
Lance cried to LM knowing he is unemployable based on lack of ethics egotistical behavior One of the biggest liars in the company along with the top but for some reason his schmoozing seems to be impressive. ICAIRe values ?! lets reward someone for breaking each one of those who never really worked and for two years rides on an account that is ALL mediCAL Great example setting meanwhile others laid off others sit on furlough and reduced pay Sickening

Lance cried to LM knowing he is unemployable based on lack of ethics egotistical behavior One of the biggest liars in the company along with the top but for some reason his schmoozing seems to be impressive. ICAIRe values ?! lets reward someone for breaking each one of those who never really worked and for two years rides on an account that is ALL mediCAL Great example setting meanwhile others laid off others sit on furlough and reduced pay Sickening
LM can’t admit when she hires losers and has run off her good reps! How this Lance guy is getting away with murder is beyond me! Clearly GM is desperate to keep heads on the dole and isn’t concerned with quality reps! What a disgusting shame! You all need to get out ASAP!

LM is a bad leader, no way around it. She is running the sales force into the ground. Also, Lance is a LOSER. That’s all. Thanks.[/QUOTE
How many sales reps are left? We went from almost 50 to a dozen in a year. That says it all! Anyone who is left is looking to leave as soon as they can land a better gig.

No dog in the fight, just an outside observer - Looks to be a fantastic product with actionable panels (cost & coverage aside). I would hope prescribing physicians utilize this type of testing in combination with their prescribing habits - I know I would if I were a patient.

No dog in the fight, just an outside observer - Looks to be a fantastic product with actionable panels (cost & coverage aside). I would hope prescribing physicians utilize this type of testing in combination with their prescribing habits - I know I would if I were a patient.
Outside observer on Genomind-specific thread? Just stumbled on to this? Yeah right. F*ck Off Loser

Ding Dong the Witch is DEAD!!! Finally Laura Miles was FIRED!!!! Best NEWS EVA! Not sure when this company will go away but at least some of us an sleep peacefully knowing she got her DUE!

Does this have anything to do with the shitstorm Genotox has going on? Sister company?
Has nothing to do with that sh*t tox company. Genomind is a great technology and product with poor leadership. It's only real chance for survival is to get swooped up like Genesight did by Myriad. Probable, but highly unlikely.