Geoff needs to go

He was completely unqualified. For whatever reason, Omar was a big fan and this was his succession plan all along. His big claim to fame was spearheading the Covidian acquisition that has turned out to be a disaster. The biggest medical device company in the world deserves a qualified CEO irrespective or gender or race. Geoff is in way over his head and no one here has any confidence in him.

The CEO is a white male. Unqualified and hired based on his skin color and gender rather than work accomplishments. Everyone needs to wake up to this.

If you’re going to b*tch about diversity hires and how being hired based on skin color destroys orgs, we must look at the longest running diversity hires out there who’ve gotten the most undeserved roles in corporate America history: white males. Example: Geoff Martin. It starts at the top y’all. And if you refuse to acknowledge it, then your entire argument is null and void.

If you’re going to b*tch about diversity hires and how being hired based on skin color destroys orgs, we must look at the longest running diversity hires out there who’ve gotten the most undeserved roles in corporate America history: white males. Example: Geoff Martin. It starts at the top y’all. And if you refuse to acknowledge it, then your entire argument is null and void.

if you’re gonna troll, try and spell Martha’s name correctly.

Bottom line is that all med tech is down and the market is punishing us the same as everyone

Wrong. People please get your facts straight.

over the last 5 years here are the facts…

Stryker has gone from170-270
Boston Sci has gone from 37-51
MDT…well friend…. 94-73

I dare say there is one here that doesn’t look like the others…

I remember Douchbag Geoff’s public outrage over the wrongful death of the career criminal George Floyd. Where is the same outrage over the heinous murders, rapes, and kidnapping of innocent civilians in Israel?

Such a fake, woke, virtual signaler.

They spoke out against it. Stop injecting your hillbilly political views into everything.

Remember Geoff lecturing us about being more competitive and how we have to learn (from him) what it takes to gain market share and not lose it? Like we were all a bunch of idiots.

he is absolutely getting his ass kicked by his CEO peers. I have heard from numerous customers how impressed they are with some of the CEOs from our competitors. They think Geoff is an arrogant empty suit.

how the F does the best medical device company in the world hire this light weight to lead us?

the stock price is his objective scorecard and he gets an F

I remember watching Geoff, when he was the RTG president, strut around the stage at GSM with hubris.

Glad I left. Funny he didn't change.

And now you’re at Abbott doing the same thing he does but at a much smaller scale. And you get paid 1/30th of what Geoff makes. Haha! It is funny. Glad you left, also!

How does clown CEO Geoff Martha manage to fuck up even the Holiday Party. Gets all bent out of shape because he can’t read a teleprompter. Why not speak from the heart? Oh… forgot he doesn’t have one, or a soul, or a conscious or a clue. When will the board wise up and cut out this cancer that is killing this iconic company. We deserve better and so do patients, customers and stock holders!

How does clown CEO Geoff Martha manage to fuck up even the Holiday Party. Gets all bent out of shape because he can’t read a teleprompter. Why not speak from the heart? Oh… forgot he doesn’t have one, or a soul, or a conscious or a clue. When will the board wise up and cut out this cancer that is killing this iconic company. We deserve better and so do patients, customers and stock holders!

That sounds fun. For those of us lucky enough to leave the company awhile ago, care to share what happened? I admit the surge of #MDTProud LinkedIn posts with Geoff and Brett made me nauseous. Who knew social media doesn’t tell the whole story?!

Say what you will about Geoff but he is a PSU soldier and was a hockey gladiator nonetheless. Did you play a D1 contact sport? Just saying, the man is a competitor and sorry if he bruised your ego but you couldn’t last a minute in his world.

Say what you will about Geoff but he is a PSU soldier and was a hockey gladiator nonetheless. Did you play a D1 contact sport? Just saying, the man is a competitor and sorry if he bruised your ego but you couldn’t last a minute in his world.

Hockey was a club sport when he was there & not D1 as you state incorrectly.

Say what you will about Geoff but he is a PSU soldier and was a hockey gladiator nonetheless. Did you play a D1 contact sport? Just saying, the man is a competitor and sorry if he bruised your ego but you couldn’t last a minute in his world.
Oh absolutely, Geoff is a legend in his own lunchtime! Playing D1 hockey at PSU two decades ago? That's like being a knight at King Arthur's Round Table, except with less armor and more ice. I mean, who else can boast about slap shots and body checks from the era when flip phones were cutting edge? And you're right, I couldn't last a minute in his world – mainly because I struggle to find a VHS player to watch his highlight reel. Sorry for not recognizing the sheer athletic prowess it takes to reminisce about the glory days while probably struggling to find matching socks. Hats off to Geoff, the once and forever rink warrior!

Say what you will about Geoff but he is a PSU soldier and was a hockey gladiator nonetheless. Did you play a D1 contact sport? Just saying, the man is a competitor and sorry if he bruised your ego but you couldn’t last a minute in his world.

And here is the meat head mentality that has truly brought Medtronic to its knees. Just because one can slap shot a piece of rubber has nothing to do with ones business acumen, and as we can see it usually means the opposite. Please stop hiring these fools. The person who wrote this previous post is stuck in 10th grade in 1993 gawking at the sweet new Mustang 5.0 at the local Ford lot while chasing skirt around town jamming out to that sweet new CD from Shaq. Get a life bud, or at least do us all a favor and leave med device, please… your kind is killing this industry.