Geoff needs to go

Hiring meatheads works for Stryker.

Remember the analyst call where GM spent all that time bragging about his crack Sr leadership team? Trying to defuse the investor doubt in their abilities after several years in the rough - now we see the rehabilitation continues - being regularly in meeings with Laura Mauri I can say I dont think she's ever advances a single innovation here, her contributions are mostly to demean project teams and question their competence - but they want the street to think shes the heir to Oesterle even though he was a mixed bag. Expect to see more glowing self congratulatory testimonials for the rest of ExCom as they try to paint themsevels the saviors of this foundering ship that they drove into the rocks. What does vegas say about GM lasting the rest of FY24?

Hiring meatheads works for Stryker.

The differences are that Stryker has (1) a competent CEO who knows what he's doing and (2) a vigilant Board that gives a sh*t. In the 9 years since the date of the Covidien acquisition closing, Geoff's most trumpeted "success", MDT is up 16% and SYK is up 220%. It is possible that MDT over paid for COV

The closing stock price the day Geoff Martha became CEO of Medtronic was $100.76. Yesterday’s close was $83.06. That is not an increase, folks. That is lost shareholder value. Lost confidence. Lost market share. Everyone keeps saying Geoff needs to go. How can we make it happen and who would replace him?

The closing stock price the day Geoff Martha became CEO of Medtronic was $100.76. Yesterday’s close was $83.06. That is not an increase, folks. That is lost shareholder value. Lost confidence. Lost market share. Everyone keeps saying Geoff needs to go. How can we make it happen and who would replace him?

Write a letter to the board. Vote with your shares. Track the corporate jet for a while and see where it goes....

The closing stock price the day Geoff Martha became CEO of Medtronic was $100.76. Yesterday’s close was $83.06. That is not an increase, folks. That is lost shareholder value. Lost confidence. Lost market share. Everyone keeps saying Geoff needs to go. How can we make it happen and who would replace him?
Not only is the stock price lower after Geoff, but they have also devalued the company by divesting out divisions that Geoff overpaid for in the first place.

What used to be a 200B market cap company (MDT and COV combined) is now devalued by half - and Geoff has proceeded to sell off a bunch of divisions that he originally advocated for when putting his Covidien scam...I mean deal, together and scheming with that POS Omar to take over after his departure. It's crazy that this talentless hack has lasted this long but I guess blowing the right d*ck has its advantages. Well done Geoff!

Not only is the stock price lower after Geoff, but they have also devalued the company by divesting out divisions that Geoff overpaid for in the first place.

What used to be a 200B market cap company (MDT and COV combined) is now devalued by half - and Geoff has proceeded to sell off a bunch of divisions that he originally advocated for when putting his Covidien scam...I mean deal, together and scheming with that POS Omar to take over after his departure. It's crazy that this talentless hack has lasted this long but I guess blowing the right d*ck has its advantages. Well done Geoff!

Any successes happening now are the result of “old medtronic” projects and leaders, non of Geoff’s purchases or the yes men/women he’s hired. Do you think he realizes this? Yep. But he’ll never come close to acknowledging it. Still heaping the blame game on anyone who has been here for more than 10 years. Sad what he’s done to the culture in a short time.

Hiring meatheads works for Stryker.
I guess it depends on the strength, tenure, and talent of the local MDT representation. In my area, Stryker gave up several years ago after burning through 3 of these meathead types. Lots of tribal arm tattoos, lifted Silverado’s, ex military, etc…. Goes to show, pay for talent and keep the wolves at bay.

Look at the stock price since the earnings call. All Medtech companies up, MDT down. Earnings and growth below market. Even after taking earnings up, which was just typical q3 tactic, there is no momentum. Key drivers touted like Hugo, nothing. And pulling back on monitoring sale was just that no one wanted it. No confidence in the continued spin machine vs real medcial leadership.

Get used to it... Geoff is going nowhere. Too many people are too comfortable cashing out while they can. They watch him make a killing of an income while the company is failing, and they're doing the same. They've all decided they don't give a damn and are happy to bleed the company dry for as long as they can. A totally inept leader was their golden opportunity.

And I do mean him, the board, and the LT. None of them actually care about the future of Medtronic.