Geoff needs to go

A lot of the problems at Medtronic, the deep distrust of spending on engineering "quality" comes right from the top and David Calhoun was on the board for a long time... he's the current Boeing CEO stepping down in disgrace after leading that once great company into its current culture of failure. His voice was loud when he at Medtronic and he colored their view- and the impacts on Medronic have been long term.

Medtronic is a monument to the obviously insane yet somehow still-fashionable idea that it's smarter to make money off mergers and downsizing and financial games than by building real things for real people. An idea taught at GE and still infecting many corporations. Don't forget that the Medtronic Board has 4 people from GE on it, either current or former employees.

A lot of the problems at Medtronic, the deep distrust of spending on engineering "quality" comes right from the top and David Calhoun was on the board for a long time... he's the current Boeing CEO stepping down in disgrace after leading that once great company into its current culture of failure. His voice was loud when he at Medtronic and he colored their view- and the impacts on Medronic have been long term.

Funny, the wheels and doors are falling off of Medtronic too.. coincidence?

I get it, but honstly I don't know if Neuro even cracks top 5

1- Ops re-organization including Wal-Mart leadership
2- Mazor purchase (>$1B)
3 - Throwing all our R&D after Hugo (>$1B)
4 - Bungled PM/Vent spin-off (>$7B)
5 - Shut down Heartware vs fix (>$1B)
6 - Putting Brett Wall in charge of anything
7 - Keeping KP

too depressing. time to stop.

Great list - spot on. And Brett Wall - WTF is with that guy?

Please explain why GM is still the CEO of Medtronic?

The real question is why you are not more grateful that Geoff Martha is firmly establishing Medtronic as the undisputed global leader in healthcare technology. You clearly have no clue that as chairman and CEO, Geoff leads the $30 billion company and its 90,000 employees in pursuit of fulfilling the Medtronic Mission to use technology to improve human welfare. Why don't you appreciate that he is recognized as one of healthcare’s most driven and innovative executives — ranking in Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare in 2020 and listed as the #1 CEO in healthcare technology by the Healthcare Technology Report in 2021.

The real question is why you are not more grateful that Geoff Martha is firmly establishing Medtronic as the undisputed global leader in healthcare technology. You clearly have no clue that as chairman and CEO, Geoff leads the $30 billion company and its 90,000 employees in pursuit of fulfilling the Medtronic Mission to use technology to improve human welfare. Why don't you appreciate that he is recognized as one of healthcare’s most driven and innovative executives — ranking in Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare in 2020 and listed as the #1 CEO in healthcare technology by the Healthcare Technology Report in 2021.
Thanks, Geoff

The real question is why you are not more grateful that Geoff Martha is firmly establishing Medtronic as the undisputed global leader in healthcare technology. You clearly have no clue that as chairman and CEO, Geoff leads the $30 billion company and its 90,000 employees in pursuit of fulfilling the Medtronic Mission to use technology to improve human welfare. Why don't you appreciate that he is recognized as one of healthcare’s most driven and innovative executives — ranking in Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare in 2020 and listed as the #1 CEO in healthcare technology by the Healthcare Technology Report in 2021.

Should I be grateful for a stock price that has gone nowhere since he took over? Or are you saying we should all bow to him for all the value destroyed? Oh wait, you are joking, never mind

It has come to my attention that Medtronic is ending the Summer Hours program that gave employees flexibility to take Friday afternoons off in the summer. I fully applaud this - Summer Hours was always a repressive and racist program geared at favoring rich, white employee with cabins and vacation homes over blue collar and factory workers. Eliminating this program is a win for equity and will go down as a key DEI achievement for Medtronic!

Thank you Geoff!

It has come to my attention that Medtronic is ending the Summer Hours program that gave employees flexibility to take Friday afternoons off in the summer. I fully applaud this - Summer Hours was always a repressive and racist program geared at favoring rich, white employee with cabins and vacation homes over blue collar and factory workers. Eliminating this program is a win for equity and will go down as a key DEI achievement for Medtronic!

Thank you Geoff!

*Thank you for your message. It is Friday and Geoff is at his cabin. He may or may not return your call. He gets paid his full salary + bonus + equity regardless of how much he runs the company into the ground.*

We have see enough of this lightweigth woke loser. The board had a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to fire him.

Mike Mahoney of Boston Scientific has shown us what a great CEO could have done for our company.

We have see enough of this lightweigth woke loser. The board had a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to fire him.

Mike Mahoney of Boston Scientific has shown us what a great CEO could have done for our company.

The board is the problem. They are either spineless, evil, or just grossly negligent. I think they just enjoy collecting the board member salaries, to be honest. That's a multi-million dollar a year board seat payment.

Wild that this post was started 2 years ago and here we are. Geoff isn't going anywhere until Medtronic ends up broken up or acquired.

We have see enough of this lightweigth woke loser. The board had a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to fire him.

Mike Mahoney of Boston Scientific has shown us what a great CEO could have done for our company.

Geoff knows exactly what he’s doing. With the stock price so low, he’s accruing long term equity (options, RSUs, ESPP) at bargain basement strike prices. Personally he stands to profit handsomely when he is fired with a large severance package - he’ll make out like a bandit in the years that follow once a competent CEO takes over and the stock price recovers. The Board has the exact same incentives

This entire company can go to hell. My few years with Medtronic was the worst experience of my entire career. Endless back orders, absolutely no help or even general support, when you do finally get a hold of somebody they live in India and barely speak English. This company sucks at every aspect of efficiency. From billing to inventory to HR, every division within Medtronic takes 3-4 times longer than any other company and odds are you won’t receive anything other than some fucking dude named Abu trying to walk you through some bullshit IT ticket. Fuck Medtronic and their woke discriminatory practices.

How many times can Geoff and Karen bs an earnings call? The stick reaction speaks for it all. We are worth less years later after GM took over. The transformation has happened and here we are. Simple question Board, are stock holders be off since you appointed him? If yes, march on. If not do your job. Or put a real CFO in to manage him.

It’s the GE magic at work yet again. Nobody does care

Geoff just needs to replace 4, maybe 5 more senior leaders who have lots of med device experience with some newcomers to the industry who can get us to "think differently" and "not get stuck in the past" and then just you watch and see the stock price will soar as we engineer the extrordinary and blow the competition out of the water. Oh and they also have to be able to say "Yes" to him enthusiastically and frequently.