. So while yoi collected a paycheck staying home for the past 11/2-2 years think about this… it was your choice, you work for a science industry. Gilead created a drug during the pandemic. You work for a company that pays you to have scientific beliefs and be able to see through political conspiracy theories. But… What’s even sadder is you don’t wonder what you put into your body or question that when you are drinking daily and smoking pot or getting botox or fake implants or whatever toxins that fill your body.

yu know people that got the vaccine and then got sick… within weeks… well guess what- do you think there is ANY chance they would’ve gotten sick and been hospitalized without being vaccinated or is it normal to blame everything on a vaccine? “SOME” people can not get the vaccine if they have immune deficiency’s but the majority of us can handle a sore arm and chills for 12 hours to protect… countless loves could have been saved. Enjoy the beach and conspiracys and be selfish FLORIDA, TEXAS, Southeast. It’s ridiculous what you’ve done. Disgraceful and ignorant. Just because you got covid once and it didn’t do anything to you you can’t dictate life to everyone.
My 90 year old grandma has been fine stop being so irresponsible!

I got the 2 shot Pfizer 5 months ago & my antibody tests now show zero levels.
Like hell if I am taking a 3rd in 6 months.
What idiot decision for our administration to force a vax that doesnt even last 5 months... & for Gilead to enforce that is abuse & negligence
Brain wizard that is called memory b and t cells!!! When you get exposed your body makes them to fight the virus thats why you could be sick for a couple days when you get exposed but… your vaccine memory will trigger defenses to fight the virus. Hopefully you are young and healthy. They don’t know what titer level you need for most vaccines and antibodies wane over time. The important thing is being able to produce b and t cells when you get exposed.

I got the 2 shot Pfizer 5 months ago & my antibody tests now show zero levels.
Like hell if I am taking a 3rd in 6 months.
What idiot decision for our administration to force a vax that doesnt even last 5 months... & for Gilead to enforce that is abuse & negligence
Get the moderna booster snd if you’re young with no conditions wait until they say to get one. Anyone over 18 can choose to get a booster but right now its 65+ with immune conditions